2,037 research outputs found

    Automatic refocus and feature extraction of single-look complex SAR signatures of vessels

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    In recent years, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR) technology has been considered as a complement to cooperative vessel surveillance systems thanks to its imaging capabilities. In this paper, a processing chain is presented to explore the potential of using basic stripmap single-look complex ( SLC) SAR images of vessels for the automatic extraction of their dimensions and heading. Local autofocus is applied to the vessels' SAR signatures to compensate blurring artefacts in the azimuth direction, improving both their image quality and their estimated dimensions. For the heading, the orientation ambiguities of the vessels' SAR signatures are solved using the direction of their ground-range velocity from the analysis of their Doppler spectra. Preliminary results are provided using five images of vessels from SLC RADARSAT-2 stripmap images. These results have shown good agreement with their respective ground-truth data from Automatic Identification System ( AIS) records at the time of the acquisitions.Postprint (published version

    Innovative Adaptive Techniques for Multi Channel Spaceborne SAR Systems

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well-known technology which allows to coherently combine multiple returns from (typically) ground-based targets from a moving radar mounted either on an airborne or on a space-borne vehicle. The relative motion between the targets on ground and the platform causes a Doppler effect, which is exploited to discriminate along-track positions of targets themselves. In addition, as most of conventional radar, a pulsed wide-band waveform is transmitted periodically, thus allowing even a radar discrimination capability in the range direction (i.e. in distance). For side-looking acquisition geometries, the along-track and the range directions are almost orthogonal, so that the two dimensional target discrimination capabiliy results in the possibility to produce images of the illuminated area on ground. A side-looking geometry consists in the radar antenna to be, either mechanically or electronically, oriented perpendicular to the observed area. Nowadays technology allows discrimination capability (also referred to as resolution) in both alongtrack and range directions in the order of few tenths of centimeters. Since the SAR is a microwave active sensor, this technology assure the possibility to produce images of the terrain independently of the sunlight illumination and/or weather conditions. This makes the SAR a very useful instrument for monitoring and mapping both the natural and the artificial activities over the Earth’s surface. Among all the limitations of a single-channel SAR system, this work focuses over some of them which are briefly listed below: a) the performance achievable in terms of resolution are usually paid in terms of system complexity, dimension, mass and cost; b) since the SAR is a coherent active sensor, it is vulnerable to both intentionally and unintentionally radio-frequency interferences which might limit normal system operability; c) since the Doppler effect it is used to discriminate targets (assumed to be stationary) on the ground, this causes an intrinsic ambiguity in the interpretation of backscattered returns from moving targets. These drawbacks can be easily overcome by resorting to a Multi-cannel SAR (M-SAR) system

    Innovative Adaptive Techniques for Multi Channel Spaceborne SAR Systems

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well-known technology which allows to coherently combine multiple returns from (typically) ground-based targets from a moving radar mounted either on an airborne or on a space-borne vehicle. The relative motion between the targets on ground and the platform causes a Doppler effect, which is exploited to discriminate along-track positions of targets themselves. In addition, as most of conventional radar, a pulsed wide-band waveform is transmitted periodically, thus allowing even a radar discrimination capability in the range direction (i.e. in distance). For side-looking acquisition geometries, the along-track and the range directions are almost orthogonal, so that the two dimensional target discrimination capabiliy results in the possibility to produce images of the illuminated area on ground. A side-looking geometry consists in the radar antenna to be, either mechanically or electronically, oriented perpendicular to the observed area. Nowadays technology allows discrimination capability (also referred to as resolution) in both alongtrack and range directions in the order of few tenths of centimeters. Since the SAR is a microwave active sensor, this technology assure the possibility to produce images of the terrain independently of the sunlight illumination and/or weather conditions. This makes the SAR a very useful instrument for monitoring and mapping both the natural and the artificial activities over the Earth’s surface. Among all the limitations of a single-channel SAR system, this work focuses over some of them which are briefly listed below: a) the performance achievable in terms of resolution are usually paid in terms of system complexity, dimension, mass and cost; b) since the SAR is a coherent active sensor, it is vulnerable to both intentionally and unintentionally radio-frequency interferences which might limit normal system operability; c) since the Doppler effect it is used to discriminate targets (assumed to be stationary) on the ground, this causes an intrinsic ambiguity in the interpretation of backscattered returns from moving targets. These drawbacks can be easily overcome by resorting to a Multi-cannel SAR (M-SAR) system

    Spaceborne synthetic-aperture imaging radars: Applications, techniques, and technology

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    In the last four years, the first two Earth-orbiting, space-borne, synthetic-aperture imaging radars (SAR) were successfully developed and operated. This was a major achievement in the development of spaceborne radar sensors and ground processors. The data acquired with these sensors extended the capability of Earth resources and ocean-surface observation into a new region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This paper is a review of the different aspects of spaceborne imaging radars. It includes a review of: 1) the unique characteristics of space-borne SAR systems; 2) the state of the art in spaceborne SAR hardware and SAR optical and digital processors; 3) the different data-handling techniques; and 4) the different applications of spaceborne SAR data

    Characterizing slope instability kinematics by integrating multi-sensor satellite remote sensing observations

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    Over the past few decades, the occurrence and intensity of geological hazards, such as landslides, have substantially risen due to various factors, including global climate change, seismic events, rapid urbanization and other anthropogenic activities. Landslide disasters pose a significant risk in both urban and rural areas, resulting in fatalities, infrastructure damages, and economic losses. Nevertheless, conventional ground-based monitoring techniques are often costly, time-consuming, and require considerable resources. Moreover, some landslide incidents occur in remote or hazardous locations, making ground-based observation and field investigation challenging or even impossible. Fortunately, the advancements in spaceborne remote sensing technology have led to the availability of large-scale and high-quality imagery, which can be utilized for various landslide-related applications, including identification, monitoring, analysis, and prediction. This efficient and cost-effective technology allows for remote monitoring and assessment of landslide risks and can significantly contribute to disaster management and mitigation efforts. Consequently, spaceborne remote sensing techniques have become vital for geohazard management in many countries, benefiting society by providing reliable downstream services. However, substantial effort is required to ensure that such benefits are provided. For establishing long-term data archives and reliable analyses, it is essential to maintain consistent and continued use of multi-sensor spaceborne remote sensing techniques. This will enable a more thorough understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for slope instabilities, leading to better decision-making and development of effective mitigation strategies. Ultimately, this can reduce the impact of landslide hazards on the general public. The present dissertation contributes to this effort from the following perspectives: 1. To obtain a comprehensive understanding of spaceborne remote sensing techniques for landslide monitoring, we integrated multi-sensor methods to monitor the entire life cycle of landslide dynamics. We aimed to comprehend the landslide evolution under complex cascading events by utilizing various spaceborne remote sensing techniques, e.g., the precursory deformation before catastrophic failure, co-failure procedures, and post-failure evolution of slope instability. 2. To address the discrepancies between spaceborne optical and radar imagery, we present a methodology that models four-dimensional (4D) post-failure landslide kinematics using a decaying mathematical model. This approach enables us to represent the stress relaxation for the landslide body dynamics after failure. By employing this methodology, we can overcome the weaknesses of the individual sensor in spaceborne optical and radar imaging. 3. We assessed the effectiveness of a newly designed small dihedral corner reflector for landslide monitoring. The reflector is compatible with both ascending and descending satellite orbits, while it is also suitable for applications with both high-resolution and medium-resolution satellite imagery. Furthermore, although its echoes are not as strong as those of conventional reflectors, the cost of the newly designed reflectors is reduced, with more manageable installation and maintenance. To overcome this limitation, we propose a specific selection strategy based on a probability model to identify the reflectors in satellite images

    Sea target detection using spaceborne GNSS-R delay-doppler maps: theory and experimental proof of concept using TDS-1 data

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This study addresses a novel application of global navigation satellite system-reflectometry (GNSS-R) delay-Doppler maps (DDMs), namely sea target detection. In contrast with other competing remote sensing technologies, such as synthetic aperture radar and optical systems, typically exploited in the field of sea target detection, GNSS-R systems could be employed as satellite constellations, so as to fulfill the temporal requirements for near real-time ships and sea ice sheets monitoring. In this study, the revisit time offered by GNSS-R systems is quantitatively evaluated by means of a simulation analysis, in which three different realistic GNSS-R missions are simulated and analyzed. Then, a sea target detection algorithm from spaceborne GNSS-R DDMs is described and assessed. The algorithm is based on a sea clutter compensation step and uses an adaptive threshold to take into account spatial variations in the sea background and/or noise statistics. Finally, the sea target detector algorithm is tested and validated for the first time ever using experimental GNSS-R data from the U.K. TechDemoSat-1 dataset. Performance is assessed by providing the receiver operating characteristic curves, and some preliminary experimental results are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Development of a ground-based polarimetric broadband SAR system for noninvasive ground-truth validation in vegetation monitoring

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    Copyright © 2004 IEEEWe have developed a ground-based polarimetric broadband synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system for noninvasive ground-truth validation in polarimetric SAR remote sensing of terrestrial vegetation cover. This system consists of a vector network analyzer, one dual-polarized antenna, and an antenna positioner. It can be operated in a frequency range from 50 MHz to 20 GHz, with a scanning aperture of 20 m in the horizontal and 1.5 m in the vertical direction. Tests carried out with standard reflectors showed that the polarimetric measurement capabilities of this system are satisfactory. Using the polarimetric ground-based SAR (GB-SAR) system, we carried out measurements on a specific vegetation cover pertinent to the remote sensing of forested regions within Sendai City, consisting of three different kinds of trees common within the Kawauchi Campus of Tohoku University. Measurements were collected in spring, summer, and autumn. Three-dimensional (3-D) polarization-sensitive images were reconstructed from the acquired data. Analysis of the 3-D polarimetric images of each measurement found differences (at times strong differences) among the polarization signatures. There were stronger reflections in all of the HH, VH, VV images in the second (summer) measurement, especially in the VH image, due to the substantial growth of branches and leaves in summer. This ground-truth validation system provided valuable information about the scattering mechanisms of the three trees selected for analysis in different seasons, which can be detected by broadband polarimetric ground-based SAR measurements. The experimental results demonstrate the excellent polarimetric performance of the newly developed SAR imaging system, which should find many useful and immediate applications in noninvasive ground-truth validation of diverse terrestrial vegetation covers.Zheng-Shu Zhou, W.-M. Boerner and M. Sat

    Subsurface sounders

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    Airborne or spaceborne electromagnetic systems used to detect subsurface features are discussed. Data are given as a function of resistivity of ground material, magnetic permeability of free space, and angular frequency. It was noted that resistivities vary with the water content and temperature

    An introduction to the interim digital SAR processor and the characteristics of the associated Seasat SAR imagery

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    Basic engineering data regarding the Interim Digital SAR Processor (IDP) and the digitally correlated Seasat synthetic aperature radar (SAR) imagery are presented. The correlation function and IDP hardware/software configuration are described, and a preliminary performance assessment presented. The geometric and radiometric characteristics, with special emphasis on those peculiar to the IDP produced imagery, are described