15 research outputs found

    Helicity amplitudes for high-energy scattering

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    We present a prescription to calculate manifestly gauge invariant tree-level helicity amplitudes for arbitrary scattering processes with off-shell initial-state gluons within the kinematics of high-energy scattering. We show that it is equivalent to Lipatov's effective action approach, and show its computational potential through numerical calculations for scattering processes with several particles in the final state.Comment: 27 pages, reference adde

    Author index to volume 125 (1994)

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    Realisations of elliptic operators on compact manifolds with boundary

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    This paper investigates realisations of elliptic differential operators of general order on manifolds with boundary following the approach of B\"ar-Ballmann to first order elliptic operators. The space of possible boundary values of elements in the maximal domain is described as a Hilbert space densely sandwiched between two mixed order Sobolev spaces. The description uses Calder\'on projectors which, in the first order case, is equivalent to results of B\"ar-Bandara using spectral projectors of an adapted boundary operator. Boundary conditions that induce Fredholm as well as regular realisations, and those that admit higher order regularity, are characterised. In addition, results concerning spectral theory, homotopy invariance of the Fredholm index, and well-posedness for higher order elliptic boundary value problems are proven


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    A parsimonious covariance structure of repeated measures is often sought for purposes of increased power for testing hypotheses about the means, and for insight into the stochastic processes governing the repeated measures. For normal data, model selection is often based upon likelihood ratio tests or information criteria derived from the likelihood, sometimes supplemented with graphical plots of correlations and partial correlations. We exploit the ordered nature of repeated measures to decompose the likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit test statistic, and display graphical fingerprints associated with the covariance structures to help detect covariance structure misspecification, in order to provide guidance in choosing an appropriate structure for the data. The proposed methodology is illustrated with simulated repeated measures data and then applied to an experiment to compare tillage methods of pasture establishment

    Planar Doodles: Their Properties, Codes and Classification

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    We present those properties of planar doodles, especially when regarded as 4-valent graphs, that enable us to classify them into {\it prime} and {\it super prime} doodles by analogy to a knot sum. We describe a method for partially characterising a doodle diagram by a {\it doodle code} that describes the complementary regions of the diagram and use that code to enumerate all possible prime and super prime doodle diagrams via their dual graph. In addition we explore the relationship between planar doodles and twin groups, and note that a theorem of Tutte means that super prime doodles have a Hamiltonian circuit. We hope to expand upon this last point in a follow-up paper.Comment: 28 pages, many figures and table

    Learning Sparse Graphon Mean Field Games

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    Although the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has made considerable progress in the last years, solving systems with a large number of agents remains a hard challenge. Graphon mean field games (GMFGs) enable the scalable analysis of MARL problems that are otherwise intractable. By the mathematical structure of graphons, this approach is limited to dense graphs which are insufficient to describe many real-world networks such as power law graphs. Our paper introduces a novel formulation of GMFGs, called LPGMFGs, which leverages the graph theoretical concept of LpL^p graphons and provides a machine learning tool to efficiently and accurately approximate solutions for sparse network problems. This especially includes power law networks which are empirically observed in various application areas and cannot be captured by standard graphons. We derive theoretical existence and convergence guarantees and give empirical examples that demonstrate the accuracy of our learning approach for systems with many agents. Furthermore, we extend the Online Mirror Descent (OMD) learning algorithm to our setup to accelerate learning speed, empirically show its capabilities, and conduct a theoretical analysis using the novel concept of smoothed step graphons. In general, we provide a scalable, mathematically well-founded machine learning approach to a large class of otherwise intractable problems of great relevance in numerous research fields.Comment: accepted for publication at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2023; code available at: https://github.com/ChrFabian/Learning_sparse_GMFG

    Learning Decentralized Partially Observable Mean Field Control for Artificial Collective Behavior

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    Recent reinforcement learning (RL) methods have achieved success in various domains. However, multi-agent RL (MARL) remains a challenge in terms of decentralization, partial observability and scalability to many agents. Meanwhile, collective behavior requires resolution of the aforementioned challenges, and remains of importance to many state-of-the-art applications such as active matter physics, self-organizing systems, opinion dynamics, and biological or robotic swarms. Here, MARL via mean field control (MFC) offers a potential solution to scalability, but fails to consider decentralized and partially observable systems. In this paper, we enable decentralized behavior of agents under partial information by proposing novel models for decentralized partially observable MFC (Dec-POMFC), a broad class of problems with permutation-invariant agents allowing for reduction to tractable single-agent Markov decision processes (MDP) with single-agent RL solution. We provide rigorous theoretical results, including a dynamic programming principle, together with optimality guarantees for Dec-POMFC solutions applied to finite swarms of interest. Algorithmically, we propose Dec-POMFC-based policy gradient methods for MARL via centralized training and decentralized execution, together with policy gradient approximation guarantees. In addition, we improve upon state-of-the-art histogram-based MFC by kernel methods, which is of separate interest also for fully observable MFC. We evaluate numerically on representative collective behavior tasks such as adapted Kuramoto and Vicsek swarming models, being on par with state-of-the-art MARL. Overall, our framework takes a step towards RL-based engineering of artificial collective behavior via MFC.Comment: Accepted to ICLR 202