19 research outputs found

    Accurate reconstruction of viral quasispecies spectra through improved estimation of strain richness

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    Background Estimating the number of different species (richness) in a mixed microbial population has been a main focus in metagenomic research. Existing methods of species richness estimation ride on the assumption that the reads in each assembled contig correspond to only one of the microbial genomes in the population. This assumption and the underlying probabilistic formulations of existing methods are not useful for quasispecies populations where the strains are highly genetically related. The lack of knowledge on the number of different strains in a quasispecies population is observed to hinder the precision of existing Viral Quasispecies Spectrum Reconstruction (QSR) methods due to the uncontrolled reconstruction of a large number of in silico false positives. In this work, we formulated a novel probabilistic method for strain richness estimation specifically targeting viral quasispecies. By using this approach we improved our recently proposed spectrum reconstruction pipeline ViQuaS to achieve higher levels of precision in reconstructed quasispecies spectra without compromising the recall rates. We also discuss how one other existing popular QSR method named ShoRAH can be improved using this new approach. Results On benchmark data sets, our estimation method provided accurate richness estimates (< 0.2 median estimation error) and improved the precision of ViQuaS by 2%-13% and F-score by 1%-9% without compromising the recall rates. We also demonstrate that our estimation method can be used to improve the precision and F-score of ShoRAH by 0%-7% and 0%-5% respectively. Conclusions The proposed probabilistic estimation method can be used to estimate the richness of viral populations with a quasispecies behavior and to improve the accuracy of the quasispecies spectra reconstructed by the existing methods ViQuaS and ShoRAH in the presence of a moderate level of technical sequencing errors

    Estimation of evolutionary parameters using short, random and partial sequences from mixed samples of anonymous individuals

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    abstract: Background Over the last decade, next generation sequencing (NGS) has become widely available, and is now the sequencing technology of choice for most researchers. Nonetheless, NGS presents a challenge for the evolutionary biologists who wish to estimate evolutionary genetic parameters from a mixed sample of unlabelled or untagged individuals, especially when the reconstruction of full length haplotypes can be unreliable. We propose two novel approaches, least squares estimation (LS) and Approximate Bayesian Computation Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation (ABC-MCMC), to infer evolutionary genetic parameters from a collection of short-read sequences obtained from a mixed sample of anonymous DNA using the frequencies of nucleotides at each site only without reconstructing the full-length alignment nor the phylogeny. Results We used simulations to evaluate the performance of these algorithms, and our results demonstrate that LS performs poorly because bootstrap 95 % Confidence Intervals (CIs) tend to under- or over-estimate the true values of the parameters. In contrast, ABC-MCMC 95 % Highest Posterior Density (HPD) intervals recovered from ABC-MCMC enclosed the true parameter values with a rate approximately equivalent to that obtained using BEAST, a program that implements a Bayesian MCMC estimation of evolutionary parameters using full-length sequences. Because there is a loss of information with the use of sitewise nucleotide frequencies alone, the ABC-MCMC 95 % HPDs are larger than those obtained by BEAST. Conclusion We propose two novel algorithms to estimate evolutionary genetic parameters based on the proportion of each nucleotide. The LS method cannot be recommended as a standalone method for evolutionary parameter estimation. On the other hand, parameters recovered by ABC-MCMC are comparable to those obtained using BEAST, but with larger 95 % HPDs. One major advantage of ABC-MCMC is that computational time scales linearly with the number of short-read sequences, and is independent of the number of full-length sequences in the original data. This allows us to perform the analysis on NGS datasets with large numbers of short read fragments. The source code for ABC-MCMC is available at https://github.com/stevenhwu/SF-ABC.The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-015-0810-

    Haplotype assignment of longitudinal viral deep-sequencing data using co-variation of variant frequencies

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    Longitudinal deep sequencing of viruses can provide detailed information about intra-host evolutionary dynamics including how viruses interact with and transmit between hosts. Many analyses require haplotype reconstruction, identifying which variants are co-located on the same genomic element. Most current methods to perform this reconstruction are based on a high density of variants and cannot perform this reconstruction for slowly evolving viruses. We present a new approach, HaROLD (HAplotype Reconstruction Of Longitudinal Deep sequencing data), which performs this reconstruction based on identifying co-varying variant frequencies using a probabilistic framework. We illustrate HaROLD on both RNA and DNA viruses with synthetic Illumina paired read data created from mixed human cytomegalovirus and norovirus genomes, and clinical datasets of human cytomegalovirus and norovirus samples, demonstrating high accuracy, especially when longitudinal samples are available

    Inferring epidemiological links from deep sequencing data: a statistical learning approach for human, animal and plant diseases

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    Pathogen sequence data have been exploited to infer who infected whom, by using empirical and model-based approaches. Most of these approaches exploit one pathogen sequence per infected host (e.g. individual, household, field). However, modern sequencing techniques can reveal the polymorphic nature of within-host populations of pathogens. Thus, these techniques provide a subsample of the pathogen variants that were present in the host at the sampling time. Such data are expected to give more insight on epidemiological links than a single sequence per host. In general, a mechanistic viewpoint to transmission and micro-evolution has been followed to infer epidemiological links from these data. Here, we investigate an alternative approach grounded on statistical learning. The idea consists of learning the structure of epidemiological links with a pseudo-evolutionary model applied to training data obtained from contact tracing, for example, and using this initial stage to infer links for the whole dataset. Such an approach has the potential to be particularly valuable in the case of a risk of erroneous mechanistic assumptions, it is sufficiently parsimonious to allow the handling of big datasets in the future, and it is versatile enough to be applied to very different contexts from animal, human and plant epidemiology. This article is part of the theme issue 'Modelling infectious disease outbreaks in humans, animals and plants: approaches and important themes'. This issue is linked with the subsequent theme issue 'Modelling infectious disease outbreaks in humans, animals and plants: epidemic forecasting and control'


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    For viral outbreaks like the recent COVID-19 outbreak, medical professionals in many areas require to know who infected whom, which variants are drug resistant and what therapy should be selected. To answer these questions, it is necessary to identify viral variants (haplotypes and SNP’s) in patients. A haplotype refers to a combination of alleles or a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found on the same chromosome. This thesis describes the development and assessment of several pipelines and tools for viral NGS and read data analysis and the effect on the accuracy of the haplotype identification

    Lineage Abundance Estimation for SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater Using Transcriptome Quantification Techniques

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    Effectively monitoring the spread of SARS-CoV-2 mutants is essential to efforts to counter the ongoing pandemic. Predicting lineage abundance from wastewater, however, is technically challenging. We show that by sequencing SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater and applying algorithms initially used for transcriptome quantification, we can estimate lineage abundance in wastewater samples. We find high variability in signal among individual samples, but the overall trends match those observed from sequencing clinical samples. Thus, while clinical sequencing remains a more sensitive technique for population surveillance, wastewater sequencing can be used to monitor trends in mutant prevalence in situations where clinical sequencing is unavailable

    A Graph Auto-Encoder for Haplotype Assembly and Viral Quasispecies Reconstruction

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    Reconstructing components of a genomic mixture from data obtained by means of DNA sequencing is a challenging problem encountered in a variety of applications including single individual haplotyping and studies of viral communities. High-throughput DNA sequencing platforms oversample mixture components to provide massive amounts of reads whose relative positions can be determined by mapping the reads to a known reference genome; assembly of the components, however, requires discovery of the reads' origin -- an NP-hard problem that the existing methods struggle to solve with the required level of accuracy. In this paper, we present a learning framework based on a graph auto-encoder designed to exploit structural properties of sequencing data. The algorithm is a neural network which essentially trains to ignore sequencing errors and infers the posteriori probabilities of the origin of sequencing reads. Mixture components are then reconstructed by finding consensus of the reads determined to originate from the same genomic component. Results on realistic synthetic as well as experimental data demonstrate that the proposed framework reliably assembles haplotypes and reconstructs viral communities, often significantly outperforming state-of-the-art techniques

    Full-length de novo viral quasispecies assembly through variation graph construction

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    International audienceMotivation: Viruses populate their hosts as a viral quasispecies: a collection of genetically related mutant strains.Viral quasispecies assembly refers to reconstructing the strain-specific haplotypes from read data, and predicting their relative abundances within the mix of strains, an important step for various treatment-related reasons. Reference-genome-independent ("de novo") approaches have yielded benefits over reference-guided approaches, because reference-induced biases can become overwhelming when dealing with divergent strains. While being very accurate, extant de novo methods only yield rather short contigs. It remains to reconstruct full-length haplotypes together with their abundances from such contigs. Method: We first construct a variation graph, a recently popular, suitable structure for arranging and integrating several related genomes, from the short input contigs, without making use of a reference genome. To obtain paths through the variation graph that reflect the original haplotypes, we solve a minimization problem that yields a selection of maximal-length paths that is optimal in terms of being compatible with the read coverages computed for the nodes of the variation graph. We output the resulting selection of maximal length paths as the haplotypes, together with their abundances. Results: Benchmarking experiments on challenging simulated data sets show significant improvements in assembly contiguity compared to the input contigs, while preserving low error rates. As a consequence, our method outperforms all state-of-the-art viral quasispecies assem-blers that aim at the construction of full-length haplotypes, in terms of various relevant assembly measures. Our tool, Virus-VG, is publicly available at https://bitbucket.org/jbaaijens/ virus-vg

    Recent advances in inferring viral diversity from high-throughput sequencing data

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    Rapidly evolving RNA viruses prevail within a host as a collection of closely related variants, referred to as viral quasispecies. Advances in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies have facilitated the assessment of the genetic diversity of such virus populations at an unprecedented level of detail. However, analysis of HTS data from virus populations is challenging due to short, error-prone reads. In order to account for uncertainties originating from these limitations, several computational and statistical methods have been developed for studying the genetic heterogeneity of virus population. Here, we review methods for the analysis of HTS reads, including approaches to local diversity estimation and global haplotype reconstruction. Challenges posed by aligning reads, as well as the impact of reference biases on diversity estimates are also discussed. In addition, we address some of the experimental approaches designed to improve the biological signal-to-noise ratio. In the future, computational methods for the analysis of heterogeneous virus populations are likely to continue being complemented by technological developments.ISSN:0168-170