280,357 research outputs found

    Average nearest neighbor degrees in scale-free networks

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    The average nearest neighbor degree (ANND) of a node of degree kk is widely used to measure dependencies between degrees of neighbor nodes in a network. We formally analyze ANND in undirected random graphs when the graph size tends to infinity. The limiting behavior of ANND depends on the variance of the degree distribution. When the variance is finite, the ANND has a deterministic limit. When the variance is infinite, the ANND scales with the size of the graph, and we prove a corresponding central limit theorem in the configuration model (CM, a network with random connections). As ANND proved uninformative in the infinite variance scenario, we propose an alternative measure, the average nearest neighbor rank (ANNR). We prove that ANNR converges to a deterministic function whenever the degree distribution has finite mean. We then consider the erased configuration model (ECM), where self-loops and multiple edges are removed, and investigate the well-known `structural negative correlations', or `finite-size effects', that arise in simple graphs, such as ECM, because large nodes can only have a limited number of large neighbors. Interestingly, we prove that for any fixed kk, ANNR in ECM converges to the same limit as in CM. However, numerical experiments show that finite-size effects occur when kk scales with nn

    Limit Theorems for Network Dependent Random Variables

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    This paper is concerned with cross-sectional dependence arising because observations are interconnected through an observed network. Following Doukhan and Louhichi (1999), we measure the strength of dependence by covariances of nonlinearly transformed variables. We provide a law of large numbers and central limit theorem for network dependent variables. We also provide a method of calculating standard errors robust to general forms of network dependence. For that purpose, we rely on a network heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) variance estimator, and show its consistency. The results rely on conditions characterized by tradeoffs between the rate of decay of dependence across a network and network's denseness. Our approach can accommodate data generated by network formation models, random fields on graphs, conditional dependency graphs, and large functional-causal systems of equations

    Index statistical properties of sparse random graphs

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    Using the replica method, we develop an analytical approach to compute the characteristic function for the probability PN(K,λ)\mathcal{P}_N(K,\lambda) that a large N×NN \times N adjacency matrix of sparse random graphs has KK eigenvalues below a threshold λ\lambda. The method allows to determine, in principle, all moments of PN(K,λ)\mathcal{P}_N(K,\lambda), from which the typical sample to sample fluctuations can be fully characterized. For random graph models with localized eigenvectors, we show that the index variance scales linearly with N1N \gg 1 for λ>0|\lambda| > 0, with a model-dependent prefactor that can be exactly calculated. Explicit results are discussed for Erd\"os-R\'enyi and regular random graphs, both exhibiting a prefactor with a non-monotonic behavior as a function of λ\lambda. These results contrast with rotationally invariant random matrices, where the index variance scales only as lnN\ln N, with an universal prefactor that is independent of λ\lambda. Numerical diagonalization results confirm the exactness of our approach and, in addition, strongly support the Gaussian nature of the index fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Cut Size Statistics of Graph Bisection Heuristics

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    We investigate the statistical properties of cut sizes generated by heuristic algorithms which solve approximately the graph bisection problem. On an ensemble of sparse random graphs, we find empirically that the distribution of the cut sizes found by ``local'' algorithms becomes peaked as the number of vertices in the graphs becomes large. Evidence is given that this distribution tends towards a Gaussian whose mean and variance scales linearly with the number of vertices of the graphs. Given the distribution of cut sizes associated with each heuristic, we provide a ranking procedure which takes into account both the quality of the solutions and the speed of the algorithms. This procedure is demonstrated for a selection of local graph bisection heuristics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, submitted to SIAM Journal on Optimization also available at http://ipnweb.in2p3.fr/~martin

    Cluster tails for critical power-law inhomogeneous random graphs

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    Recently, the scaling limit of cluster sizes for critical inhomogeneous random graphs of rank-1 type having finite variance but infinite third moment degrees was obtained (see previous work by Bhamidi, van der Hofstad and van Leeuwaarden). It was proved that when the degrees obey a power law with exponent in the interval (3,4), the sequence of clusters ordered in decreasing size and scaled appropriately converges as n goes to infinity to a sequence of decreasing non-degenerate random variables. Here, we study the tails of the limit of the rescaled largest cluster, i.e., the probability that the scaling limit of the largest cluster takes a large value u, as a function of u. This extends a related result of Pittel for the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph to the setting of rank-1 inhomogeneous random graphs with infinite third moment degrees. We make use of delicate large deviations and weak convergence arguments.Comment: corrected and updated first referenc

    Analytic solution of the resolvent equations for heterogeneous random graphs : spectral and localization properties

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    The spectral and localization properties of heterogeneous random graphs are determined by the resolvent distributional equations, which have so far resisted an analytic treatment. We solve analytically the resolvent equations of random graphs with an arbitrary degree distribution in the high-connectivity limit, from which we perform a thorough analysis of the impact of degree fluctuations on the spectral density, the inverse participation ratio, and the distribution of the local density of states (LDOSs). For random graphs with a negative binomial degree distribution, we show that all eigenvectors are extended and that the spectral density exhibits a logarithmic or a power-law divergence when the variance of the degree distribution is large enough. We elucidate this singular behaviour by showing that the distribution of the LDOSs at the centre of the spectrum displays a power-law tail controlled by the variance of the degree distribution. In the regime of weak degree fluctuations the spectral density has a finite support, which promotes the stability of large complex systems on random graphs