5 research outputs found

    Survey on Current State-of-the-Art in Needle Insertion Robots: Open Challenges for Application in Real Surgery

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    AbstractMinimally invasive percutaneous treatment robots have become a popular area in medical robotics. Minimally invasive treatments are an important part of modern surgery; however percutaneous treatments are a difficult procedure for surgeons. They must carry out a procedure that has limited visibility, tool maneuverability and where the target and tissue surrounding it move because of the tool. Robot technology can overcome those limitations and increase the success of minimally invasive percutaneous treatment. In this paper we will present a review of the current state-of-the-art in robotic insertion needle for minimally invasive treatments, focusing on the limitations and challenges still open for their use in clinical application


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    Guiding Medical Needles Using Single-Point Tissue Manipulation

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    Abstract — This paper addresses the use of robotic tissue manipulation in medical needle insertion procedures to improve targeting accuracy and to help avoid damaging sensitive tissues. To control these multiple, potentially competing objectives, we present a phased controller that operates one manipulator at a time using closed-loop imaging feedback. We present an automated procedure planning technique that uses tissue geometry to select the needle insertion location, manipulation locations, and controller parameters. The planner uses a stochastic optimization of a cost function that includes tissue stress and robustness to disturbances. We demonstrate the system on 2D tissues simulated with a mass-spring model, including a simulation of a prostate brachytherapy procedure. It can reduce targeting errors from more than 2cm to less than 1mm, and can also shift obstacles by over 1cm to clear them away from the needle path. I


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    Dispositivo robótico para guiagem de agulhas flexíveis em procedimentos minimamente invasivos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2015.Agulhas flexíveis constituem uma nova tecnologia para a realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos minimamente invasivos. Devido a sua capacidade de curvar dentro do corpo do paciente, elas tem potencial de melhorar a performance de diferentes procedimentos cirúrgicos, no entanto o posicionamento preciso deste tipo de agulha ainda é um desafio em aberto na comunidade científica. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um novo dispositivo robótico para guiagem de agulhas flexíveis. Tal dispositivo utiliza uma abordagem de inserção discretizada, visando solucionar problemas existentes no Dispositivo de Antena Telescópica, utilizado no estado da arte. O desenvolvimento deste novo sistema compreende tanto um projeto mecânico original quanto a implementação dos sistemas eletrônico e de software necessários para controlar a inserção da agulha. A partir de experimentos de inserção in vitro realizados, foi possível quantificar a performance em malha aberta deste sistema e compará-lo ao estado da arte. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que este novo dispositivo apresenta melhor acurácia, resultando em um erro médio de posicionamento da agulha 35% menor, mas possui uma precisão 4 vezes menor. Através dos experimentos realizados também foi possível identificar algumas falhas mecânicas no dispositivo, que impactaram negativamente a sua performance. Acredita-se que a correção destas falhas possa melhorar a precisão do dispositivo construído, no entanto estas alterações ficam a cargo de trabalhos futuros.Flexible needles represent a novel technology in minimally invasive surgery. Due to their ability to bend inside soft tissue, they have the potential to increase the performance of several surgical procedures, however the precise positioning of this kind of needles remains a challenge to be solved by the scientific community. In this context, this work presents a novel robotic device for flexible needle steering. This device uses a discrete insertion approach, in order to solve existing problems of the Telescoping Support Device, considered the state of the art. The development of this device comprises an original mechanical design as well as the electronics and software systems required to control the needle insertion. In vitro experiments allowed to quantify the open loop performance of the developed system and to compare it to the state of the art. The obtained results showed that the novel device has more accuracy, resulting in a 35% decrease on the mean positioning error, but it is 4 times less precise. The performed experiments also allowed identifying mechanical issues with the manufactured device, which had a negative impact in its performance. The correction of these issues should increase the precision of the developed device, however this modifications are left for future work