65 research outputs found


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    As an important component of the educational process, learning evaluation is fraught with complex difficulties. Difficulties and approaches in learning evaluation are discussed in this article along with potential developments in the future. These difficulties include the complexity of comprehensively evaluating student progress, the need for assessments to be inclusive, and the incorporation of technology into evaluation tools. Various approaches are needed to overcome this problem, such as a focus on formative assessment, the creation of customizable assessment instruments, and the application of technology to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of evaluation. Current perspectives emphasize the need for comprehensive strategies that respond to students' needs and consider their social, emotional, and general well-being. This approach is expected to encourage continuous learning, increase student achievement, and produce learning assessments that are more inclusive, flexible, and successful. The method used in this research is library research, by examining primary and secondary sources

    Workshop on methodology in learning analytics (MLA)

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    Learning analytics is an interdisciplinary and inclusive field, a fact which makes the establishment of methodological norms both challenging and important. This community-building workshop intends to convene methodology-focused researchers to discuss new and established approaches, comment on the state of current practice, author pedagogical manuscripts, and co-develop guidelines to help move the field forward with quality and rigor

    Information Visualization Tool for Academic Institutions: Imam University as a Case Study

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    Educational data has become prime focus of researchers in the past recent years. The emergence of academic disciplines like Learning Analytic (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) has declared that universities and educational institutes have entered the era of Big-data. Academic administrators (like deans/directors) are keen to have greater level of visibility of their educational processes so as to be able to manage their performance records. This article proposes an interactive information visualization tool that displays students and university records, and analyse them against a set of performance indicators. This article is part of intended future research of developing a performance management system that integrates LA techniques and balanced scorecards concept to monitor the performance of educational institutes against the attainment of business strategies

    The potential and pitfalls of learning analytics as a tool for supporting student wellbeing

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    Learning Analytics is a growing field in UK Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) with many implementations focusing on Early Alert and Student Success, but is this putting the cart before the horse? In the 2017 #StepChange report Universities UK suggested that learning analytics should be aligned to student wellbeing. With reported increases in incidents of student mental ill-health and extra demands being placed on student support services as a consequence this seems an appropriate application of this technology. However, there are a number of concerns related to student privacy and the interpretation and presentation of the analytics. Also, who will be designing and performing interventions? At a time when there is growing concerns around the wellbeing of staff, should we be adding a further burden? Do we risk being eaten by the analytics crocodile? It is clear that to utilise learning analytics in this way poses a number of challenges, but in the information age, when this data is available to us is it moral or legal to remain the caterpillar, knowing nothing of who our students are? With Institute for Public Policy Research stating that “…a majority of HEIs should take measures to ensure that the nature of course content and delivery does not result in academic rigour being sought at the expense of students’ mental health and wellbeing.” we should be doing all we can to adequately and pro-actively support our students

    Academic Success Assessment through Version Control Systems

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    [EN] Version control systems’ usage is a highly demanded skill in information and communication technology professionals. Thus, their usage should be encouraged by educational institutions. This work demonstrates that it is possible to assess if a student can pass a computer science-related subject by monitoring its interaction with a version control system. This paper proposes a methodology that compares the performance of several machine learning models so as to select the appropriate predicting model for the assessment of the students’ achievements. To fit predicting models, three subjects of the Degree in Computer Science at the University of León are considered to obtain the dataset: computer organization, computer programming, and operating systems extension. The common aspect of these subjects is their assignments, which are based on developing one or several programs with programming languages such as C or Java. To monitor the practical assignments and individual performance, a Git repository is employed allowing students to store source code, documentation, and supporting control versions. According to the presented experience, there is a huge correlation between the level of interaction for each student and the achieved grades.SIUniversidad de León (Support Plan for Teaching Innovation Groups (PAGID))European Commission ( Grant 2018-1-ES01-KA201-050939: ROBOSTEAM–Integrating Steam and Computational Thinking development by using Robotics and Physical Devices

    Dimensions of personalisation in technology-enhanced learning: a framework and implications for design

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    Personalisation of learning is a recurring trend in our society, referred to in government speeches, popular media, conference and research papers and technological innovations. This latter aspect—of using personalisation in technology-enhanced learning (TEL)—has promised much but has not always lived up to the claims made. Personalisation is often perceived to be a positive phenomenon, but it is often difficult to know how to implement it effectively within educational technology. In order to address this problem, we propose a framework for the analysis and creation of personalised TEL. This article outlines and explains this framework with examples from a series of case studies. The framework serves as a valuable resource in order to change or consolidate existing practice and suggests design guidelines for effective implementations of future personalised TEL

    Massive open online courses (MOOCS): systematic literature review in Malaysian higher education

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    This study provided a systematic and organized review of 32 studies regarding using of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Ma-laysian higher education from 2012 to 2017. This paper conducted an analysis of studies dedicated of using (MOOCs) for learning on the basis of certain dimensions namely, journal, country, author, year of publication, research methods, type of respondents, the models, and the theories. The findings obtained revealed that the interest on the topic has shown an increasing trend over recent years that it has ultimately become a well-known topic for academic research in the future. Nevertheless, to boost and enhance the using (MOOCs) for learning, it is important that future studies apply considerable use of theoretical and methodological approaches like the qualitative methods to examine the factors it will encourage students to use (MOOCs)

    L'ús de les analítiques d’aprenentatge per a la millora de la formació

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/164497L’ús de les analítiques d’aprenentatge enteses com la recopilació i l’anàlisi de dades sobre els estudiants pot contribuir a comprendre el procés d’aprenentatge i a millorar els entorns d’aprenentatge. No obstant això, fins al moment les analítiques d’aprenentatge han tingut diverses dificultats que es narren en el text i, en conseqüència, encara suposen un repte perquè constitueixin un recurs al servei de la millora de la formació