12 research outputs found

    Live Broadcasting of High Definition Audiovisual Content Using HDTV over Broadband IP Networks

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    The current paper focuses on validating an implementation of a state-of-the art audiovisual (AV) technologies setup for live broadcasting of cultural shows, via broadband Internet. The main objective of the work was to study, configure, and setup dedicated audio-video equipment for the processes of capturing, processing, and transmission of extended resolution and high fidelity AV content in order to increase realism and achieve maximum audience sensation. Internet2 and GEANT broadband telecommunication networks were selected as the most applicable technology to deliver such traffic workloads. Validation procedures were conducted in combination with metric-based quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) evaluation experiments for the quantification and the perceptual interpretation of the quality achieved during content reproduction. The implemented system was successfully applied in real-world applications, such as the transmission of cultural events from Thessaloniki Concert Hall throughout Greece as well as the reproduction of Philadelphia Orchestra performances (USA) via Internet2 and GEANT backbones

    A Computational Model Of The Intelligibility Of American Sign Language Video And Video Coding Applications

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    Real-time, two-way transmission of American Sign Language (ASL) video over cellular networks provides natural communication among members of the Deaf community. Bandwidth restrictions on cellular networks and limited computational power on cellular devices necessitate the use of advanced video coding techniques designed explicitly for ASL video. As a communication tool, compressed ASL video must be evaluated according to the intelligibility of the conversation, not according to conventional definitions of video quality. The intelligibility evaluation can either be performed using human subjects participating in perceptual experiments or using computational models suitable for ASL video. This dissertation addresses each of these issues in turn, presenting a computational model of the intelligibility of ASL video, which is demonstrated to be accurate with respect to true intelligibility ratings as provided by human subjects. The computational model affords the development of video compression techniques that are optimized for ASL video. Guided by linguistic principles and human perception of ASL, this dissertation presents a full-reference computational model of intelligibility for ASL (CIM-ASL) that is suitable for evaluating compressed ASL video. The CIM-ASL measures distortions only in regions relevant for ASL communication, using spatial and temporal pooling mechanisms that vary the contribution of distortions according to their relative impact on the intelligibility of the compressed video. The model is trained and evaluated using ground truth experimental data, collected in three separate perceptual studies. The CIM-ASL provides accurate estimates of subjective intelligibility and demonstrates statistically significant improvements over computational models traditionally used to estimate video quality. The CIM-ASL is incorporated into an H.264/AVC compliant video coding framework, creating a closed-loop encoding system optimized explicitly for ASL intelligibility. This intelligibility optimized coder achieves bitrate reductions between 10% and 42% without reducing intelligibility, when compared to a general purpose H.264/AVC encoder. The intelligibility optimized encoder is refined by introducing reduced complexity encoding modes, which yield a 16% improvement in encoding speed. The purpose of the intelligibility optimized encoder is to generate video that is suitable for real-time ASL communication. Ultimately, the preferences of ASL users determine the success of the intelligibility optimized coder. User preferences are explicitly evaluated in a perceptual experiment in which ASL users select between the intelligibility optimized coder and a general purpose video coder. The results of this experiment demonstrate that the preferences vary depending on the demographics of the participants and that a significant proportion of users prefer the intelligibility optimized coder

    QoE Enhancement for Stereoscopic 3DVideo Quality Based on Depth and Color Transmission over IP Networks: A Review

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    In this review paper we focus on the enhancement of Quality of Experience (QoE) for stereoscopic 3D video based on depth information. We focus on stereoscopic video format because it takes less bandwidth than other format when 3D video is transmitted over an error channel but it is easily affected by the network parameters such as packets loss, delay and jitter. The packet loss on 3D video has more impact in the depth information than other 3D video factors such as comfort, motion, disparity and discomfort. The packet loss on depth information causes undesired effect on color and depth maps. Therefore, in order to minimize quality degradation, the application of frame loss concealment technique is preferred. This technique is expected to improve the QoE for end users. In this paper we will also review 3D video factors and their challenges, methods of measuring the QOE, algorithms used for packets loss recovery.

    Quality of experience in digital mobile multimedia services

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    People like to consume multimedia content on mobile devices. Mobile networks can deliver mobile TV services but they require large infrastructural investments and their operators need to make trade-offs to design worthwhile experiences. The approximation of how users experience networked services has shifted from the inadequate packet level Quality of Service (QoS) to the user perceived Quality of Experience (QoE) that includes content, user context and their expectations. However, QoE is lacking concrete operationalizations for the visual experience of content on small, sub-TV resolution screens displaying transcoded TV content at low bitrates. The contribution of my thesis includes both substantive and methodological results on which factors contribute to the QoE in mobile multimedia services and how. I utilised a mix of methods in both lab and field settings to assess the visual experience of multimedia content on mobile devices. This included qualitative elicitation techniques such as 14 focus groups and 75 hours of debrief interviews in six experimental studies. 343 participants watched 140 hours of realistic TV content and provided feedback through quantitative measures such as acceptability, preferences and eye-tracking. My substantive findings on the effects of size, resolution, text quality and shot types can improve multimedia models. My substantive findings show that people want to watch mobile TV at a relative size (at least 4cm of screen height) similar to living room TV setups. In order to achieve these sizes at 35cm viewing distance users require at least QCIF resolution and are willing to scale it to a much lower angular resolution (12ppd) then what video quality research has found to be the best visual quality (35ppd). My methodological findings suggest that future multimedia QoE research should use a mixed methods approach including qualitative feedback and viewing ratios akin to living room setups to meet QoE’s ambitious scope

    Schémas de tatouage d'images, schémas de tatouage conjoint à la compression, et schémas de dissimulation de données

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    In this manuscript we address data-hiding in images and videos. Specifically we address robust watermarking for images, robust watermarking jointly with compression, and finally non robust data-hiding.The first part of the manuscript deals with high-rate robust watermarking. After having briefly recalled the concept of informed watermarking, we study the two major watermarking families : trellis-based watermarking and quantized-based watermarking. We propose, firstly to reduce the computational complexity of the trellis-based watermarking, with a rotation based embedding, and secondly to introduce a trellis-based quantization in a watermarking system based on quantization.The second part of the manuscript addresses the problem of watermarking jointly with a JPEG2000 compression step or an H.264 compression step. The quantization step and the watermarking step are achieved simultaneously, so that these two steps do not fight against each other. Watermarking in JPEG2000 is achieved by using the trellis quantization from the part 2 of the standard. Watermarking in H.264 is performed on the fly, after the quantization stage, choosing the best prediction through the process of rate-distortion optimization. We also propose to integrate a Tardos code to build an application for traitors tracing.The last part of the manuscript describes the different mechanisms of color hiding in a grayscale image. We propose two approaches based on hiding a color palette in its index image. The first approach relies on the optimization of an energetic function to get a decomposition of the color image allowing an easy embedding. The second approach consists in quickly obtaining a color palette of larger size and then in embedding it in a reversible way.Dans ce manuscrit nous abordons l’insertion de données dans les images et les vidéos. Plus particulièrement nous traitons du tatouage robuste dans les images, du tatouage robuste conjointement à la compression et enfin de l’insertion de données (non robuste).La première partie du manuscrit traite du tatouage robuste à haute capacité. Après avoir brièvement rappelé le concept de tatouage informé, nous étudions les deux principales familles de tatouage : le tatouage basé treillis et le tatouage basé quantification. Nous proposons d’une part de réduire la complexité calculatoire du tatouage basé treillis par une approche d’insertion par rotation, ainsi que d’autre part d’introduire une approche par quantification basée treillis au seind’un système de tatouage basé quantification.La deuxième partie du manuscrit aborde la problématique de tatouage conjointement à la phase de compression par JPEG2000 ou par H.264. L’idée consiste à faire en même temps l’étape de quantification et l’étape de tatouage, de sorte que ces deux étapes ne « luttent pas » l’une contre l’autre. Le tatouage au sein de JPEG2000 est effectué en détournant l’utilisation de la quantification basée treillis de la partie 2 du standard. Le tatouage au sein de H.264 est effectué à la volée, après la phase de quantification, en choisissant la meilleure prédiction via le processus d’optimisation débit-distorsion. Nous proposons également d’intégrer un code de Tardos pour construire une application de traçage de traîtres.La dernière partie du manuscrit décrit les différents mécanismes de dissimulation d’une information couleur au sein d’une image en niveaux de gris. Nous proposons deux approches reposant sur la dissimulation d’une palette couleur dans son image d’index. La première approche consiste à modéliser le problème puis à l’optimiser afin d’avoir une bonne décomposition de l’image couleur ainsi qu’une insertion aisée. La seconde approche consiste à obtenir, de manière rapide et sûre, une palette de plus grande dimension puis à l’insérer de manière réversible

    Architectures for Adaptive Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    This Ph.D. thesis describes novel hardware/software architectures for adaptive low-power embedded multimedia systems. Novel techniques for run-time adaptive energy management are proposed, such that both HW & SW adapt together to react to the unpredictable scenarios. A complete power-aware H.264 video encoder was developed. Comparison with state-of-the-art demonstrates significant energy savings while meeting the performance constraint and keeping the video quality degradation unnoticeable