40 research outputs found

    Big system: Interactive graphics for the engineer

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    The BCS Interactive Graphics System (BIG System) approach to graphics was presented, along with several significant engineering applications. The BIG System precompiler, the graphics support library, and the function requirements of graphics applications are discussed. It was concluded that graphics standardization and a device independent code can be developed to assure maximum graphic terminal transferability

    Current and future graphics requirements for LaRC and proposed future graphics system

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    The findings of an investigation to assess the current and future graphics requirements of the LaRC researchers with respect to both hardware and software are presented. A graphics system designed to meet these requirements is proposed

    At last an ISO C binding of GKS

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    The bindings of GKS and other semantic computer C graphics standards like GKS-3D and PHIGS are long overdue. While GKS was completed in 1985 and GKS-3D (and PHIGS) became an international standard in 1988, none of their C bindings could be standardized, for the simple reason that the C language itself was not a standard. Instead, a host of de facto GKS/C bindings appeared. This paper will give the flavour of the ISO C bind- GKS, GKS-3D, PHIGS, C language binding

    An Overview of Computer Graphics Industry Standards.

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    This paper presents the status of the family of computer graphics standards that have been under development in recent years. In order to take advantage of the graphics standards, the industrial communities should be aware of what standards exist, and the relationship of the standards to each other. Since it is also beneficial to understand the process for the development of standards, the role of organizations in the standards-making field and the standardization process is presented. This discussion will provide an introduction and reference source for the computer graphics standards for those who have a need to understand the emerging standards, but have no technical involvement in their development. A level of understanding is provided which will assist in determining whether or not a particular standard would be appropriate for an intended application, and if further research into the standard might be required

    Computer graphics standards for man modelling

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    The human being is arguably one of the most nonstandard and unpredictable components of all systems. Thus, in many application areas of computer-aided design, there is a need to model the physical aspects of humans alongside models of workplace and equipment. The paper briefly describes the Sammie systems, a long-established and succesful computer-aided design system that has fulfilled this requirement across a wide range of application areas. Recently, much development work has been aimed at incorporating a range of graphics and data-exchange standards into the Sammie software. These experiences are described, together with observations on their apparent limitations and advantages. In particular, the Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (Phigs), its extension to Phigs-Plus, the Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM), the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (iges), and X-Windows with the Phigs extension (Pex) are considered

    Optimal ratio of spans of continuous bridges

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    The article deals with the creation of continuous metal and monolithic reinforced concrete bridge spans, which are the most effective. Efficiency is achieved by finding opportunities for the unification of structures with the most successful options for providing them with the required load-bearing capacity with the lowest cost of building materials. The bending moments that occur in the sections of a continuous structure are distributed more evenly and take on smaller values in the span than in a split structure. However, the efficiency of continuous structures can be further improved by introducing a certain coefficient of the length of the extreme spans of the bridge relative to the average ones. This allows you to achieve equality of the reference or span bending moments. As a result, the design will work in such a way that it will be possible to build the bridge span as if from three types of unified blocks, which will reduce the complexity and cost of construction work. As an example, in this case, the ratio of spans and the corresponding division into blocks for four-span continuous bridges are determined


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    The use of internet-based information technology on computers in the information network that is learned through cellular technology, cellular-based applications is easier to use the material provided by lecturers, the presence of mobile learning technology becomes a liaison between students and lecturers in learning, with mobile technology becoming a new alternative in providing learning content / items that are more innovative and dynamic. This study uses qualitative data relating to the questionnaire by looking at the feasibility of mobile learning media that contains relevant indicators on the National Education Standards Agency and quantitative data to determine the results of the effectiveness of mobile learning with advanced organizer models in improving chemical cognitive abilities. this is all study program pharmacy Efarina university students. Data collection is done by objective tests for student learning outcomes. Data were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 with a significant level of 0.05. The results of the study are in the form of mean validation to determine whether or not the media of mobile learning is feasible. The results obtained: (1) The composition of the material / media framework on mobile learning media is feasible and in accordance with the Curriculum (2) Mobile learning media developed for the pharmacy study program in the first semester class is feasible to use the results of standardization 3.58, standardization of language feasibility 3.66, standardization of presentation feasibility of 3.72, graphic standardization of 3.69 (3) is certainly the result that is significant improvement in cognitive abilities of students with the implementation of mobile learning with advance organizer models (Sig.1-tailed <α (0.0285 <0.05))

    Dynamic reduction in the calculation of bridge structures

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    In modern bridge construction, on the one hand, there are increasing trends towards increasing bridge spans, which requires reducing the weight of structures. On the other hand, the use of structural elements made of various composite materials is expanding, which allows to significantly reduce the weight of the bridge structures as a whole. However, the creation of new forms of span structures of bridges requires more detailed calculations in order to optimize such forms, in particular the role of calculating the dynamic impact, because with increasing spans and weight loss, increases design flexibility and sensitivity to dynamic loads. In the present paper, the problems of solving an incomplete algebraic problem of eigenvalues and eigenvectors are considered. To increase the accuracy of the calculation and exclude the use of high-order matrices, a method of sequential reduction of the stiffness and equivalent mass matrices is proposed. The method is based on the construction of partial systems using a static transformation, followed by the solution of its own problem for the partial system. In the process of solving this problem through the eigenvectors of the system, the minor unknowns are reduced to the main ones. Dynamic reduction showed high calculation accuracy.