808 research outputs found

    Guaranteed Rendezvous for Cognitive Radio Networks Based on Cycle Length

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    Rendezvous is a fundamental process establishing a communication link on common channel between a pair of nodes in the cognitive radio networks. How to reach rendezvous efficiently and effectively is still an open problem. In this work, we propose a guaranteed cycle lengths based rendezvous (CLR) algorithm for cognitive radio networks. When the cycle lengths of the two nodes are coprime, the rendezvous is guaranteed within one rendezvous period considering the time skew between the two nodes. When Ti and Tj are not coprime, i.e., Ti=Tj, the deadlock checking and node IDs are combined to decide the time point and the way to independently change the cycle length on each node to guarantee rendezvous. In detail, as long as the deadlock situation is detected based on the threshold, each node can independently change its cycle length be based on the current checking bit of the node ID. The threshold used for deadlock checking is defined as the length of the maximum possible rendezvous period between the two nodes. As long as the current checking bits between the two nodes are different, the rendezvous will be reached in the following rendezvous period, The theoretical analysis also proves the guarantee of the CLR algorithm under both the two cases. We use three metrics: success rate of rendezvous, expected time to rendezvous and channel load to conduct simulation studies. The simulation results show that the CLR algorithm always has higher successful rendezvous rate of 100%, and stable and low expected time to rendezvous compared to the HH algorithm. In addition, the channel loads are smoothly distributed on all channels with CLR, while HH algorithm depends on the channels with smaller IDs

    Optimizing Average-Maximum TTR Trade-off for Cognitive Radio Rendezvous

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    In cognitive radio (CR) networks, "TTR", a.k.a. time-to-rendezvous, is one of the most important metrics for evaluating the performance of a channel hopping (CH) rendezvous protocol, and it characterizes the rendezvous delay when two CRs perform channel hopping. There exists a trade-off of optimizing the average or maximum TTR in the CH rendezvous protocol design. On one hand, the random CH protocol leads to the best "average" TTR without ensuring a finite "maximum" TTR (two CRs may never rendezvous in the worst case), or a high rendezvous diversity (multiple rendezvous channels). On the other hand, many sequence-based CH protocols ensure a finite maximum TTR (upper bound of TTR) and a high rendezvous diversity, while they inevitably yield a larger average TTR. In this paper, we strike a balance in the average-maximum TTR trade-off for CR rendezvous by leveraging the advantages of both random and sequence-based CH protocols. Inspired by the neighbor discovery problem, we establish a design framework of creating a wake-up schedule whereby every CR follows the sequence-based (or random) CH protocol in the awake (or asleep) mode. Analytical and simulation results show that the hybrid CH protocols under this framework are able to achieve a greatly improved average TTR as well as a low upper-bound of TTR, without sacrificing the rendezvous diversity.Comment: Accepted by IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2015, http://icc2015.ieee-icc.org/


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    The rapid growth of the number of wireless devices has brought an exponential increase in the demand of the radio spectrum. However, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), almost all the radio spectrum for wireless com- munications has already been allocated. In addition, according to FCC, up to 85% of the allocated spectrum is underutilized due to the current fixed spectrum alloca- tion policy. To alleviate the spectrum scarcity problem, FCC has suggested a new paradigm for dynamically accessing the allocated spectrum. Cognitive radio (CR) technology has emerged as a promising solution to realize dynamic spectrum access (DSA). With the capability of sensing the frequency bands in a time and location- varying spectrum environment and adjusting the operating parameters based on the sensing outcome, CR technology allows an unlicensed user to exploit the licensed channels which are not used by licensed users in an opportunistic manner. In this dissertation, distributed intelligent spectrum management in CR ad hoc networks is explored. In particular, four spectrum management issues in CR ad hoc networks are investigated: 1) distributed broadcasting in CR ad hoc networks; 2) distributed optimal HELLO message exchange in CR ad hoc networks; 3) distributed protocol to defend a particular network security attack in CR ad hoc networks; and 4) distributed spectrum handoff protocol in CR ad hoc networks. The research in this dissertation has fundamental impact on CR ad hoc network establishment, net- work functionality, network security, and network performance. In addition, many of the unique challenges of distributed intelligent spectrum management in CR ad hoc networks are addressed for the first time in this dissertation. These challenges are extremely difficult to solve due to the dynamic spectrum environment and they have significant effects on network functionality and performance. This dissertation is essential for establishing a CR ad hoc network and realizing networking protocols for seamless communications in CR ad hoc networks. Furthermore, this dissertation provides critical theoretical insights for future designs in CR ad hoc networks

    Jamming Cognitive Radios

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    The goal of this thesis is to identify and evaluate weaknesses in the rendezvous process for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) in the presence of a Cognitive Jammer (CJ). Jamming strategies are suggested and tested for effectiveness. Methods for safe- guarding the Cognitive Radios (CRs) against a CJ are also explored. A simulation is constructed to set up a scenario of two CRs interacting with a CJ. Analysis of the simulation is conducted primarily at the waveform level. A hardware setup is constructed to analyze the system in the physical layer, verify the interactions from the simulation, and test in a low signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR) environment. The hardware used in this thesis is the Wireless Open-Access Research Platform. Performance metrics from open literature and independent testing are compared against those captured from the jamming tests. The goal of testing is to evaluate and quantify the ability to delay the rendezvous process of a CRN. There was some success in delaying rendezvous, even in a high SINR environment. Jamming strategies include a jammer that repeats an observed channel-hopping pattern, a jammer with random inputs using the same algorithm of the CRs, a jammer that estimates channel-hopping parameters based on observations, and a random channel-hopping jammer. Results were compared against control scenarios, consisting of no jamming and a jammer that is always jamming on the same channel as one of the CRs. The repeater, random inputs to the CR algorithm, observation-based estimation jammer, and the random channel hopping jammer were mildly successful in delaying rendezvous at about 0%, 9%, 0%, and 1%, respectively. The jammer that is always on the same channel as a CR had an overall rendezvous delay about 13% of the time

    Facilitating Flexible Link Layer Protocols for Future Wireless Communication Systems

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of designing link layer protocols which are flexible enough to accommodate the demands offuture wireless communication systems (FWCS).We show that entire link layer protocols with diverse requirements and responsibilities can be composed out of reconfigurable and reusable components.We demonstrate this by designing and implementinga novel concept termed Flexible Link Layer (FLL) architecture.Through extensive simulations and practical experiments, we evaluate a prototype of the suggested architecture in both fixed-spectrumand dynamic spectrum access (DSA) networks. FWCS are expected to overcome diverse challenges including the continual growthin traffic volume and number of connected devices.Furthermore, they are envisioned to support a widerange of new application requirements and operating conditions.Technology trends, including smart homes, communicating machines, and vehicularnetworks, will not only grow on a scale that once was unimaginable, they will also become the predominant communication paradigm, eventually surpassing today's human-produced network traffic. In order for this to become reality, today's systems have to evolve in many ways.They have to exploit allocated resources in a more efficient and energy-conscious manner.In addition to that, new methods for spectrum access and resource sharingneed to be deployed.Having the diversification of applications and network conditions in mind, flexibility at all layers of a communication system is of paramount importance in order to meet the desired goals. However, traditional communication systems are often designed with specific and distinct applications in mind. Therefore, system designers can tailor communication systems according to fixedrequirements and operating conditions, often resulting in highly optimized but inflexible systems.Among the core problems of such design is the mix of data transfer and management aspects.Such a combination of concerns clearly hinders the reuse and extension of existing protocols. To overcome this problem, the key idea explored in this dissertation is a component-based design to facilitate the development of more flexible and versatile link layer protocols.Specifically, the FLL architecture, suggested in this dissertation, employs a generic, reconfigurable data transfer protocol around which one or more complementary protocols, called link layer applications, are responsible for management-related aspects of the layer. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, we have designed andimplemented a prototype of the FLL architecture on the basis ofa reconfigurable software defined radio (SDR) testbed.Employing the SDR prototype as well as computer simulations, thisdissertation describes various experiments used to examine a range of link layerprotocols for both fixed-spectrum and DSA networks. This dissertation firstly outlines the challenges faced by FWCSand describes DSA as a possible technology component for their construction.It then specifies the requirements for future DSA systemsthat provide the basis for our further considerations.We then review the background on link layer protocols, surveyrelated work on the construction of flexible protocol frameworks,and compare a range of actual link layer protocols and algorithms.Based on the results of this analysis, we design, implement, and evaluatethe FLL architecture and a selection of actual link layer protocols. We believe the findings of this dissertation add substantively to the existing literature on link layer protocol design and are valuable for theoreticians and experimentalists alike

    Handshaking Protocols and Jamming Mechanisms for Blind Rendezvous in a Dynamic Spectrum Access Environment

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    Blind frequency rendezvous is an important process for bootstrapping communications between radios without the use of pre-existing infrastructure or common control channel in a Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) environment. In this process, radios attempt to arrive in the same frequency channel and recognize each other’s presence in changing, under-utilized spectrum. This paper refines existing blind rendezvous techniques by introducing a handshaking algorithm for setting up communications once two radios have arrived in the same frequency channel. It then investigates the effect of different jamming techniques on blind rendezvous algorithms that utilize this handshake. The handshake performance is measured by determining the probability of a handshake, the time to handshake, and the increase in time to rendezvous (TTR) with a handshake compared to that without. The handshake caused varying increases in TTR depending on the time spent in each channel. Four different jamming techniques are applied to the blind rendezvous process: noise, deceptive, sense, and Primary User Emulation (PUE). Each jammer type is analyzed to determine how they increase the TTR, how often they successfully jam over a period of time, and how long it takes to jam. The sense jammer was most effective, followed by PUE, deceptive, and noise, respectively

    SmartDR: A Device-to-Device Communication for Post-Disaster Recovery

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    Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, can cause severe destruction and create havoc in the society.Buildings and other structures may collapse during disaster incidents causing injuries and deaths to victims trapped under debris and rubble. Immediately after a natural disaster incident, it becomes extremely difficult for first responders and rescuers to find and save trapped victims. Often searches are carried out blindly in random locations, which delay the rescue of the victims. This paper introduces a Smartphone Assisted Disaster Recovery (SmartDR) method for post-disaster communication using Smartphones. SmartDR utilizes the device-to-device (D2D) communication technology in Fifth Generation (5G) networks, which enables direct communication between proximate devices without the need of relaying through a network infrastructure, such as mobile access points or mobile base stations. We examine a scenario of multi-hop D2D communication where smartphones carried by trapped victims and other people in disaster affected areas can self-detect the occurrence of a disaster incident by monitoring the radio environment and then can self-switch to a disaster mode to transmit emergency help messages with their location coordinates to other nearby smartphones. To locate other nearby smartphones also operating in the disaster mode and in the same channel, each smartphone runs a rendezvous process. The emergency messages are thus relayed to the functional base station or rescue centre. To facilitate routing of the emergency messages, we propose a path selection algorithm, which considers both delay and the leftover energy of a device (a smartphone in this case). Thus, the SmartDR method includes: (i) a multi-channel channel hopping rendezvous protocol to improve the victim localization or neighbor discovery, and (ii) an energy-aware multi-path routing (Energy-aware ad-hoc on-demand distance vector or E-AODV) protocol to overcome the higher energy depletionrate at devices associated with single shortest path routing. The SmartDR method can guide search and rescue operations and increase the possibility of saving lives immediately aftermath a disasterincident. A simulation-based performance study is conducted to evaluate the protocol performance in post-disaster scenario. Simulation results show that a significant performance gain is achievable when a device utilises the channel information for the rendezvous process and the leftover energy

    Revisiting the Performance of the Modular Clock Algorithm for Distributed Blind Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Abstract. We reexamine the modular clock algorithm for distributed blind rendezvous in cognitive radio networks. It proceeds in rounds. Each round consists of scanning twice a block of generated channels. The modular clock algorithm inspired the creation of the jump-stay ren-dezvous algorithm. It augments the modular clock with a stay-on-one-channel pattern. This enhancement guarantees rendezvous in one round. We make the observation that as the number of channels increases, the significance of the stay-on-one-channel pattern decreases. We revisit the performance analysis of the two-user symmetric case of the modular clock algorithm. We compare its performance with a random and the jump-stay rendezvous algorithms. Let m be the number of channels. Let p be the smallest prime number greater than m. The expected time-to-rendezvous of the random and jump-stay algorithms are m and p, respectively. Theis et al.’s analysis of the modular clock algorithm con-cludes a maximum expected time-to-rendezvous slightly larger than 2p time slots. Our analysis shows that the expected time-to-rendezvous of the modular clock algorithm is no more than 3p/4 time slots.

    D2D-Based Grouped Random Access to Mitigate Mobile Access Congestion in 5G Sensor Networks

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    The Fifth Generation (5G) wireless service of sensor networks involves significant challenges when dealing with the coordination of ever-increasing number of devices accessing shared resources. This has drawn major interest from the research community as many existing works focus on the radio access network congestion control to efficiently manage resources in the context of device-to-device (D2D) interaction in huge sensor networks. In this context, this paper pioneers a study on the impact of D2D link reliability in group-assisted random access protocols, by shedding the light on beneficial performance and potential limitations of approaches of this kind against tunable parameters such as group size, number of sensors and reliability of D2D links. Additionally, we leverage on the association with a Geolocation Database (GDB) capability to assist the grouping decisions by drawing parallels with recent regulatory-driven initiatives around GDBs and arguing benefits of the suggested proposal. Finally, the proposed method is approved to significantly reduce the delay over random access channels, by means of an exhaustive simulation campaign.Comment: First submission to IEEE Communications Magazine on Oct.28.2017. Accepted on Aug.18.2019. This is the camera-ready versio
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