28 research outputs found

    Succinct Representations for Abstract Interpretation

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    Abstract interpretation techniques can be made more precise by distinguishing paths inside loops, at the expense of possibly exponential complexity. SMT-solving techniques and sparse representations of paths and sets of paths avoid this pitfall. We improve previously proposed techniques for guided static analysis and the generation of disjunctive invariants by combining them with techniques for succinct representations of paths and symbolic representations for transitions based on static single assignment. Because of the non-monotonicity of the results of abstract interpretation with widening operators, it is difficult to conclude that some abstraction is more precise than another based on theoretical local precision results. We thus conducted extensive comparisons between our new techniques and previous ones, on a variety of open-source packages.Comment: Static analysis symposium (SAS), Deauville : France (2012

    Abstract Fixpoint Computations with Numerical Acceleration Methods

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    Static analysis by abstract interpretation aims at automatically proving properties of computer programs. To do this, an over-approximation of program semantics, defined as the least fixpoint of a system of semantic equations, must be computed. To enforce the convergence of this computation, widening operator is used but it may lead to coarse results. We propose a new method to accelerate the computation of this fixpoint by using standard techniques of numerical analysis. Our goal is to automatically and dynamically adapt the widening operator in order to maintain precision

    PAGAI: a path sensitive static analyzer

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    We describe the design and the implementation of PAGAI, a new static analyzer working over the LLVM compiler infrastructure, which computes inductive invariants on the numerical variables of the analyzed program. PAGAI implements various state-of-the-art algorithms combining abstract interpretation and decision procedures (SMT-solving), focusing on distinction of paths inside the control flow graph while avoiding systematic exponential enumerations. It is parametric in the abstract domain in use, the iteration algorithm, and the decision procedure. We compared the time and precision of various combinations of analysis algorithms and abstract domains, with extensive experiments both on personal benchmarks and widely available GNU programs.Comment: Tools for Automatic Program AnalysiS (TAPAS 2012), Deauville : France (2012

    Abstract Acceleration in Linear relation analysis (extended version)

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    Linear relation analysis is a classical abstract interpretation based on an over-approximation of reachable numerical states of a program by convex polyhedra. Since it works with a lattice of infinite height, it makes use of a widening operator to enforce the convergence of fixed point computations. Abstract acceleration is a method that computes the precise abstract effect of loops wherever possible and uses widening in the general case. Thus, it improves both the precision and the efficiency of the analysis. This research report gives a comprehensive tutorial on abstract acceleration: its origins in Presburger-based acceleration including new insights w.r.t. the linear accelerability of linear transformations, methods for simple and nested loops, recent extensions, tools and applications, and a detailed discussion of related methods and future perspectives. This is the long version of a paper under submission

    Logico-numerical max-strategy iteration

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    Strategy iteration methods are used for solving fixed point equations. It has been shown that they improve precision in static analysis based on abstract interpretation and template abstract domains, e.g. intervals, octagons or template polyhedra. However, they are limited to numerical programs. In this paper, we propose a method for applying max-strategy iteration to logico-numerical programs, i.e. programs with numerical and Boolean variables, without explicitly enumerating the Boolean state space. The method is optimal in the sense that it computes the least fixed point w.r.t. the abstract domain; in particular, it does not resort to widening. Moreover, we give experimental evidence about the efficiency and precision of the approach

    Invariant Generation through Strategy Iteration in Succinctly Represented Control Flow Graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing numerical invariants of programs, for instance bounds on the values of numerical program variables. More specifically, we study the problem of performing static analysis by abstract interpretation using template linear constraint domains. Such invariants can be obtained by Kleene iterations that are, in order to guarantee termination, accelerated by widening operators. In many cases, however, applying this form of extrapolation leads to invariants that are weaker than the strongest inductive invariant that can be expressed within the abstract domain in use. Another well-known source of imprecision of traditional abstract interpretation techniques stems from their use of join operators at merge nodes in the control flow graph. The mentioned weaknesses may prevent these methods from proving safety properties. The technique we develop in this article addresses both of these issues: contrary to Kleene iterations accelerated by widening operators, it is guaranteed to yield the strongest inductive invariant that can be expressed within the template linear constraint domain in use. It also eschews join operators by distinguishing all paths of loop-free code segments. Formally speaking, our technique computes the least fixpoint within a given template linear constraint domain of a transition relation that is succinctly expressed as an existentially quantified linear real arithmetic formula. In contrast to previously published techniques that rely on quantifier elimination, our algorithm is proved to have optimal complexity: we prove that the decision problem associated with our fixpoint problem is in the second level of the polynomial-time hierarchy.Comment: 35 pages, conference version published at ESOP 2011, this version is a CoRR version of our submission to Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    ALICe: A Framework to Improve Affine Loop Invariant Computation

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    International audienceA crucial point in program analysis is the computation of loop invariants. Accurate invariants are required to prove properties on a program but they are difficult to compute. Extensive research has been carried out but, to the best of our knowledge, no benchmark has ever been developed to compare algorithms and tools. We present ALICe, a toolset to compare automatic computation techniques of affine loop scalar invariants. It comes with a benchmark that we built using 102 test cases which we found in the loop invariant bibliography, and interfaces with three analysis programs, that rely on different techniques: Aspic, ISL and PIPS. Conversion tools are provided to handle format heterogeneity of these programs. Experimental results show the importance of model coding and the poor performances of PIPS on concurrent loops. To tackle these issues, we use two model restructurations techniques whose correctness is proved in Coq, and discuss the improvements realized

    Monitoring web applications for vulnerability discovery and removal under attack

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia Informática (Arquitetura, Sistemas e Redes de Computadores) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018Web applications are ubiquitous in our everyday lives, as they are deployed in the most diverse contexts and support a variety of services. The correctness of these applications, however, can be compromised by vulnerabilities left in their source code, often incurring in nefarious consequences, such as the theft of private data and the adulteration of information. This dissertation proposes a solution for the automatic detection and removal of vulnerabilities in web applications programmed in the PHP language. By monitoring the user interactions with the web applications with traditional attack discovery tools, it is possible to identify malicious inputs that are eventually provided by attackers. These in- puts are then explored by a directed static analysis approach, allowing for the discovery of potential security issues and the correction of bugs in the program. The solution was implemented and validated with a set of vulnerable web applications. The experimental results demonstrate that the tool is capable of detecting and correcting SQL Injection and XSS vulnerabilities. In total 174 vulnerabilities were found in 5 web applications, where 2 of these were previously unknown by the research community(i.e., they were ”zero-day” vulnerabilities)