56,448 research outputs found


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    Este artigo documenta e analisa o processo de evolução das principais interfaces homem-máquina, com enfoque na usabilidade, e as diferenças tecnológicas entre elas. A pesquisa desempenhada para elaboração deste documento procura, também, experimentar o desempenho das interfaces CLI (Command Line Interface), GUI (Graphical User Interface) e NUI (Natural User Interface) por meio de um experimento de usabilidade que aborde as três interfaces em um único objetivo e permita o recolhimento de dados para avaliação.AbstractThis article documents and analyzes the evolution of the main man-machine interfaces, with a focus on usability and technological differences between them. The research carried out for the preparation of this document also seeks to experience the performance of interfaces CLI (Command Line Interface) GUI (Graphical User Interface) and NUI (Natural User Interface) through an experiment that addresses the usability of three interfaces on a single goal and allow the collection of data for evaluation

    Using SWISH to realise interactive web based tutorials for logic based languages

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    Programming environments have evolved from purely text based to using graphical user interfaces, and now we see a move towards web based interfaces, such as Jupyter. Web based interfaces allow for the creation of interactive documents that consist of text and programs, as well as their output. The output can be rendered using web technology as, e.g., text, tables, charts or graphs. This approach is particularly suitable for capturing data analysis workflows and creating interactive educational material. This article describes SWISH, a web front-end for Prolog that consists of a web server implemented in SWI-Prolog and a client web application written in JavaScript. SWISH provides a web server where multiple users can manipulate and run the same material, and it can be adapted to support Prolog extensions. In this paper we describe the architecture of SWISH, and describe two case studies of extensions of Prolog, namely Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP) and Logic Production System (LPS), which have used SWISH to provide tutorial sites

    Pen and paper techniques for physical customisation of tabletop interfaces

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    Achieving User Interface Heterogeneity in a Distributed Environment

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    The introduction of distribution into the field of computing has enhanced the possibilities of information processing and interchange on scales which could not previously be achieved with stand-alone machines. However, the successful distribution of a process across a distributed system requires three problems to be considered; how the functionality of a process is distributed, how the data set on which the process works is distributed and how the interface that allows the process to communicate with the outside world is distributed. The focus of the work in this paper lies in describing a model that attempts to provide a solution to the latter problem. The model that has been developed allows the functionality of a process to be separated from and to exist independently from its interface and employs user interface independent display languages to provide distributed and heterogeneous user interfaces to processes. This separation also facilitates access to a service from diverse platforms and can support user interface mobility and third-party application integration. The goals and advantages of this model are partially realised in a prototype that has been designed around the WWW and its associated protocols, and it is predicted how the model could be fully realised by adopting a modular and object-oriented approach, as advocated by the Java programming environment

    Managing complexity in a distributed digital library

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    As the capabilities of distributed digital libraries increase, managing organizational and software complexity becomes a key issue. How can collections and indexes be updated without impacting queries currently in progress? How can the system handle several user-interface clients for the same collections? Computer science professors and lectors from the University of Waikato have developed a software structure that successfully manages this complexity in the New Zealand Digital Library. This digital library has been a success in managing organizational and software complexity. The researchers' primary goal has been to minimize the effort required to keep the system operational and yet continue to expand its offerings

    Target Acquisition in Multiscale Electronic Worlds

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    Since the advent of graphical user interfaces, electronic information has grown exponentially, whereas the size of screen displays has stayed almost the same. Multiscale interfaces were designed to address this mismatch, allowing users to adjust the scale at which they interact with information objects. Although the technology has progressed quickly, the theory has lagged behind. Multiscale interfaces pose a stimulating theoretical challenge, reformulating the classic target-acquisition problem from the physical world into an infinitely rescalable electronic world. We address this challenge by extending Fitts’ original pointing paradigm: we introduce the scale variable, thus defining a multiscale pointing paradigm. This article reports on our theoretical and empirical results. We show that target-acquisition performance in a zooming interface must obey Fitts’ law, and more specifically, that target-acquisition time must be proportional to the index of difficulty. Moreover, we complement Fitts’ law by accounting for the effect of view size on pointing performance, showing that performance bandwidth is proportional to view size, up to a ceiling effect. The first empirical study shows that Fitts’ law does apply to a zoomable interface for indices of difficulty up to and beyond 30 bits, whereas classical Fitts’ law studies have been confined in the 2-10 bit range. The second study demonstrates a strong interaction between view size and task difficulty for multiscale pointing, and shows a surprisingly low ceiling. We conclude with implications of these findings for the design of multiscale user interfaces

    A graphical user interface for Boolean query specification

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    On-line information repositories commonly provide keyword search facilities via textual query languages based on Boolean logic. However, there is evidence to suggest that the syntactical demands of such languages can lead to user errors and adversely affect the time that it takes users to form queries. Users also face difficulties because of the conflict in semantics between AND and OR when used in Boolean logic and English language. We suggest that graphical query languages, in particular Venn-like diagrams, can alleviate the problems that users experience when forming Boolean expressions with textual languages. We describe Vquery, a Venn-diagram based user interface to the New Zealand Digital Library (NZDL). The design of Vquery has been partly motivated by analysis of NZDL usage. We found that few queries contain more than three terms, use of the intersection operator dominates and that query refinement is common. A study of the utility of Venn diagrams for query specification indicates that with little or no training users can interpret and form Venn-like diagrams which accurately correspond to Boolean expressions. The utility of Vquery is considered and directions for future work are proposed

    Info Navigator: A visualization tool for document searching and browsing

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    In this paper we investigate the retrieval performance of monophonic and polyphonic queries made on a polyphonic music database. We extend the n-gram approach for full-music indexing of monophonic music data to polyphonic music using both rhythm and pitch information. We define an experimental framework for a comparative and fault-tolerance study of various n-gramming strategies and encoding levels. For monophonic queries, we focus in particular on query-by-humming systems, and for polyphonic queries on query-by-example. Error models addressed in several studies are surveyed for the fault-tolerance study. Our experiments show that different n-gramming strategies and encoding precision differ widely in their effectiveness. We present the results of our study on a collection of 6366 polyphonic MIDI-encoded music pieces

    FOLDER3D: A graphical file management system supporting visualisation of file relationships

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    The desktop metaphor with its hierarchical structure of folders is the basis of almost all graphical file management systems. Despite this popularity, these systems suffer from several problems, including the restrictiveness of the single inheritance structure of hierarchical file management. Although various alternative systems have been proposed, none of these have gained popularity. We argue that the reason for this failure is that these systems have generally proposed complete alternatives to the hierarchical system, thus ignoring many of its positive aspects. In this paper we describe a 3D graphical file management which complements conventional 2D hierarchical folder structures by allowing visualisation of alternative file relationships