27,212 research outputs found

    Building Bayesian Networks: Elicitation, Evaluation, and Learning

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    As a compact graphical framework for representation of multivariate probabilitydistributions, Bayesian networks are widely used for efficient reasoning underuncertainty in a variety of applications, from medical diagnosis to computertroubleshooting and airplane fault isolation. However, construction of Bayesiannetworks is often considered the main difficulty when applying this frameworkto real-world problems. In real world domains, Bayesian networks are often built by knowledge engineering approach. Unfortunately, eliciting knowledge from domain experts isa very time-consuming process, and could result in poor-quality graphicalmodels when not performed carefully. Over the last decade, the research focusis shifting more towards learning Bayesian networks from data, especially withincreasing volumes of data available in various applications, such asbiomedical, internet, and e-business, among others.Aiming at solving the bottle-neck problem of building Bayesian network models, thisresearch work focuses on elicitation, evaluation and learning Bayesiannetworks. Specifically, the contribution of this dissertation involves the research in the following five areas:a) graphical user interface tools forefficient elicitation and navigation of probability distributions, b) systematic and objective evaluation of elicitation schemes for probabilistic models, c)valid evaluation of performance robustness, i.e., sensitivity, of Bayesian networks,d) the sensitivity inequivalent characteristic of Markov equivalent networks, and the appropriateness of using sensitivity for model selection in learning Bayesian networks,e) selective refinement for learning probability parameters of Bayesian networks from limited data with availability of expert knowledge. In addition, an efficient algorithm for fast sensitivity analysis is developed based on relevance reasoning technique. The implemented algorithm runs very fast and makes d) and e) more affordable for real domain practice

    A Probabilistic Framework for Security Scenarios with Dependent Actions

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    This work addresses the growing need of performing meaningful probabilistic analysis of security. We propose a framework that integrates the graphical security modeling technique of attack–defense trees with probabilistic information expressed in terms of Bayesian networks. This allows us to perform probabilistic evaluation of attack–defense scenarios involving dependent actions. To improve the efficiency of our computations, we make use of inference algorithms from Bayesian networks and encoding techniques from constraint reasoning. We discuss the algebraic theory underlying our framework and point out several generalizations which are possible thanks to the use of semiring theory
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