
HMM word-to-phrase alignment with dependency constraints


In this paper, we extend the HMMwordto-phrase alignment model with syntactic dependency constraints. The syntactic dependencies between multiple words in one language are introduced into the model in a bid to produce coherent alignments. Our experimental results on a variety of Chinese–English data show that our syntactically constrained model can lead to as much as a 3.24% relative improvement in BLEU score over current HMM word-to-phrase alignment models on a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation system when the training data is small, and a comparable performance compared to IBM model 4 on a Hiero-style system with larger training data. An intrinsic alignment quality evaluation shows that our alignment model with dependency constraints leads to improvements in both precision (by 1.74% relative) and recall (by 1.75% relative) over the model without dependency information

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