754 research outputs found

    SINGULAB - A Graphical user Interface for the Singularity Analysis of Parallel Robots based on Grassmann-Cayley Algebra

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    This paper presents SinguLab, a graphical user interface for the singularity analysis of parallel robots. The algorithm is based on Grassmann-Cayley algebra. The proposed tool is interactive and introduces the designer to the singularity analysis performed by this method, showing all the stages along the procedure and eventually showing the solution algebraically and graphically, allowing as well the singularity verification of different robot poses.Comment: Advances in Robot Kinematics, Batz sur Mer : France (2008

    Kinematic Performance Measures and Optimization of Parallel Kinematics Manipulators: A Brief Review

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    This chapter covers a number of kinematic performance indices that are instrumental in designing parallel kinematics manipulators. These indices can be used selectively based on manipulator requirements and functionality. This would provide the very practical tool for designers to approach their needs in a very comprehensive fashion. Nevertheless, most applications require a more composite set of requirements that makes optimizing performance more challenging. The later part of this chapter will discuss single-objective and multi-objectives optimization that could handle certain performance indices or a combination of them. A brief description of most common techniques in the literature will be provided


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    This paper provides workspace determination and analysis based on the graphical technique of both spatial and planar parallel manipulators. The computation and analysis of workspaces will be carried out using the parameterization and three-dimensional representation of the workspace. This technique is implemented in CAD (Computer Aided Design) Software CATIA workbenches. In order to determine the workspace of the proposed manipulators, the reachable region by each kinematic chain is created as a volume/area; afterwards, the full reachable workspace is obtained by the application of a Boolean intersection function on the previously generated volumes/areas. Finally, the relations between the total workspace and the design parameters are simulated, and the Product Engineering Optimizer workbench is used to optimize the design variables in order to obtain a maximized workspace volume. Simulated annealing (SA) and Conjugate Gradient (CG) are considered in this study as optimization tools

    Synthesis of Planar Parallel Mechanism

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    Parallel mechanisms are found as positioning platforms in several applications in robotics and production engineering. Today there are various types of these mechanisms based on the strcture, type of joints and degree of freedom. An important and basic planar mechanism providing three degree of freedom at the end-effector (movable platform) is a 3-RPR linkage. Here the underscore below P indicates the presence of actuated prismatic joints and 3 indicates the number of legs used to carry the mobile platform. A lot of work has been done on this mechanism since 1988. In the present work, the kinematics of 3-RPR linkage is specifically studied to understand the synthesis procedure. The forward kinematics in parallel mechanisms is a multi-solution problem and involves cumbersome calculations compared to inverse kinematics. In inverse kinematics, we design the actuator input kinematic parameters for a known table center coordinates. In other words it is a transformation of platform pose vector to the actuator degrees of freedom. In 3-RPR mechanism considered in present task, the actuators are sliders and hence the slider displacements reflect the input degrees of freedom. On the other hand, for a known posture (available slider displacement status), the table center coordinates are predicted in forward kinematics. In present work, forward kinematics solutions are obtained by defining error function and optimizing it using genetic algorithms programs. Also, the workspace and Jacobian matrices are computed at corresponding solution and singularity analysis is briefly highlighted

    Dynamics of the Orthoglide parallel robot

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    Recursive matrix relations for kinematics and dynamics of the Orthoglide parallel robot having three concurrent prismatic actuators are established in this paper. These are arranged according to the Cartesian coordinate system with fixed orientation, which means that the actuating directions are normal to each other. Three identical legs connecting to the moving platform are located on three planes being perpendicular to each other too. Knowing the position and the translation motion of the platform, we develop the inverse kinematics problem and determine the position, velocity and acceleration of each element of the robot. Further, the principle of virtual work is used in the inverse dynamic problem. Some matrix equations offer iterative expressions and graphs for the input forces and the powers of the three actuators

    Generation of the global workspace roadmap of the 3-RPR using rotary disk search

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    Path planning for parallel manipulators in the configuration space can be a challenging task due to the existence of multiple direct kinematic solutions. Hence the aim of this paper is to define a generalised hierarchical path planning scheme for trajectory generation between two configurations in the configuration space for manipulators that exhibit more than one solution in their direct kinematics. This process is applied to the 3-RPR mechanism, constrained to a 2-DOF system by setting active joint parameter ρ1 to a constant. The overall reachable workspace is discretised and deconstructed into smaller patches, which are then stitched together creating a global workspace roadmap. Using the roadmap, path feasibility is obtained and local path planning is used to generate a complete trajectory. This method can determine a singularity-free path between any two connectible points in the configuration space, including assembly mode changes. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd