5,510 research outputs found

    Bilingual Word Spectral Clustering for Statistical Machine Translation

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    In this paper, a variant of a spectral clustering algorithm is proposed for bilingual word clustering. The proposed algorithm generates the two sets of clusters for both languages efficiently with high semantic correlation within monolingual clusters, and high translation quality across the clusters between two languages. Each cluster level translation is considered as a bilingual concept, which generalizes words in bilingual clusters. This scheme improves the robustness for statistical machine translation models. Two HMM-based translation models are tested to use these bilingual clusters. Improved perplexity, word alignment accuracy, and translation quality are observed in our experiments

    HMM word-to-phrase alignment with dependency constraints

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    In this paper, we extend the HMMwordto-phrase alignment model with syntactic dependency constraints. The syntactic dependencies between multiple words in one language are introduced into the model in a bid to produce coherent alignments. Our experimental results on a variety of Chinese–English data show that our syntactically constrained model can lead to as much as a 3.24% relative improvement in BLEU score over current HMM word-to-phrase alignment models on a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation system when the training data is small, and a comparable performance compared to IBM model 4 on a Hiero-style system with larger training data. An intrinsic alignment quality evaluation shows that our alignment model with dependency constraints leads to improvements in both precision (by 1.74% relative) and recall (by 1.75% relative) over the model without dependency information

    A three-pass system combination framework by combining multiple hypothesis alignment methods

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    So far, many effective hypothesis alignment metrics have been proposed and applied to the system combination, such as TER, HMM, ITER and IHMM. In addition, the Minimum Bayes-risk (MBR) decoding and the confusion network (CN) have become the state-of-the art techniques in system combination. In this paper, we present a three-pass system combination strategy that can combine hypothesis alignment results derived from different alignment metrics to generate a better translation. Firstly the different alignment metrics are carried out to align the backbone and hypotheses, and the individual CN is built corresponding to each alignment results; then we construct a super network by merging the multiple metric-based CN and generate a consensus output. Finally a modified consensus network MBR (ConMBR) approach is employed to search a best translation. Our proposed strategy out performs the best single CN as well as the best single system in our experiments on NIST Chinese-to-English test set

    An incremental three-pass system combination framework by combining multiple hypothesis alignment methods

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    System combination has been applied successfully to various machine translation tasks in recent years. As is known, the hypothesis alignment method is a critical factor for the translation quality of system combination. To date, many effective hypothesis alignment metrics have been proposed and applied to the system combination, such as TER, HMM, ITER, IHMM, and SSCI. In addition, Minimum Bayes-risk (MBR) decoding and confusion networks (CN) have become state-of-the-art techniques in system combination. In this paper, we examine different hypothesis alignment approaches and investigate how much the hypothesis alignment results impact on system combination, and finally present a three-pass system combination strategy that can combine hypothesis alignment results derived from multiple alignment metrics to generate a better translation. Firstly, these different alignment metrics are carried out to align the backbone and hypotheses, and the individual CNs are built corresponding to each set of alignment results; then we construct a ‘super network’ by merging the multiple metric-based CNs to generate a consensus output. Finally a modified MBR network approach is employed to find the best overall translation. Our proposed strategy outperforms the best single confusion network as well as the best single system in our experiments on the NIST Chinese-to-English test set and the WMT2009 English-to-French system combination shared test set

    Conditional Random Field Autoencoders for Unsupervised Structured Prediction

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    We introduce a framework for unsupervised learning of structured predictors with overlapping, global features. Each input's latent representation is predicted conditional on the observable data using a feature-rich conditional random field. Then a reconstruction of the input is (re)generated, conditional on the latent structure, using models for which maximum likelihood estimation has a closed-form. Our autoencoder formulation enables efficient learning without making unrealistic independence assumptions or restricting the kinds of features that can be used. We illustrate insightful connections to traditional autoencoders, posterior regularization and multi-view learning. We show competitive results with instantiations of the model for two canonical NLP tasks: part-of-speech induction and bitext word alignment, and show that training our model can be substantially more efficient than comparable feature-rich baselines

    Induction of Word and Phrase Alignments for Automatic Document Summarization

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    Current research in automatic single document summarization is dominated by two effective, yet naive approaches: summarization by sentence extraction, and headline generation via bag-of-words models. While successful in some tasks, neither of these models is able to adequately capture the large set of linguistic devices utilized by humans when they produce summaries. One possible explanation for the widespread use of these models is that good techniques have been developed to extract appropriate training data for them from existing document/abstract and document/headline corpora. We believe that future progress in automatic summarization will be driven both by the development of more sophisticated, linguistically informed models, as well as a more effective leveraging of document/abstract corpora. In order to open the doors to simultaneously achieving both of these goals, we have developed techniques for automatically producing word-to-word and phrase-to-phrase alignments between documents and their human-written abstracts. These alignments make explicit the correspondences that exist in such document/abstract pairs, and create a potentially rich data source from which complex summarization algorithms may learn. This paper describes experiments we have carried out to analyze the ability of humans to perform such alignments, and based on these analyses, we describe experiments for creating them automatically. Our model for the alignment task is based on an extension of the standard hidden Markov model, and learns to create alignments in a completely unsupervised fashion. We describe our model in detail and present experimental results that show that our model is able to learn to reliably identify word- and phrase-level alignments in a corpus of pairs

    Source-side context-informed hypothesis alignment for combining outputs from machine translation systems

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    This paper presents a new hypothesis alignment method for combining outputs of multiple machine translation (MT) systems. Traditional hypothesis alignment algorithms such as TER, HMM and IHMM do not directly utilise the context information of the source side but rather address the alignment issues via the output data itself. In this paper, a source-side context-informed (SSCI) hypothesis alignment method is proposed to carry out the word alignment and word reordering issues. First of all, the source–target word alignment links are produced as the hidden variables by exporting source phrase spans during the translation decoding process. Secondly, a mapping strategy and normalisation model are employed to acquire the 1- to-1 alignment links and build the confusion network (CN). The source-side context-based method outperforms the state-of-the-art TERbased alignment model in our experiments on the WMT09 English-to-French and NIST Chinese-to-English data sets respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach scores consistently among the best results across different data and language pair conditions

    Multi-word expression-sensitive word alignment

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    This paper presents a new word alignment method which incorporates knowledge about Bilingual Multi-Word Expressions (BMWEs). Our method of word alignment first extracts such BMWEs in a bidirectional way for a given corpus and then starts conventional word alignment, considering the properties of BMWEs in their grouping as well as their alignment links. We give partial annotation of alignment links as prior knowledge to the word alignment process; by replacing the maximum likelihood estimate in the M-step of the IBM Models with the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimate, prior knowledge about BMWEs is embedded in the prior in this MAP estimate. In our experiments, we saw an improvement of 0.77 Bleu points absolute in JP–EN. Except for one case, our method gave better results than the method using only BMWEs grouping. Even though this paper does not directly address the issues in Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR), it discusses an approach of direct relevance to the field. This approach could be viewed as the opposite of current trends in CLIR on semantic space that incorporate a notion of order in the bag-of-words model (e.g. co-occurences)

    Tuning syntactically enhanced word alignment for statistical machine translation

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    We introduce a syntactically enhanced word alignment model that is more flexible than state-of-the-art generative word alignment models and can be tuned according to different end tasks. First of all, this model takes the advantages of both unsupervised and supervised word alignment approaches by obtaining anchor alignments from unsupervised generative models and seeding the anchor alignments into a supervised discriminative model. Second, this model offers the flexibility of tuning the alignment according to different optimisation criteria. Our experiments show that using our word alignment in a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation system yields a 5.38% relative increase on IWSLT 2007 task in terms of BLEU score