49 research outputs found

    Ground Metric Learning on Graphs

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    Optimal transport (OT) distances between probability distributions are parameterized by the ground metric they use between observations. Their relevance for real-life applications strongly hinges on whether that ground metric parameter is suitably chosen. Selecting it adaptively and algorithmically from prior knowledge, the so-called ground metric learning GML) problem, has therefore appeared in various settings. We consider it in this paper when the learned metric is constrained to be a geodesic distance on a graph that supports the measures of interest. This imposes a rich structure for candidate metrics, but also enables far more efficient learning procedures when compared to a direct optimization over the space of all metric matrices. We use this setting to tackle an inverse problem stemming from the observation of a density evolving with time: we seek a graph ground metric such that the OT interpolation between the starting and ending densities that result from that ground metric agrees with the observed evolution. This OT dynamic framework is relevant to model natural phenomena exhibiting displacements of mass, such as for instance the evolution of the color palette induced by the modification of lighting and materials.Comment: Fixed sign of gradien

    Half-quadratic transportation problems

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    We present a primal--dual memory efficient algorithm for solving a relaxed version of the general transportation problem. Our approach approximates the original cost function with a differentiable one that is solved as a sequence of weighted quadratic transportation problems. The new formulation allows us to solve differentiable, non-- convex transportation problems

    Two-Stage Metric Learning

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    In this paper, we present a novel two-stage metric learning algorithm. We first map each learning instance to a probability distribution by computing its similarities to a set of fixed anchor points. Then, we define the distance in the input data space as the Fisher information distance on the associated statistical manifold. This induces in the input data space a new family of distance metric with unique properties. Unlike kernelized metric learning, we do not require the similarity measure to be positive semi-definite. Moreover, it can also be interpreted as a local metric learning algorithm with well defined distance approximation. We evaluate its performance on a number of datasets. It outperforms significantly other metric learning methods and SVM.Comment: Accepted for publication in ICML 201

    Regularized Optimal Transport and the Rot Mover's Distance

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    This paper presents a unified framework for smooth convex regularization of discrete optimal transport problems. In this context, the regularized optimal transport turns out to be equivalent to a matrix nearness problem with respect to Bregman divergences. Our framework thus naturally generalizes a previously proposed regularization based on the Boltzmann-Shannon entropy related to the Kullback-Leibler divergence, and solved with the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm. We call the regularized optimal transport distance the rot mover's distance in reference to the classical earth mover's distance. We develop two generic schemes that we respectively call the alternate scaling algorithm and the non-negative alternate scaling algorithm, to compute efficiently the regularized optimal plans depending on whether the domain of the regularizer lies within the non-negative orthant or not. These schemes are based on Dykstra's algorithm with alternate Bregman projections, and further exploit the Newton-Raphson method when applied to separable divergences. We enhance the separable case with a sparse extension to deal with high data dimensions. We also instantiate our proposed framework and discuss the inherent specificities for well-known regularizers and statistical divergences in the machine learning and information geometry communities. Finally, we demonstrate the merits of our methods with experiments using synthetic data to illustrate the effect of different regularizers and penalties on the solutions, as well as real-world data for a pattern recognition application to audio scene classification

    A Smoothed Dual Approach for Variational Wasserstein Problems

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    Variational problems that involve Wasserstein distances have been recently proposed to summarize and learn from probability measures. Despite being conceptually simple, such problems are computationally challenging because they involve minimizing over quantities (Wasserstein distances) that are themselves hard to compute. We show that the dual formulation of Wasserstein variational problems introduced recently by Carlier et al. (2014) can be regularized using an entropic smoothing, which leads to smooth, differentiable, convex optimization problems that are simpler to implement and numerically more stable. We illustrate the versatility of this approach by applying it to the computation of Wasserstein barycenters and gradient flows of spacial regularization functionals