340 research outputs found

    3D hand tracking.

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    The hand is often considered as one of the most natural and intuitive interaction modalities for human-to-human interaction. In human-computer interaction (HCI), proper 3D hand tracking is the first step in developing a more intuitive HCI system which can be used in applications such as gesture recognition, virtual object manipulation and gaming. However, accurate 3D hand tracking, remains a challenging problem due to the hand’s deformation, appearance similarity, high inter-finger occlusion and complex articulated motion. Further, 3D hand tracking is also interesting from a theoretical point of view as it deals with three major areas of computer vision- segmentation (of hand), detection (of hand parts), and tracking (of hand). This thesis proposes a region-based skin color detection technique, a model-based and an appearance-based 3D hand tracking techniques to bring the human-computer interaction applications one step closer. All techniques are briefly described below. Skin color provides a powerful cue for complex computer vision applications. Although skin color detection has been an active research area for decades, the mainstream technology is based on individual pixels. This thesis presents a new region-based technique for skin color detection which outperforms the current state-of-the-art pixel-based skin color detection technique on the popular Compaq dataset (Jones & Rehg 2002). The proposed technique achieves 91.17% true positive rate with 13.12% false negative rate on the Compaq dataset tested over approximately 14,000 web images. Hand tracking is not a trivial task as it requires tracking of 27 degreesof- freedom of hand. Hand deformation, self occlusion, appearance similarity and irregular motion are major problems that make 3D hand tracking a very challenging task. This thesis proposes a model-based 3D hand tracking technique, which is improved by using proposed depth-foreground-background ii feature, palm deformation module and context cue. However, the major problem of model-based techniques is, they are computationally expensive. This can be overcome by discriminative techniques as described below. Discriminative techniques (for example random forest) are good for hand part detection, however they fail due to sensor noise and high interfinger occlusion. Additionally, these techniques have difficulties in modelling kinematic or temporal constraints. Although model-based descriptive (for example Markov Random Field) or generative (for example Hidden Markov Model) techniques utilize kinematic and temporal constraints well, they are computationally expensive and hardly recover from tracking failure. This thesis presents a unified framework for 3D hand tracking, using the best of both methodologies, which out performs the current state-of-the-art 3D hand tracking techniques. The proposed 3D hand tracking techniques in this thesis can be used to extract accurate hand movement features and enable complex human machine interaction such as gaming and virtual object manipulation

    Development of a probabilistic perception system for camera-lidar sensor fusion

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    La estimación de profundidad usando diferentes sensores es uno de los desafíos clave para dotar a las máquinas autónomas de sólidas capacidades de percepción robótica. Ha habido un avance sobresaliente en el desarrollo de técnicas de estimación de profundidad unimodales basadas en cámaras monoculares, debido a su alta resolución o sensores LiDAR, debido a los datos geométricos precisos que proporcionan. Sin embargo, cada uno de ellos presenta inconvenientes inherentes, como la alta sensibilidad a los cambios en las condiciones de iluminación en el caso delas cámaras y la resolución limitada de los sensores LiDAR. La fusión de sensores se puede utilizar para combinar los méritos y compensar las desventajas de estos dos tipos de sensores. Sin embargo, los métodos de fusión actuales funcionan a un alto nivel. Procesan los flujos de datos de los sensores de forma independiente y combinan las estimaciones de alto nivel obtenidas para cada sensor. En este proyecto, abordamos el problema en un nivel bajo, fusionando los flujos de sensores sin procesar, obteniendo así estimaciones de profundidad que son densas y precisas, y pueden usarse como una fuente de datos multimodal unificada para problemas de estimación de nivel superior. Este trabajo propone un modelo de campo aleatorio condicional (CRF) con múltiples potenciales de geometría y apariencia que representa a la perfección el problema de estimar mapas de profundidad densos a partir de datos de cámara y LiDAR. El modelo se puede optimizar de manera eficiente utilizando el algoritmo Conjúgate Gradient Squared (CGS). El método propuesto se evalúa y compara utilizando el conjunto de datos proporcionado por KITTI Datset. Adicionalmente, se evalúa cualitativamente el modelo, usando datos adquiridos por el autor de esté trabajoMulti-modal depth estimation is one of the key challenges for endowing autonomous machines with robust robotic perception capabilities. There has been an outstanding advance in the development of uni-modal depth estimation techniques based on either monocular cameras, because of their rich resolution or LiDAR sensors due to the precise geometric data they provide. However, each of them suffers from some inherent drawbacks like high sensitivity to changes in illumination conditions in the case of cameras and limited resolution for the LiDARs. Sensor fusion can be used to combine the merits and compensate the downsides of these two kinds of sensors. Nevertheless, current fusion methods work at a high level. They processes sensor data streams independently and combine the high level estimates obtained for each sensor. In this thesis, I tackle the problem at a low level, fusing the raw sensor streams, thus obtaining depth estimates which are both dense and precise, and can be used as a unified multi-modal data source for higher level estimation problems. This work proposes a Conditional Random Field (CRF) model with multiple geometry and appearance potentials that seamlessly represents the problem of estimating dense depth maps from camera and LiDAR data. The model can be optimized efficiently using the Conjugate Gradient Squared (CGS) algorithm. The proposed method was evaluated and compared with the state-of-the-art using the commonly used KITTI benchmark dataset. In addition, the model is qualitatively evaluated using data acquired by the author of this work.MaestríaMagíster en Ingeniería de Desarrollo de Producto

    GEOBIA 2016 : Solutions and Synergies., 14-16 September 2016, University of Twente Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC): open access e-book

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    Development of a probabilistic perception system for camera-lidar sensor fusion

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    La estimación de profundidad usando diferentes sensores es uno de los desafíos clave para dotar a las máquinas autónomas de sólidas capacidades de percepción robótica. Ha habido un avance sobresaliente en el desarrollo de técnicas de estimación de profundidad unimodales basadas en cámaras monoculares, debido a su alta resolución o sensores LiDAR, debido a los datos geométricos precisos que proporcionan. Sin embargo, cada uno de ellos presenta inconvenientes inherentes, como la alta sensibilidad a los cambios en las condiciones de iluminación en el caso delas cámaras y la resolución limitada de los sensores LiDAR. La fusión de sensores se puede utilizar para combinar los méritos y compensar las desventajas de estos dos tipos de sensores. Sin embargo, los métodos de fusión actuales funcionan a un alto nivel. Procesan los flujos de datos de los sensores de forma independiente y combinan las estimaciones de alto nivel obtenidas para cada sensor. En este proyecto, abordamos el problema en un nivel bajo, fusionando los flujos de sensores sin procesar, obteniendo así estimaciones de profundidad que son densas y precisas, y pueden usarse como una fuente de datos multimodal unificada para problemas de estimación de nivel superior. Este trabajo propone un modelo de campo aleatorio condicional (CRF) con múltiples potenciales de geometría y apariencia que representa a la perfección el problema de estimar mapas de profundidad densos a partir de datos de cámara y LiDAR. El modelo se puede optimizar de manera eficiente utilizando el algoritmo Conjúgate Gradient Squared (CGS). El método propuesto se evalúa y compara utilizando el conjunto de datos proporcionado por KITTI Datset. Adicionalmente, se evalúa cualitativamente el modelo, usando datos adquiridos por el autor de esté trabajoMulti-modal depth estimation is one of the key challenges for endowing autonomous machines with robust robotic perception capabilities. There has been an outstanding advance in the development of uni-modal depth estimation techniques based on either monocular cameras, because of their rich resolution or LiDAR sensors due to the precise geometric data they provide. However, each of them suffers from some inherent drawbacks like high sensitivity to changes in illumination conditions in the case of cameras and limited resolution for the LiDARs. Sensor fusion can be used to combine the merits and compensate the downsides of these two kinds of sensors. Nevertheless, current fusion methods work at a high level. They processes sensor data streams independently and combine the high level estimates obtained for each sensor. In this thesis, I tackle the problem at a low level, fusing the raw sensor streams, thus obtaining depth estimates which are both dense and precise, and can be used as a unified multi-modal data source for higher level estimation problems. This work proposes a Conditional Random Field (CRF) model with multiple geometry and appearance potentials that seamlessly represents the problem of estimating dense depth maps from camera and LiDAR data. The model can be optimized efficiently using the Conjugate Gradient Squared (CGS) algorithm. The proposed method was evaluated and compared with the state-of-the-art using the commonly used KITTI benchmark dataset. In addition, the model is qualitatively evaluated using data acquired by the author of this work.MaestríaMagíster en Ingeniería de Desarrollo de Producto