396 research outputs found

    Planning with SiMBA: Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Temporal Goals using Simplified Belief Guides

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    This paper presents a new multi-layered algorithm for motion planning under motion and sensing uncertainties for Linear Temporal Logic specifications. We propose a technique to guide a sampling-based search tree in the combined task and belief space using trajectories from a simplified model of the system, to make the problem computationally tractable. Our method eliminates the need to construct fine and accurate finite abstractions. We prove correctness and probabilistic completeness of our algorithm, and illustrate the benefits of our approach on several case studies. Our results show that guidance with a simplified belief space model allows for significant speed-up in planning for complex specifications.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 202

    Multilevel Motion Planning: A Fiber Bundle Formulation

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    Motion planning problems involving high-dimensional state spaces can often be solved significantly faster by using multilevel abstractions. While there are various ways to formally capture multilevel abstractions, we formulate them in terms of fiber bundles, which allows us to concisely describe and derive novel algorithms in terms of bundle restrictions and bundle sections. Fiber bundles essentially describe lower-dimensional projections of the state space using local product spaces. Given such a structure and a corresponding admissible constraint function, we can develop highly efficient and optimal search-based motion planning methods for high-dimensional state spaces. Our contributions are the following: We first introduce the terminology of fiber bundles, in particular the notion of restrictions and sections. Second, we use the notion of restrictions and sections to develop novel multilevel motion planning algorithms, which we call QRRT* and QMP*. We show these algorithms to be probabilistically complete and almost-surely asymptotically optimal. Third, we develop a novel recursive path section method based on an L1 interpolation over path restrictions, which we use to quickly find feasible path sections. And fourth, we evaluate all novel algorithms against all available OMPL algorithms on benchmarks of eight challenging environments ranging from 21 to 100 degrees of freedom, including multiple robots and nonholonomic constraints. Our findings support the efficiency of our novel algorithms and the benefit of exploiting multilevel abstractions using the terminology of fiber bundles.Comment: Submitted to IJR

    Behaviour-driven motion synthesis

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    Heightened demand for alternatives to human exposure to strenuous and repetitive labour, as well as to hazardous environments, has led to an increased interest in real-world deployment of robotic agents. Targeted applications require robots to be adept at synthesising complex motions rapidly across a wide range of tasks and environments. To this end, this thesis proposes leveraging abstractions of the problem at hand to ease and speed up the solving. We formalise abstractions to hint relevant robotic behaviour to a family of planning problems, and integrate them tightly into the motion synthesis process to make real-world deployment in complex environments practical. We investigate three principal challenges of this proposition. Firstly, we argue that behavioural samples in form of trajectories are of particular interest to guide robotic motion synthesis. We formalise a framework with behavioural semantic annotation that enables the storage and bootstrap of sets of problem-relevant trajectories. Secondly, in the core of this thesis, we study strategies to exploit behavioural samples in task instantiations that differ significantly from those stored in the framework. We present two novel strategies to efficiently leverage offline-computed problem behavioural samples: (i) online modulation based on geometry-tuned potential fields, and (ii) experience-guided exploration based on trajectory segmentation and malleability. Thirdly, we demonstrate that behavioural hints can be extracted on-the-fly to tackle highlyconstrained, ever-changing complex problems, from which there is no prior knowledge. We propose a multi-layer planner that first solves a simplified version of the problem at hand, to then inform the search for a solution in the constrained space. Our contributions on efficient motion synthesis via behaviour guidance augment the robots’ capabilities to deal with more complex planning problems, and do so more effectively than related approaches in the literature by computing better quality paths in lower response time. We demonstrate our contributions, in both laboratory experiments and field trials, on a spectrum of planning problems and robotic platforms ranging from high-dimensional humanoids and robotic arms with a focus on autonomous manipulation in resembling environments, to high-dimensional kinematic motion planning with a focus on autonomous safe navigation in unknown environments. While this thesis was motivated by challenges on motion synthesis, we have explored the applicability of our findings on disparate robotic fields, such as grasp and task planning. We have made some of our contributions open-source hoping they will be of use to the robotics community at large.The CDT in Robotics and Autonomous Systems at Heriot-Watt University and The University of EdinburghThe ORCA Hub EPSRC project (EP/R026173/1)The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA

    Combining task and motion planning:challenges and guidelines

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    Combined Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) is an area where no one-fits-all solution can exist. Many aspects of the domain, as well as operational requirements, have an effect on how algorithms and representations are designed. Frequently, trade-offs have to be made to build a system that is effective. We propose five research questions that we believe need to be answered to solve real-world problems that involve combined TAMP. We show which decisions and trade-offs should be made with respect to these research questions, and illustrate these on examples of existing application domains. By doing so, this article aims to provide a guideline for designing combined TAMP solutions that are adequate and effective in the target scenario

    Sampling-based algorithms for motion planning with temporal logic specifications

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    Sampling-Based Methods for Factored Task and Motion Planning

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    This paper presents a general-purpose formulation of a large class of discrete-time planning problems, with hybrid state and control-spaces, as factored transition systems. Factoring allows state transitions to be described as the intersection of several constraints each affecting a subset of the state and control variables. Robotic manipulation problems with many movable objects involve constraints that only affect several variables at a time and therefore exhibit large amounts of factoring. We develop a theoretical framework for solving factored transition systems with sampling-based algorithms. The framework characterizes conditions on the submanifold in which solutions lie, leading to a characterization of robust feasibility that incorporates dimensionality-reducing constraints. It then connects those conditions to corresponding conditional samplers that can be composed to produce values on this submanifold. We present two domain-independent, probabilistically complete planning algorithms that take, as input, a set of conditional samplers. We demonstrate the empirical efficiency of these algorithms on a set of challenging task and motion planning problems involving picking, placing, and pushing

    From visuomotor control to latent space planning for robot manipulation

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    Deep visuomotor control is emerging as an active research area for robot manipulation. Recent advances in learning sensory and motor systems in an end-to-end manner have achieved remarkable performance across a range of complex tasks. Nevertheless, a few limitations restrict visuomotor control from being more widely adopted as the de facto choice when facing a manipulation task on a real robotic platform. First, imitation learning-based visuomotor control approaches tend to suffer from the inability to recover from an out-of-distribution state caused by compounding errors. Second, the lack of versatility in task definition limits skill generalisability. Finally, the training data acquisition process and domain transfer are often impractical. In this thesis, individual solutions are proposed to address each of these issues. In the first part, we find policy uncertainty to be an effective indicator of potential failure cases, in which the robot is stuck in out-of-distribution states. On this basis, we introduce a novel uncertainty-based approach to detect potential failure cases and a recovery strategy based on action-conditioned uncertainty predictions. Then, we propose to employ visual dynamics approximation to our model architecture to capture the motion of the robot arm instead of the static scene background, making it possible to learn versatile skill primitives. In the second part, taking inspiration from the recent progress in latent space planning, we propose a gradient-based optimisation method operating within the latent space of a deep generative model for motion planning. Our approach bypasses the traditional computational challenges encountered by established planning algorithms, and has the capability to specify novel constraints easily and handle multiple constraints simultaneously. Moreover, the training data comes from simple random motor-babbling of kinematically feasible robot states. Our real-world experiments further illustrate that our latent space planning approach can handle both open and closed-loop planning in challenging environments such as heavily cluttered or dynamic scenes. This leads to the first, to our knowledge, closed-loop motion planning algorithm that can incorporate novel custom constraints, and lays the foundation for more complex manipulation tasks

    Knowledge-oriented task and motion planning for multiple mobile robots

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of experimental and theoretical artificial intelligence, published online: 30 Nov 2018 available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0952813X.2018.1544280Robotic systems composed of several mobile robots moving in human environments pose several problems at perception, planning and control levels. In these environments, there may be obstacles obstructing the paths, which robots can remove by pushing or pulling them. At planning level, therefore, an efficient combination of task and motion planning is required. Even more if we assume a cooperative system in which robots can collaborate with each other by e.g. pushing together a heavy obstacle or by one robot clearing the way to another one. In this paper, we cope with this problem by proposing ¿-TMP, a smart combination of an heuristic task planner based on the Fast Forward method, a physics-based motion planner, and reasoning processes over the ontologies that code the knowledge on the problem. The significance of the proposal relies on how geometric and physics information is used within the computation of the heuristics in order to guide the symbolic search, i.e. how an artificial intelligence planning method is combined with low-level motion planning to achieve a feasible sequence of actions (composed of collision-free motions plus physically-feasible push/pull actions). The proposal has been validated with several simulated scenarios (using up to five robots that need to collaborate with each other to reach the goal state), showing how the method is able to solve challenging situations and also find an efficient solution in terms of power.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Exploring Natural User Abstractions For Shared Perceptual Manipulator Task Modeling & Recovery

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    State-of-the-art domestic robot assistants are essentially autonomous mobile manipulators capable of exerting human-scale precision grasps. To maximize utility and economy, non-technical end-users would need to be nearly as efficient as trained roboticists in control and collaboration of manipulation task behaviors. However, it remains a significant challenge given that many WIMP-style tools require superficial proficiency in robotics, 3D graphics, and computer science for rapid task modeling and recovery. But research on robot-centric collaboration has garnered momentum in recent years; robots are now planning in partially observable environments that maintain geometries and semantic maps, presenting opportunities for non-experts to cooperatively control task behavior with autonomous-planning agents exploiting the knowledge. However, as autonomous systems are not immune to errors under perceptual difficulty, a human-in-the-loop is needed to bias autonomous-planning towards recovery conditions that resume the task and avoid similar errors. In this work, we explore interactive techniques allowing non-technical users to model task behaviors and perceive cooperatively with a service robot under robot-centric collaboration. We evaluate stylus and touch modalities that users can intuitively and effectively convey natural abstractions of high-level tasks, semantic revisions, and geometries about the world. Experiments are conducted with \u27pick-and-place\u27 tasks in an ideal \u27Blocks World\u27 environment using a Kinova JACO six degree-of-freedom manipulator. Possibilities for the architecture and interface are demonstrated with the following features; (1) Semantic \u27Object\u27 and \u27Location\u27 grounding that describe function and ambiguous geometries (2) Task specification with an unordered list of goal predicates, and (3) Guiding task recovery with implied scene geometries and trajectory via symmetry cues and configuration space abstraction. Empirical results from four user studies show our interface was much preferred than the control condition, demonstrating high learnability and ease-of-use that enable our non-technical participants to model complex tasks, provide effective recovery assistance, and teleoperative control