55 research outputs found

    Building a high-level architecture federated interoperable framework from legacy information systems

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    International audienceThis paper aims at improving the re-implementation of existing information systems when they are called to be involved in a system of systems, i.e. a federation of enterprise information systems that interoperate. The idea is reusing the local experiences coming from the previous development of the existing information system with the process of model discovery. To avoid redeveloping the entire system when the enterprise needs to cooperate with others, this approach proposes to create local interfaces to code and decode information. The interfaces are instantiated by using models discovered. The interfaces are developed in accordance with the high-level architecture (HLA) standard that proposes message interoperability and synchronisation mechanisms among distributed systems. First, this paper recalls the strong points of model-driven architecture (MDA)/architecture-driven modernisation methodologies for model transformation from conceptual level to implementation and the HLA standard. Then, a MDA and HLA framework is proposed to implement distributed enterprise components from the conceptual level through a federated enterprise interoperability approach. In addition, a model reversal methodology is developed under the framework to guide the re-implementation of legacy information systems to achieve desired interoperability with other systems. To extend the scope of the approach, implemented Web services are combined with HLA in order to facilitate the use of HLA in large distributed execution. This paper ends with an implementation example for validating the approach

    Federated approach for enterprise interoperability (a reversible model driven and HLA based methodology)

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    L'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© est une des caractĂ©ristiques requises pour les entreprises Ă©voluant dans un marchĂ© globalisĂ© Ă  la concurrence croissante et complexe. Dans la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie, l'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© des entreprises a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e et prescrite par diffĂ©rents types de cadres, de mĂ©thodes et de techniques. Cependant, le dĂ©veloppement de l'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© n'est pas encore assez mature pour ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© en tant que science Ă  part entiĂšre. Par ailleurs, il ne cesse d'Ă©voluer en fonction des besoins des entreprises,de leurs environnements et des diffĂ©rents secteurs d activitĂ©. Aujourd'hui, l'environnement s organise en rĂ©seaux multipleet provoque d imprĂ©visibles situations liĂ©es Ă  leurs dynamiques (crĂ©ation, modification, rĂ©silience). Ainsi l interopĂ©rabilitĂ© durable devient une dimension nouvelle de recherche pour l'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© des systĂšmes d'entreprise et de leurs domaines d'applications. Dans l'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© durable, l'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© d'entreprise dynamique est l'un des thĂšmes focaux. Cette approche dynamique, Ă©galement appelĂ©e fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©e , est originaire du cadre d'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© de l'Entreprise proposĂ©e dans le RĂ©seau d Excellence (NoE)INTEROP. Il vise Ă  donner la capacitĂ© aux entreprises d Ă©tablir une interopĂ©rabilitĂ© Ă  la volĂ©e sans connaissance prĂ©alable des informations Ă  Ă©changer. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente l'Ă©tat actuel des travaux qui se rapprochent du dĂ©veloppement de l'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© des entreprises fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©s en dynamique. Ces travaux de thĂšse mettent tout d abord en Ă©vidence l intĂ©rĂȘt de la redĂ©couverte de modĂšles Ă  partir d un systĂšme existant avant de concevoir un futur systĂšme. Une mĂ©thodologie de rĂ©verse engineering dirigĂ©e par les modĂšles et basĂ©e sur la norme de simulation distribuĂ©e HLA est proposĂ©e pour concevoir et dĂ©velopperpar l'approche fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©e d'interopĂ©rabilitĂ© le futur systĂšme d information de l entreprise. La phase de mise en Ɠuvre rĂ©utilise les concepts d interopĂ©rabilitĂ© issusde la simulation distribuĂ©e pour faciliter et coordonner la communication entre les systĂšmes d'information distribuĂ©s hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes des entreprises en combinant avec les derniĂšres orientation service actuelle du web. La plate-forme tend ainsi Ă  satisfaire les attentes de la derniĂšre version du standard de l'architecture de haut niveau HLA 1516 Evolved. Ce cadre propose donc un cycle complet de dĂ©veloppement pour qui a l'intention de rĂ©utiliser un systĂšme d'information existant sans recoder ex-nilo, mais en l adaptant aux nouvelles exigences de la dynamique d'interopĂ©rabilitĂ©.Interoperability is one of the requisite features for existing enterprises in the increasing competitive and complex global market. In the last decade, enterprise interoperability has been developed and prescribed by various kinds of frameworks, methods, and techniques. However interoperability development is still not mature enough to become a science. Meanwhile, it keeps evolving according to different business requirement and market environment. Nowadays, networked environment causes unpredictable dynamical situations, thus sustainable interoperability becomes a new research dimension in the interoperability of enterprise systems and applications domain. In the sustainable interoperability, enterprise interoperability dynamics is one of the focal topics. This dynamic approach also called federated is originated from Enterprise Interoperability Framework of INTEROP NoE, which aims to establish interoperability on the fly. This thesis presents current state on federated approaches to develop enterprise interoperability dynamics. Based on this study, a reversible model driven and HLA based methodology is proposed for achieving federated approach for Enterprise Interoperability. It reuses distributed simulation interoperability concepts to facilitate and coordinate the communication between heterogeneous distributed information systems of the enterprises. The platform is complaint with the latest version of the High Level Architecture (HLA) that is a distributed communication standard. This framework is also proposing a development lifecycle that intends to reuse existing information systems without recoding them but by adapting them to the new requirements of interoperability dynamics.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Interopérabilité des entreprises. Vers l'utilisation d'ontologies éphémÚres

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    International audienceCet article propose, premiÚrement, une revue des recherches en cours dans le domaine de l'interopérabilité d'entreprise. Une focalisation est ensuite opérée sur les travaux récents portant sur le concept d'interopérabilité d'entreprise selon l'approche « entreprises fédérées » et utilisant la notion émergente d'« ontologie éphémÚre ». Un rappel des notions de simulation distribuée, du standard HLA et des ontologies permet d'éclairer les concepts qui viendront supporter la mise en oeuvre de ces travaux. Leur complémentarité est démontrée pour construire une plateforme logicielle Agent/HLA, basée sur l'usage d'ontologies éphémÚres, afin de permettre l'interopérabilité d'une nouvelle génération de systÚmes d'information agiles. En détail, les ontologies permettent l'échange et la réconciliation des informations « en ligne », point fondamental de l'approche fédérée. Au niveau implémentation, le standard HLA, initialement dédié à la simulation distribuée, est transposé pour assurer l'interopérabilité des systÚmes d'information d'entreprises, en réutilisant l'expérience acquise en systÚmes distribués. Enfin, une étude compare un ensemble de logiciels, facilitant l'interopérabilité d'entreprises, avec celui spécifié dans cet article. Des limitations sont identifiées et des perspectives proposées

    GRAI-ICE Model Driven Interoperability Architecture for Developing Interoperable ESA

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    International audienceThis paper presents GRAI-ICE Model Driven Interoperability Architecture (MDI) which is developed based on MDA (Model Driven Architecture) of OMG and some initial works performed in INTEROP NoE. This MDI architecture aims at supporting the development of changeable on-demand and interoperable ESA (Enterprise Software Application). The architecture defined five modelling levels, i.e., Top CIM, Bottom CIM, Object oriented PIM, Pattern oriented PSM, and Component and configuration oriented CODE. This paper presents in detail core concepts and rational of each modeling level. An application example in nuclear equipment industry is outlined

    Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to Distributed and Hybrid Simulation Systems

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    INCOSE defines Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) as the formalized application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases. One very important development is the utilization of MBSE to develop distributed and hybrid (discrete-continuous) simulation modeling systems. MBSE can help to describe the systems to be modeled and help make the right decisions and partitions to tame complexity. The ability to embrace conceptual modeling and interoperability techniques during systems specification and design presents a great advantage in distributed and hybrid simulation systems development efforts. Our research is aimed at the definition of a methodological framework that uses MBSE languages, methods and tools for the development of these simulation systems. A model-based composition approach is defined at the initial steps to identify distributed systems interoperability requirements and hybrid simulation systems characteristics. Guidelines are developed to adopt simulation interoperability standards and conceptual modeling techniques using MBSE methods and tools. Domain specific system complexity and behavior can be captured with model-based approaches during the system architecture and functional design requirements definition. MBSE can allow simulation engineers to formally model different aspects of a problem ranging from architectures to corresponding behavioral analysis, to functional decompositions and user requirements (Jobe, 2008)

    Robotics software frameworks for multi-agent robotic systems development

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    Robotics is an area of research in which the paradigm of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) can prove to be highly useful. Multi-Agent Systems come in the form of cooperative robots in a team, sensor networks based on mobile robots, and robots in Intelligent Environments, to name but a few. However, the development of Multi-Agent Robotic Systems (MARS) still presents major challenges. Over the past decade, a high number of Robotics Software Frameworks (RSFs) have appeared which propose some solutions to the most recurrent problems in robotics. Some of these frameworks, such as ROS, YARP, OROCOS, ORCA, Open-RTM, and Open-RDK, possess certain characteristics and provide the basic infrastructure necessary for the development of MARS. The contribution of this work is the identification of such characteristics as well as the analysis of these frameworks in comparison with the general-purpose Multi-Agent System Frameworks (MASFs), such as JADE and Mobile-C.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn TEC2009-10639-C04-02Junta de AndalucĂ­a P06-TIC-2298Junta de AndalucĂ­a P08-TIC-0386

    Advances in Supply Chain Management Decision Support Systems: Potential for Improving Decision Support Catalysed by Semantic Interoperability between Systems

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    Globalization has catapulted ‘cycle time’ as a key indicator of operational efficiency [1] in processes such as supply chain management (SCM). Systems automation holds the promise to augment the ability of supply chain operations or supply networks to rapidly adapt to changes, with minimal human intervention, under ideal conditions. Business communities are emerging as loose federations or organization of networks that may evolve to act as infomediaries in global SCM. These changes, although sluggish, are likely to impact process knowledge and in turn may be stimulated or inhibited by the availability or lack of process interoperability, respectively. The latter will determine operational efficiencies of supply chains. Currently “community of systems” or organization of networks (aligned by industry or business focus) contribute minimally in SCM decisions because true collaboration remains elusive. Convergence and maturity of multiple advances offers the potential for a paradigm shift in interoperability. It may evolve hand-in-hand with [a] the gradual adoption of the semantic web [2] with concomitant development of ontological frameworks, [b] increase in use of multi-agent systems and [c] advent of ubiquitous computing enabling near real-time access to identification of objects and analytics [4]. This paper examines some of these complex trends and related technologies. Irrespective of the characteristics of information systems, the development of various industry-contributed ontologies for knowledge and decision layers, may spur self-organizing networks of business communities and systems to increase their ability to sense and respond, more profitably, through better enterprise and extraprise exchange. In order to transform this vision into reality, systems automation must be weaned from the syntactic web and integrated with the organic growth of the semantic web. Understanding of process semantics and incorporation of intelligent agents with access to ubiquitous near real-time data “bus” are pillars for “intelligent” evolution of decision support systems. Software as infrastructure may integrate plethora of agent colonies through improved architectures (such as, service oriented architecture or SOA) and business communities aligned by industry or service focus may emerge as hubs of such agent empires. However, the feasibility of the path from exciting “pilots” in specific areas toward an informed convergence of systemic real-world implementation remains unclear and fraught with hurdles related to gaps in knowledge transfer from experts in academia to real-world practitioners. The value of interoperability between systems that may catalyse real-time intelligent decision support is further compromised by the lack of clarity of approach and tools. The latter offers significant opportunities for development of tools that may segue to innovative solutions approach. A critical mass of such solutions may spawn the necessary systems architecture for intelligent interoperability, essential for sustainable profitability and productivity in an intensely competitive global economy. This paper addresses some of these issues, tools and solutions that may have broad applicability in several operations including the management of adaptive supply-demand networks [7]

    Will Nano-Butlers Work for Micro-Payments? Innovation in Business Services Model may Reduce Cost of Delivering Global Healthcare Services

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    This paper represents an emerging view of personalized care and patient-centric systems approach. It integrates biomedical informatics and business services. A potentially innovative model may evolve from this convergence and may serve as a global template to reduce cost of service. The future of global healthcare may increasingly rely on “sense and then, respond” systems but excluding the instances of exception management, necessary for accidents and emergencies. Solutions suggested in this paper are neither complete nor a panacea but are elements that deserve inclusion in the delivery of healthcare that may combine a portfolio of approaches to suit the needs of the community. As a potential future direction to improve analytics in healthcare, the concept of molecular semantics is proposed

    Towards Interoperable Research Infrastructures for Environmental and Earth Sciences

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    This open access book summarises the latest developments on data management in the EU H2020 ENVRIplus project, which brought together more than 20 environmental and Earth science research infrastructures into a single community. It provides readers with a systematic overview of the common challenges faced by research infrastructures and how a ‘reference model guided’ engineering approach can be used to achieve greater interoperability among such infrastructures in the environmental and earth sciences. The 20 contributions in this book are structured in 5 parts on the design, development, deployment, operation and use of research infrastructures. Part one provides an overview of the state of the art of research infrastructure and relevant e-Infrastructure technologies, part two discusses the reference model guided engineering approach, the third part presents the software and tools developed for common data management challenges, the fourth part demonstrates the software via several use cases, and the last part discusses the sustainability and future directions
