53 research outputs found

    HACL * : A Verified Modern Cryptographic Library

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    International audienceHACL* is a verified portable C cryptographic library that implements modern cryptographic primitives such as the ChaCha20 and Salsa20 encryption algorithms, Poly1305 and HMAC message authentication, SHA-256 and SHA-512 hash functions, the Curve25519 elliptic curve, and Ed25519 signatures. HACL* is written in the F* programming language and then compiled to readable C code. The F* source code for each cryptographic primitive is verified for memory safety, mitigations against timing side-channels, and functional correctness with respect to a succinct high-level specification of the primitive derived from its published standard. The translation from F* to C preserves these properties and the generated C code can itself be compiled via the CompCert verified C compiler or mainstream compilers like GCC or CLANG. When compiled with GCC on 64-bit platforms, our primitives are as fast as the fastest pure C implementations in OpenSSL and Libsodium, significantly faster than the reference C code in TweetNaCl, and between 1.1x-5.7x slower than the fastest hand-optimized vectorized assembly code in SUPERCOP. HACL* implements the NaCl cryptographic API and can be used as a drop-in replacement for NaCl libraries like Libsodium and TweetNaCl. HACL * provides the cryptographic components for a new mandatory ciphersuite in TLS 1.3 and is being developed as the main cryptographic provider for the miTLS verified implementation. Primitives from HACL* are also being integrated within Mozilla's NSS cryptographic library. Our results show that writing fast, verified, and usable C cryptographic libraries is now practical

    Modular Black-box Runtime Verification of Security Protocols

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    Verification techniques have been applied to the design of secure protocols for decades. However, relatively few efforts have been made to ensure that verified designs are also implemented securely. Static code verification techniques offer one way to bridge the verification gap between design and implementation, but require substantial expertise and manual labor to realize in practice. In this short paper, we propose black-box runtime verification as an alternative approach to extend the security guarantees of protocol designs to their implementations. Instead of instrumenting the complete protocol implementation, our approach only requires instrumenting common cryptographic libraries and network interfaces with a runtime monitor that is automatically synthesized from the protocol specification. This lightweight technique allows the effort for instrumentation to be shared among different protocols and ensures security with presumably minimal performance overhead

    Ledger Design Language: Designing and Deploying Formally Verified Public Ledgers

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    International audienceCryptocurrencies have popularized public ledgers, known colloquially as "blockchains". While the Bitcoin blockchain is relatively simple to reason about as, effectively, a hash chain, more complex public ledgers are largely designed without any formalization of desired cryptographic properties such as authentication or integrity. These designs are then implemented without assurances against real-world bugs leading to little assurance with regards to practical, real-world security. Ledger Design Language (LDL) is a modeling language for describing public ledgers. The LDL compiler produces two outputs. The first output is a an applied-pi calculus symbolic model representing the public ledger as a protocol. Using ProVerif, the protocol can be played against an active attacker, whereupon we can query for block integrity, authenticity and other properties. The second output is a formally verified read/write API for interacting with the public ledger in the real world, written in the F ⋆ programming language. F ⋆ features such as dependent types allow us to validate a block on the public ledger, for example, by type-checking it so that its signing public key be a point on a curve. Using LDL's outputs, public ledger designers obtain automated assurances on the theoretical coherence and the real-world security of their designs with a single framework based on a single modeling language

    A verification framework for secure machine learning

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    International audienceWe propose a programming and verification framework to help developers build distributed software applications using composite homomorphic encryption (and secure multi-party computation) protocols, and implement secure machine learning and classification over private data. With our framework, a developer can prove that the application code is functionally correct, that it correctly composes the various cryptographic schemes it uses, and that it does not accidentally leak any secrets (via side-channels, for example.) Our end-to-end solution results in verified and efficient implementations of state-of-the-art secure privacy-preserving learning and classification techniques

    Capsule: A Protocol for Secure Collaborative Document Editing

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    Today's global society strongly relies on collaborative document editing, which plays an increasingly large role in sensitive work-flows. While other collaborative venues, such as secure messaging, have seen secure protocols being standardized and widely implemented, the same cannot be said for collaborative document editing. Popular tools such as Google Docs, Microsoft Office365 and Etherpad are used to col-laboratively write reports and other documents which are frequently sensitive and confidential, in spite of the server having the ability to read and modify text undetected. Capsule is the first formalized and formally verified protocol that addresses secure collaborative document editing. Capsule provides confidentiality and integrity on encrypted document data, while also guaranteeing the ephemeral identity of collaborators and preventing the server from adding new collaborators to the document. Capsule also, to an extent, prevents the server from serving different versions of the document being collaborated on. In this paper, we provide a full protocol description of Capsule. We also provide formal verification results on the Capsule protocol in the symbolic model. Finally, we present a full software implementation of Capsule, which includes a novel formally verified signing primitive implementation

    Practical Formal Methods for Real World Cryptography

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    International audienceCryptographic algorithms, protocols, and applications are difficult to implement correctly, and errors and vulnerabilities in their code can remain undiscovered for long periods before they are exploited. Even highly-regarded cryptographic libraries suffer from bugs like buffer overruns, incorrect numerical computations, and timing side-channels, which can lead to the exposure of sensitive data and longterm secrets. We describe a tool chain and framework based on the the F * programming language to formally specify, verify and compile high-performance cryptographic software that is secure by design. This tool chain has been used to build a verified cryptographic library called HACL * , and provably secure implementations of sophisticated secure communication protocols like TLS and Signal. We describe these case studies and conclude with ongoing work on using our framework to build verified implementations of privacy preserving machine learning systems

    A Proof-Producing Compiler for Blockchain Applications

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    Cairo is a programming language for running decentralized applications (dapps) at scale. Programs written in the Cairo language are compiled to machine code for the Cairo CPU architecture, and cryptographic protocols are used to verify the results of the execution traces efficiently on blockchain. We explain how we have extended the Cairo compiler with tooling that enables users to prove, in the Lean 3 proof assistant, that compiled code satisfies high-level functional specifications. We demonstrate the success of our approach by verifying primitives for computations with an elliptic curve over a large finite field, as well as their use in the validation of cryptographic signatures
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