201 research outputs found

    On the Prediction of Hardware Security Properties of HLS Designs Using Graph Neural Networks

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    High-level synthesis (HLS) tools have provided significant productivity enhancements to the design flow of digital systems in recent years, resulting in highly-optimized circuits, in terms of area and latency. Given the evolution of hardware attacks, which can render them vulnerable, it is essential to consider security as a significant aspect of the HLS design flow. Yet the need to evaluate a huge number of functionally equivalent de-signs of the HLS design space challenges hardware security evaluation methods (e.g., fault injection - FI campaigns). In this work, we propose an evaluation methodology of hardware security properties of HLS-produced designs using state-of-the-art Graph Neural Network (GNN) approaches that achieves significant speedup and better scalability than typical evaluation methods (such as FI). We demonstrate the proposed methodology on a Double Modular Redundancy (DMR) coun-termeasure applied on an AES SBox implementation, en-hanced by diversifying the redundant modules through HLS directives. The experimental results show that GNNs can be efficiently trained to predict important hardware security met-rics concerning fault attacks (e.g., critical and detection error rates), by using regression. The proposed method predicts the fault vulnerability metrics of the HLS-based designs with high R-squared scores and achieves huge speedup compared to fault injection once the training of the GNN is completed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, submitted to 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT

    Virtualized Reconfigurable Resources and Their Secured Provision in an Untrusted Cloud Environment

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    The cloud computing business grows year after year. To keep up with increasing demand and to offer more services, data center providers are always searching for novel architectures. One of them are FPGAs, reconfigurable hardware with high compute power and energy efficiency. But some clients cannot make use of the remote processing capabilities. Not every involved party is trustworthy and the complex management software has potential security flaws. Hence, clients’ sensitive data or algorithms cannot be sufficiently protected. In this thesis state-of-the-art hardware, cloud and security concepts are analyzed and com- bined. On one side are reconfigurable virtual FPGAs. They are a flexible resource and fulfill the cloud characteristics at the price of security. But on the other side is a strong requirement for said security. To provide it, an immutable controller is embedded enabling a direct, confidential and secure transfer of clients’ configurations. This establishes a trustworthy compute space inside an untrusted cloud environment. Clients can securely transfer their sensitive data and algorithms without involving vulnerable software or a data center provider. This concept is implemented as a prototype. Based on it, necessary changes to current FPGAs are analyzed. To fully enable reconfigurable yet secure hardware in the cloud, a new hybrid architecture is required.Das Geschäft mit dem Cloud Computing wächst Jahr für Jahr. Um mit der steigenden Nachfrage mitzuhalten und neue Angebote zu bieten, sind Betreiber von Rechenzentren immer auf der Suche nach neuen Architekturen. Eine davon sind FPGAs, rekonfigurierbare Hardware mit hoher Rechenleistung und Energieeffizienz. Aber manche Kunden können die ausgelagerten Rechenkapazitäten nicht nutzen. Nicht alle Beteiligten sind vertrauenswürdig und die komplexe Verwaltungssoftware ist anfällig für Sicherheitslücken. Daher können die sensiblen Daten dieser Kunden nicht ausreichend geschützt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden modernste Hardware, Cloud und Sicherheitskonzept analysiert und kombiniert. Auf der einen Seite sind virtuelle FPGAs. Sie sind eine flexible Ressource und haben Cloud Charakteristiken zum Preis der Sicherheit. Aber auf der anderen Seite steht ein hohes Sicherheitsbedürfnis. Um dieses zu bieten ist ein unveränderlicher Controller eingebettet und ermöglicht eine direkte, vertrauliche und sichere Übertragung der Konfigurationen der Kunden. Das etabliert eine vertrauenswürdige Rechenumgebung in einer nicht vertrauenswürdigen Cloud Umgebung. Kunden können sicher ihre sensiblen Daten und Algorithmen übertragen ohne verwundbare Software zu nutzen oder den Betreiber des Rechenzentrums einzubeziehen. Dieses Konzept ist als Prototyp implementiert. Darauf basierend werden nötige Änderungen von modernen FPGAs analysiert. Um in vollem Umfang eine rekonfigurierbare aber dennoch sichere Hardware in der Cloud zu ermöglichen, wird eine neue hybride Architektur benötigt

    Hardware-software codesign in a high-level synthesis environment

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    Interfacing hardware-oriented high-level synthesis to software development is a computationally hard problem for which no general solution exists. Under special conditions, the hardware-software codesign (system-level synthesis) problem may be analyzed with traditional tools and efficient heuristics. This dissertation introduces a new alternative to the currently used heuristic methods. The new approach combines the results of top-down hardware development with existing basic hardware units (bottom-up libraries) and compiler generation tools. The optimization goal is to maximize operating frequency or minimize cost with reasonable tradeoffs in other properties. The dissertation research provides a unified approach to hardware-software codesign. The improvements over previously existing design methodologies are presented in the frame-work of an academic CAD environment (PIPE). This CAD environment implements a sufficient subset of functions of commercial microelectronics CAD packages. The results may be generalized for other general-purpose algorithms or environments. Reference benchmarks are used to validate the new approach. Most of the well-known benchmarks are based on discrete-time numerical simulations, digital filtering applications, and cryptography (an emerging field in benchmarking). As there is a need for high-performance applications, an additional requirement for this dissertation is to investigate pipelined hardware-software systems\u27 performance and design methods. The results demonstrate that the quality of existing heuristics does not change in the enhanced, hardware-software environment

    HW/SW Architecture Exploration for an Efficient Implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-256

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    Hash functions are used in the majority of security protocol to guarantee the integrity and the authenticity. Among the most important hash functions is the SHA-2 family, which offers higher security and solved the insecurity problems of other popular algorithms as MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-0. However, theses security algorithms are characterized by a certain amount of complex computations and consume a lot of energy. In order to reduce the power consumption as required in the majority of embedded applications, a solution consists to exploit a critical part on accelerator (hardware). In this paper, we propose a hardware/software exploration for the implementation of SHA256 algorithm. For hardware design, two principal design methods are proceeded: Low level synthesis (LLS) and high level synthesis (HLS). The exploration allows the evaluation of performances in term of area, throughput and power consumption. The synthesis results under Zynq 7000 based-FPGA reflect a significant improvement of about 80% and 15% respectively in FPGA resources and throughput for the LLS hardware design compared to HLS solution. For better efficiency, hardware IPs are deduced and implemented within HW/SW system on chip. The experiments are performed using Xilinx ZC 702-based platform. The HW/SW LLS design records a gain of 10% to 25% in term of execution time and 73% in term of power consumption

    NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography- A Hardware Evaluation Study

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    Experts forecast that quantum computers can break classical cryptographic algorithms. Scientists are developing post quantum cryptographic (PQC) algorithms, that are invulnerable to quantum computer attacks. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) started a public evaluation process to standardize quantum-resistant public key algorithms. The objective of our study is to provide a hardware comparison of the NIST PQC competition candidates. For this, we use a High-Level Synthesis (HLS) hardware design methodology to map high-level C specifications of selected PQC candidates into both FPGA and ASIC implementations

    Module-per-Object: a Human-Driven Methodology for C++-based High-Level Synthesis Design

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    High-Level Synthesis (HLS) brings FPGAs to audiences previously unfamiliar to hardware design. However, achieving the highest Quality-of-Results (QoR) with HLS is still unattainable for most programmers. This requires detailed knowledge of FPGA architecture and hardware design in order to produce FPGA-friendly codes. Moreover, these codes are normally in conflict with best coding practices, which favor code reuse, modularity, and conciseness. To overcome these limitations, we propose Module-per-Object (MpO), a human-driven HLS design methodology intended for both hardware designers and software developers with limited FPGA expertise. MpO exploits modern C++ to raise the abstraction level while improving QoR, code readability and modularity. To guide HLS designers, we present the five characteristics of MpO classes. Each characteristic exploits the power of HLS-supported modern C++ features to build C++-based hardware modules. These characteristics lead to high-quality software descriptions and efficient hardware generation. We also present a use case of MpO, where we use C++ as the intermediate language for FPGA-targeted code generation from P4, a packet processing domain specific language. The MpO methodology is evaluated using three design experiments: a packet parser, a flow-based traffic manager, and a digital up-converter. Based on experiments, we show that MpO can be comparable to hand-written VHDL code while keeping a high abstraction level, human-readable coding style and modularity. Compared to traditional C-based HLS design, MpO leads to more efficient circuit generation, both in terms of performance and resource utilization. Also, the MpO approach notably improves software quality, augmenting parametrization while eliminating the incidence of code duplication.Comment: 9 pages. Paper accepted for publication at The 27th IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, San Diego CA, April 28 - May 1, 201