295 research outputs found

    Neural Vector Spaces for Unsupervised Information Retrieval

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    We propose the Neural Vector Space Model (NVSM), a method that learns representations of documents in an unsupervised manner for news article retrieval. In the NVSM paradigm, we learn low-dimensional representations of words and documents from scratch using gradient descent and rank documents according to their similarity with query representations that are composed from word representations. We show that NVSM performs better at document ranking than existing latent semantic vector space methods. The addition of NVSM to a mixture of lexical language models and a state-of-the-art baseline vector space model yields a statistically significant increase in retrieval effectiveness. Consequently, NVSM adds a complementary relevance signal. Next to semantic matching, we find that NVSM performs well in cases where lexical matching is needed. NVSM learns a notion of term specificity directly from the document collection without feature engineering. We also show that NVSM learns regularities related to Luhn significance. Finally, we give advice on how to deploy NVSM in situations where model selection (e.g., cross-validation) is infeasible. We find that an unsupervised ensemble of multiple models trained with different hyperparameter values performs better than a single cross-validated model. Therefore, NVSM can safely be used for ranking documents without supervised relevance judgments.Comment: TOIS 201

    A Novel ILP Framework for Summarizing Content with High Lexical Variety

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    Summarizing content contributed by individuals can be challenging, because people make different lexical choices even when describing the same events. However, there remains a significant need to summarize such content. Examples include the student responses to post-class reflective questions, product reviews, and news articles published by different news agencies related to the same events. High lexical diversity of these documents hinders the system's ability to effectively identify salient content and reduce summary redundancy. In this paper, we overcome this issue by introducing an integer linear programming-based summarization framework. It incorporates a low-rank approximation to the sentence-word co-occurrence matrix to intrinsically group semantically-similar lexical items. We conduct extensive experiments on datasets of student responses, product reviews, and news documents. Our approach compares favorably to a number of extractive baselines as well as a neural abstractive summarization system. The paper finally sheds light on when and why the proposed framework is effective at summarizing content with high lexical variety.Comment: Accepted for publication in the journal of Natural Language Engineering, 201

    Fast Information Retrieval in the Open Grid Service Architecture

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    Information retrieval offers resource discovery mechanisms for unstructured information and has thus been identified as a standardization goal by the open grid forum. We argue that an integration of information retrieval into the infrastructure is not only an interesting prospect for grid users, but is in fact necessary because the batch processing approach supported by the open grid service architecture is at odds with the requirements of online query processing. The cost of staging the search indices to an allocated compute node to answer sporadic but frequent search queries is prohibitive. We advocate the use of web services as a cross site messaging mechanism and discuss the alternatives. To investigate, we have designed and built a prototype system for grid image retrieval. Unfortunately, the statelessness and isolation of web services proved problematic for our purposes, but we present a software architecture that can efficiently overcome these issues

    Identificación de documentos multilingües relacionados mediante algoritmos de clustering de hormigas

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta una estrategia de representación documental y un algoritmo bioinspirado para realizar procesos de agrupamiento en colecciones multilingües de documentos en las áreas de la economía y la empresa. El enfoque propuesto permite al usuario identificar grupos de documentos económicos relacionados escritos en español o inglés usando técnicas inspiradas en comportamientos de organización y agrupamiento de objetos observados en algunos tipos de hormigas. Para conseguir una representación vectorial de cada documento independiente del idioma, se han utilizado dos recursos lingüísticos: un glosario económico y un tesauro. Cada documento es representado usando cuatro vectores de rasgos: palabras, nombres propios, términos económicos del glosario y descriptores del tesauro. La identificación de los nombres propios y la extracción y lematización de palabras se realizan usando herramientas específicas. El esquema tf-idf es utilizado para medir la importancia de cada rasgo en el documento, y se utiliza una combinación lineal convexa de separaciones angulares de los vectores de rasgos como medida de similitud de documentos. El trabajo muestra resultados experimentales de aplicación del algoritmo propuesto sobre un corpus español-inglés de documentos científicos de áreas económica y de gestión empresarial. Los resultados demuestran la utilidad y efectividad de las técnicas de ant clustering y del esquema de representación propuesto.ABSTRACT: This paper presents a document representation strategy and a bio-inspired algorithm to cluster multilingual collections of documents in the field of economics and business. The proposed approach allows the user to identify groups of related economics documents written in Spanish and English using techniques inspired on clustering and sorting behaviours observed in some types of ants. In order to obtain a language independent vector representation of each document two multilingual resources are used: an economic glossary and a thesaurus. Each document is represented using four feature vectors: words, proper names, economic terms in the glossary and thesaurus descriptors. The proper name identification, word extraction and lemmatization are performed using specific tools. The tf-idf scheme is used to measure the importance of each feature in the document, and a convex linear combination of angular separations between feature vectors is used as similarity measure of documents. The paper shows experimental results of the application of the proposed algorithm in a Spanish-English corpus of research papers in economics and management areas. The results demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the ant clustering algorithm and the proposed representation scheme.This work has been partially supported by SistIngAlfa project, ref: ALFA II-0321-FA of the European Union and Project Ref. TIN2006-13615 of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science

    Entity Query Feature Expansion Using Knowledge Base Links

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    Recent advances in automatic entity linking and knowledge base construction have resulted in entity annotations for document and query collections. For example, annotations of entities from large general purpose knowledge bases, such as Freebase and the Google Knowledge Graph. Understanding how to leverage these entity annotations of text to improve ad hoc document retrieval is an open research area. Query expansion is a commonly used technique to improve retrieval effectiveness. Most previous query expansion approaches focus on text, mainly using unigram concepts. In this paper, we propose a new technique, called entity query feature expansion (EQFE) which enriches the query with features from entities and their links to knowledge bases, including structured attributes and text. We experiment using both explicit query entity annotations and latent entities. We evaluate our technique on TREC text collections automatically annotated with knowledge base entity links, including the Google Freebase Annotations (FACC1) data. We find that entity-based feature expansion results in significant improvements in retrieval effectiveness over state-of-the-art text expansion approaches