1,511 research outputs found

    Interval Consistency Repairing Method for Double Hierarchy Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relation and Application in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

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    Natural language is more in line with the real thoughts of people than crisp numbers considering that qualitative language information is more consistent with the expression habits of experts. Double hierarchy hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relation (DHHFLPR) can be used to express complex linguistic preference information accurately because the pairwise comparison methods are more accurate than non-pairwise methods. Consistency reflects the rationalization of a preference relation and can be used to judge whether a preference relation is self-contradictory or not. In this paper, an interval consistency index of DHHFLPR is developed, which is consisted by the consistency indices of all double hierarchy linguistic preference relations associated with the DHHFLPR. Additionally, an average consistency index of DHHFLPR is given by calculating the average value of the consistency indices of all double hierarchy linguistic preference relations. Moreover, we develop a consistency checking and repairing method for DHHFLPR. Finally, we apply the proposed method into a practical group decision-making problem that is to identify the most critical factors in developing lung cancer, and some comparative analyses involving the connections and differences among the proposed consistency indices are analysed

    An overview on managing additive consistency of reciprocal preference relations for consistency-driven decision making and Fusion: Taxonomy and future directions

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The reciprocal preference relation (RPR) is a powerful tool to represent decision makers’ preferences in decision making problems. In recent years, various types of RPRs have been reported and investigated, some of them being the ‘classical’ RPRs, interval-valued RPRs and hesitant RPRs. Additive consistency is one of the most commonly used property to measure the consistency of RPRs, with many methods developed to manage additive consistency of RPRs. To provide a clear perspective on additive consistency issues of RPRs, this paper reviews the consistency measurements of the different types of RPRs. Then, consistency-driven decision making and information fusion methods are also reviewed and classified into four main types: consistency improving methods; consistency-based methods to manage incomplete RPRs; consistency control in consensus decision making methods; and consistency-driven linguistic decision making methods. Finally, with respect to insights gained from prior researches, further directions for the research are proposed

    Pairwise Comparison and Distance Measure of Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets

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    A hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set (HFLTS), allowing experts using several possible linguistic terms to assess a qualitative linguistic variable, is very useful to express people’s hesitancy in practical decision-making problems. Up to now, a little research has been done on the comparison and distance measure of HFLTSs. In this paper, we present a comparison method for HFLTSs based on pairwise comparisons of each linguistic term in the two HFLTSs. Then, a distance measure method based on the pairwise comparison matrix of HFLTSs is proposed, and we prove that this distance is equal to the distance of the average values of HFLTSs, which makes the distance measure much more simple. Finally, the pairwise comparison and distance measure methods are utilized to develop two multicriteria decision-making approaches under hesitant fuzzy linguistic environments. The results analysis shows that our methods in this paper are more reasonable

    Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Analytic Hierarchical Process With Prioritization, Consistency Checking, and Inconsistency Repairing

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    Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), as one of the most important methods to tackle multiple criteria decision-making problems, has achieved much success over the past several decades. Given that linguistic expressions are much closer than numerical values or single linguistic terms to a human way of thinking and cognition, this paper investigates the AHP with comparative linguistic expressions. After providing the snapshot of classical AHP and its fuzzy extensions, we propose the framework of hesitant fuzzy linguistic AHP, which shows how to yield a decision for qualitative decision-making problems with complex linguistic expressions. First, the comparative linguistic expressions over criteria or alternatives are transformed into hesitant fuzzy linguistic elements and then the hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations (HFLPRs) are constructed. Considering that HFLPRs may be inconsistent, we conduct consistency checking and improving processes after obtaining priorities from the HFLPRs based on a linear programming method. Regarding the consistency-improving process, we develop a new way to establish a perfectly consistent HFLPR. The procedure of the hesitant fuzzy linguistic AHP is given in stepwise. Finally, a numerical example concerning the used-car management in a lemon market is given to illustrate the ef ciency of the proposed hesitant fuzzy linguistic AHP method.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 71771156, in part by the 2019 Sichuan Planning Project of Social Science under Grant SC18A007, in part by the 2019 Soft Science Project of Sichuan Science and Technology Department under Grant 2019JDR0141, and in part by the Project of Innovation at Sichuan University under Grant 2018hhs-43

    Distributed Linguistic Representations in Decision Making: Taxonomy, Key Elements and Applications, and Challenges in Data Science and Explainable Artificial Intelligence

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    Distributed linguistic representations are powerful tools for modelling the uncertainty and complexity of preference information in linguistic decision making. To provide a comprehensive perspective on the development of distributed linguistic representations in decision making, we present the taxonomy of existing distributed linguistic representations. Then, we review the key elements and applications of distributed linguistic information processing in decision making, including the distance measurement, aggregation methods, distributed linguistic preference relations, and distributed linguistic multiple attribute decision making models. Next, we provide a discussion on ongoing challenges and future research directions from the perspective of data science and explainable artificial intelligence.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 71971039 71421001,71910107002,71771037,71874023 71871149Sichuan University sksyl201705 2018hhs-5

    An optimal feedback model to prevent manipulation behaviours in consensus under social network group decision making

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.A novel framework to prevent manipulation behaviour in consensus reaching process under social network group decision making is proposed, which is based on a theoretically sound optimal feedback model. The manipulation behaviour classification is twofold: (1) ‘individual manipulation’ where each expert manipulates his/her own behaviour to achieve higher importance degree (weight); and (2) ‘group manipulation’ where a group of experts force inconsistent experts to adopt specific recommendation advices obtained via the use of fixed feedback parameter. To counteract ‘individual manipulation’, a behavioural weights assignment method modelling sequential attitude ranging from ‘dictatorship’ to ‘democracy’ is developed, and then a reasonable policy for group minimum adjustment cost is established to assign appropriate weights to experts. To prevent ‘group manipulation’, an optimal feedback model with objective function the individual adjustments cost and constraints related to the threshold of group consensus is investigated. This approach allows the inconsistent experts to balance group consensus and adjustment cost, which enhances their willingness to adopt the recommendation advices and consequently the group reaching consensus on the decision making problem at hand. A numerical example is presented to illustrate and verify the proposed optimal feedback model

    A systematic review on multi-criteria group decision-making methods based on weights: analysis and classification scheme

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    Interest in group decision-making (GDM) has been increasing prominently over the last decade. Access to global databases, sophisticated sensors which can obtain multiple inputs or complex problems requiring opinions from several experts have driven interest in data aggregation. Consequently, the field has been widely studied from several viewpoints and multiple approaches have been proposed. Nevertheless, there is a lack of general framework. Moreover, this problem is exacerbated in the case of experts’ weighting methods, one of the most widely-used techniques to deal with multiple source aggregation. This lack of general classification scheme, or a guide to assist expert knowledge, leads to ambiguity or misreading for readers, who may be overwhelmed by the large amount of unclassified information currently available. To invert this situation, a general GDM framework is presented which divides and classifies all data aggregation techniques, focusing on and expanding the classification of experts’ weighting methods in terms of analysis type by carrying out an in-depth literature review. Results are not only classified but analysed and discussed regarding multiple characteristics, such as MCDMs in which they are applied, type of data used, ideal solutions considered or when they are applied. Furthermore, general requirements supplement this analysis such as initial influence, or component division considerations. As a result, this paper provides not only a general classification scheme and a detailed analysis of experts’ weighting methods but also a road map for researchers working on GDM topics or a guide for experts who use these methods. Furthermore, six significant contributions for future research pathways are provided in the conclusions.The first author acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Universities [grant number FPU18/01471]. The second and third author wish to recognize their support from the Serra Hunter program. Finally, this work was supported by the Catalan agency AGAUR through its research group support program (2017SGR00227). This research is part of the R&D project IAQ4EDU, reference no. PID2020-117366RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    ELECTRE I Method Using Hesitant Linguistic Term Sets: An Application to Supplier Selection

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    Decision making is a common process in human activities. Every person or organization needs to make decisions besides dealing with uncertainty and vagueness associated with human cognition. The theory of fuzzy logic provides a mathematical base to model the uncertainities. Hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set (HFLTS) creates an appropriate method to deal with uncertainty in decision making. Managerial decision making generally implies that decision making process conducts multiple and conflicting criteria. Multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a widely applied decision making method. Outranking methods are one type of MCDA methods which facilitate the decision making process through comparing binary relations in order to rank the alternatives. Elimination et Choix Traduisant la Réalité (ELECTRE), means elimination and choice that translates reality, is an outranking method. In this paper, an extended version of ELECTRE I method using HFLTS is proposed. Finally, a real case problem is provided to illustrate the HFLTS-ELECTRE I method

    Interval-valued 2-tuple hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set and its application in multiple attribute decision making

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    [EN] The hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets can retain the completeness of linguistic information elicitation by assigning a set of possible linguistic terms to a qualitative variable. However, sometimes experts cannot make sure that the objects attain these possible linguistic terms but only provide the degrees of confidence to express their hesitant cognition. Given that the interval numbers can denote the possible membership degrees that an object belongs to a set, it is suitable and convenient to provide an interval-valued index to measure the degree of a linguistic variable to a given hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set. Inspired by this idea, we introduce the concept of interval-valued 2-tuple hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set (IV2THFLTS) based on the interval number and the hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set. Then, we define some interval-valued 2-tuple hesitant fuzzy linguistic aggregation operators. Afterwards, to overcome the instability of subjective weights, we propose a method to compute the weights of attributes. For the convenience of application, a method is given to solve the multiple attribute decision making problems with IV2THFLTSs. Finally, a case study is carried out to validate the proposed method, and some comparisons with other methods are given to show the advantages of the proposed method.The work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 71501135, 71771156), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016T90863, 2016M602698), the Fundamental Research Funds for the central Universities (No. YJ201535), and the Scientific Research Foundation for Excellent Young Scholars at Sichuan University (No. 2016SCU04A23).Si, G.; Liao, H.; Yu, D.; Llopis Albert, C. (2018). Interval-valued 2-tuple hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set and its application in multiple attribute decision making. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 34(6):4225-4236. https://doi.org/10.3233/JIFS-171967S4225423634
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