469 research outputs found

    Applied Type System: An Approach to Practical Programming with Theorem-Proving

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    The framework Pure Type System (PTS) offers a simple and general approach to designing and formalizing type systems. However, in the presence of dependent types, there often exist certain acute problems that make it difficult for PTS to directly accommodate many common realistic programming features such as general recursion, recursive types, effects (e.g., exceptions, references, input/output), etc. In this paper, Applied Type System (ATS) is presented as a framework for designing and formalizing type systems in support of practical programming with advanced types (including dependent types). In particular, it is demonstrated that ATS can readily accommodate a paradigm referred to as programming with theorem-proving (PwTP) in which programs and proofs are constructed in a syntactically intertwined manner, yielding a practical approach to internalizing constraint-solving needed during type-checking. The key salient feature of ATS lies in a complete separation between statics, where types are formed and reasoned about, and dynamics, where programs are constructed and evaluated. With this separation, it is no longer possible for a program to occur in a type as is otherwise allowed in PTS. The paper contains not only a formal development of ATS but also some examples taken from ats-lang.org, a programming language with a type system rooted in ATS, in support of employing ATS as a framework to formulate advanced type systems for practical programming

    Elaborating Inductive Definitions

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    We present an elaboration of inductive definitions down to a universe of datatypes. The universe of datatypes is an internal presentation of strictly positive families within type theory. By elaborating an inductive definition -- a syntactic artifact -- to its code -- its semantics -- we obtain an internalized account of inductives inside the type theory itself: we claim that reasoning about inductive definitions could be carried in the type theory, not in the meta-theory as it is usually the case. Besides, we give a formal specification of that elaboration process. It is therefore amenable to formal reasoning too. We prove the soundness of our translation and hint at its correctness with respect to Coq's Inductive definitions. The practical benefits of this approach are numerous. For the type theorist, this is a small step toward bootstrapping, ie. implementing the inductive fragment in the type theory itself. For the programmer, this means better support for generic programming: we shall present a lightweight deriving mechanism, entirely definable by the programmer and therefore not requiring any extension to the type theory.Comment: 32 pages, technical repor

    Foundational Extensible Corecursion

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under well-behaved operations, including constructors. Corecursive functions that are well behaved can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor's expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Practical Theory Extension in Event-B

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    Abstract. The Rodin tool for Event-B supports formal modelling and proof using a mathematical language that is based on predicate logic and set theory. Although Rodin has in-built support for a rich set of operators and proof rules, for some application areas there may be a need to extend the set of operators and proof rules supported by the tool. This paper outlines a new feature of the Rodin tool, the theory component, that allows users to extend the mathematical language supported by the tool. Using theories, Rodin users may define new data types and polymorphic operators in a systematic and practical way. Theories also allow users to extend the proof capabilities of Rodin by defining new proof rules that get incorporated into the proof mechanisms. Soundness of new definitions and rules is provided through validity proof obligations.

    Type-based termination of recursive definitions

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    This paper introduces "lambda-hat", a simply typed lambda calculus supporting inductive types and recursive function definitions with termination ensured by types. The system is shown to enjoy subject reduction, strong normalisation of typable terms and to be stronger than a related system "lambda-G" in which termination is ensured by a syntactic guard condition. The system can, at will, be extended to also support coinductive types and corecursive function definitions.Information Society Technologies (IST) - Fifth Framework Programm (FP5) - TYPES.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – PRAXIS XXI/C/EEI/14172/98.INRIA-ICCTI.Estonian Science Foundation (ETF) - grant no. 4155

    Truly modular (co)datatypes for Isabelle/HOL

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    We extended Isabelle/HOL with a pair of definitional commands for datatypes and codatatypes. They support mutual and nested (co)recursion through well-behaved type constructors, including mixed recursion–corecursion, and are complemented by syntaxes for introducing primitive (co)recursive functions and by a general proof method for reasoning coinductively. As a case study, we ported Isabelle’s Coinductive library to use the new commands, eliminating the need for tedious ad hoc constructions

    Truly modular (co)datatypes for Isabelle/HOL

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    We extended Isabelle/HOL with a pair of definitional commands for datatypes and codatatypes. They support mutual and nested (co)recursion through well-behaved type constructors, including mixed recursion–corecursion, and are complemented by syntaxes for introducing primitive (co)recursive functions and by a general proof method for reasoning coinductively. As a case study, we ported Isabelle’s Coinductive library to use the new commands, eliminating the need for tedious ad hoc constructions

    Normalization by Evaluation in the Delay Monad: A Case Study for Coinduction via Copatterns and Sized Types

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    In this paper, we present an Agda formalization of a normalizer for simply-typed lambda terms. The normalizer consists of two coinductively defined functions in the delay monad: One is a standard evaluator of lambda terms to closures, the other a type-directed reifier from values to eta-long beta-normal forms. Their composition, normalization-by-evaluation, is shown to be a total function a posteriori, using a standard logical-relations argument. The successful formalization serves as a proof-of-concept for coinductive programming and reasoning using sized types and copatterns, a new and presently experimental feature of Agda.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2014, arXiv:1406.153

    Constructor subtyping

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    Constructor subtyping is a form of subtyping in which an inductive type A is viewed as a subtype of another inductive type B if B has more constructors than A. Its (potential) uses include proof assistants and functional programming languages. In this paper, we introduce and study the properties of a simply typed lambda-calculus with record types and datatypes, and which supports record subtyping and constructor subtyping. In the first part of the paper, we show that the calculus is confluent and strongly normalizing. In the second part of the paper, we show that the calculus admits a well-behaved theory of canonical inhabitants, provided one adopts expansive extensionality rules, including eta-expansion, surjective pairing, and a suitable expansion rule for datatypes. Finally, in the third part of the paper, we extend our calculus with unbounded recursion and show that confluence is preserved.(undefined

    Tracing monadic computations and representing effects

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    In functional programming, monads are supposed to encapsulate computations, effectfully producing the final result, but keeping to themselves the means of acquiring it. For various reasons, we sometimes want to reveal the internals of a computation. To make that possible, in this paper we introduce monad transformers that add the ability to automatically accumulate observations about the course of execution as an effect. We discover that if we treat the resulting trace as the actual result of the computation, we can find new functionality in existing monads, notably when working with non-terminating computations.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2012, arXiv:1202.240