438 research outputs found

    A Semi-Supervised Machine Learning Approach Using K-Means Algorithm to Prevent Burst Header Packet Flooding Attack in Optical Burst Switching Network

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    شبكة تبديل الاندفاع البصري (OBS) هي تقنية اتصال بصري من الجيل الجديد. في شبكة OBS ، ترسل عقدة الحافة أولاً حزمة تحكم ، تسمى حزمة رأس الاندفاع (BHP) التي تحتفظ بالموارد اللازمة لدفعة البيانات القادمة (DB). بمجرد اكتمال الحجز ، تبدأ قاعدة البيانات بالتحرك إلى وجهتها من خلال المسار المحجوز. هناك هجوم بارز على شبكة OBS هو هجوم فيضان BHP حيث ترسل عقدة الحافة BHPs لحجز الموارد ، ولكن في الواقع لا ترسل قاعدة البيانات المرتبطة بها. نتيجة لذلك ، يتم إهدار الموارد المحجوزة وعندما يحدث ذلك على نطاق واسع بما فيه الكفاية ، فقد يحدث رفض الخدمة (DoS). في هذه البحث ، نقترح طريقة شبه آلية للتعلم باستخدام خوارزمية الوسائل k ، لاكتشاف العقد الخبيثة في شبكة OBS. تم تدريب النموذج شبه المراقب المقترح والتحقق من صحته باستخدام بيانات كمية صغيرة من مجموعة بيانات مختارة. تُظهر التجارب أن النموذج يمكن أن يصنف العقد إلى فصول تتصرف أو لا تتصرف بدقة 90٪ عند التدريب باستخدام 20٪ فقط من البيانات. عندما يتم تصنيف العقد إلى فصول تتصرف ، لا تتصرف، وربما لا تتصرف ، فإن النموذج يظهر دقة 65.15 ٪ و 71.84 ٪ إذا تم تدريبه بنسبة 20 ٪ و 30 ٪ من البيانات على التوالي. مقارنة مع بعض الأعمال البارزة كشفت أن النموذج المقترح يتفوق عليها في كثير من النواحي.Optical burst switching (OBS) network is a new generation optical communication technology. In an OBS network, an edge node first sends a control packet, called burst header packet (BHP) which reserves the necessary resources for the upcoming data burst (DB). Once the reservation is complete, the DB starts travelling to its destination through the reserved path. A notable attack on OBS network is BHP flooding attack where an edge node sends BHPs to reserve resources, but never actually sends the associated DB. As a result the reserved resources are wasted and when this happen in sufficiently large scale, a denial of service (DoS) may take place. In this study, we propose a semi-supervised machine learning approach using k-means algorithm, to detect malicious nodes in an OBS network. The proposed semi-supervised model was trained and validated with small amount data from a selected dataset. Experiments show that the model can classify the nodes into either behaving or not-behaving classes with 90% accuracy when trained with just 20% of data. When the nodes are classified into behaving, not-behaving and potentially not-behaving classes, the model shows 65.15% and 71.84% accuracy if trained with 20% and 30% of data respectively. Comparison with some notable works revealed that the proposed model outperforms them in many respects

    A Machine Learning Approach For Enhancing Security And Quality Of Service Of Optical Burst Switching Networks

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    The Optical Bust Switching (OBS) network has become one of the most promising switching technologies for building the next-generation of internet backbone infrastructure. However, OBS networks still face a number of security and Quality of Service (QoS) challenges, particularly from Burst Header Packet (BHP) flooding attacks. In OBS, a core switch handles requests, reserving one of the unoccupied channels for incoming data bursts (DB) through BHP. An attacker can exploit this fact and send malicious BHP without the corresponding DB. If unresolved, threats such as BHP flooding attacks can result in low bandwidth utilization, limited network performance, high burst loss rate, and eventually, denial of service (DoS). In this dissertation, we focus our investigations on the network security and QoS in the presence of BHP flooding attacks. First, we proposed and developed a new security model that can be embedded into OBS core switch architecture to prevent BHP flooding attacks. The countermeasure security model allows the OBS core switch to classify the ingress nodes based on their behavior and the amount of reserved resources not being utilized. A malicious node causing a BHP flooding attack will be blocked by the developed model until the risk disappears or the malicious node redeems itself. Using our security model, we can effectively and preemptively prevent a BHP flooding attack regardless of the strength of the attacker. In the second part of this dissertation, we investigated the potential use of machine learning (ML) in countering the risk of the BHP flood attack problem. In particular, we proposed and developed a new series of rules, using the decision tree method to prevent the risk of a BHP flooding attack. The proposed classification rule models were evaluated using different metrics to measure the overall performance of this approach. The experiments showed that using rules derived from the decision trees did indeed counter BHP flooding attacks, and enabled the automatic classification of edge nodes at an early stage. In the third part of this dissertation, we performed a comparative study, evaluating a number of ML techniques in classifying edge nodes, to determine the most suitable ML method to prevent this type of attack. The experimental results from a preprocessed dataset related to BHP flooding attacks showed that rule-based classifiers, in particular decision trees (C4.5), Bagging, and RIDOR, consistently derive classifiers that are more predictive, compared to alternate ML algorithms, including AdaBoost, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, SVM-SMO and ANN-MultilayerPerceptron. Moreover, the harmonic mean, recall and precision results of the rule-based and tree classifiers were more competitive than those of the remaining ML algorithms. Lastly, the runtime results in ms showed that decision tree classifiers are not only more predictive, but are also more efficient than other algorithms. Thus, our findings show that decision tree identifier is the most appropriate technique for classifying ingress nodes to combat the BHP flooding attack problem

    Cost functions in optical burst-switched networks

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    Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is a new paradigm for an all-optical Internet. It combines the best features of Optical Circuit Switching (OCS) and Optical Packet Switching (OPS) while avoidmg the mam problems associated with those networks .Namely, it offers good granularity, but its hardware requirements are lower than those of OPS. In a backbone network, low loss ratio is of particular importance. Also, to meet varying user requirements, it should support multiple classes of service. In Optical Burst-Switched networks both these goals are closely related to the way bursts are arranged in channels. Unlike the case of circuit switching, scheduling decisions affect the loss probability of future burst This thesis proposes the idea of a cost function. The cost function is used to judge the quality of a burst arrangement and estimate the probability that this burst will interfere with future bursts. Two applications of the cost functio n are proposed. A scheduling algorithm uses the value of the cost function to optimize the alignment of the new burst with other bursts in a channel, thus minimising the loss ratio. A cost-based burst droppmg algorithm, that can be used as a part of a Quality of Service scheme, drops only those bursts, for which the cost function value indicates that are most likely to cause a contention. Simulation results, performed using a custom-made OBS extension to the ns-2 simulator, show that the cost-based algorithms improve network performanc

    Deployment, Coverage And Network Optimization In Wireless Video Sensor Networks For 3D Indoor Monitoring

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    As a result of extensive research over the past decade or so, wireless sensor networks (wsns) have evolved into a well established technology for industry, environmental and medical applications. However, traditional wsns employ such sensors as thermal or photo light resistors that are often modeled with simple omni-directional sensing ranges, which focus only on scalar data within the sensing environment. In contrast, the sensing range of a wireless video sensor is directional and capable of providing more detailed video information about the sensing field. Additionally, with the introduction of modern features in non-fixed focus cameras such as the pan, tilt and zoom (ptz), the sensing range of a video sensor can be further regarded as a fan-shape in 2d and pyramid-shape in 3d. Such uniqueness attributed to wireless video sensors and the challenges associated with deployment restrictions of indoor monitoring make the traditional sensor coverage, deployment and networked solutions in 2d sensing model environments for wsns ineffective and inapplicable in solving the wireless video sensor network (wvsn) issues for 3d indoor space, thus calling for novel solutions. In this dissertation, we propose optimization techniques and develop solutions that will address the coverage, deployment and network issues associated within wireless video sensor networks for a 3d indoor environment. We first model the general problem in a continuous 3d space to minimize the total number of required video sensors to monitor a given 3d indoor region. We then convert it into a discrete version problem by incorporating 3d grids, which can achieve arbitrary approximation precision by adjusting the grid granularity. Due in part to the uniqueness of the visual sensor directional sensing range, we propose to exploit the directional feature to determine the optimal angular-coverage of each deployed visual sensor. Thus, we propose to deploy the visual sensors from divergent directional angles and further extend k-coverage to ``k-angular-coverage\u27\u27, while ensuring connectivity within the network. We then propose a series of mechanisms to handle obstacles in the 3d environment. We develop efficient greedy heuristic solutions that integrate all these aforementioned considerations one by one and can yield high quality results. Based on this, we also propose enhanced depth first search (dfs) algorithms that can not only further improve the solution quality, but also return optimal results if given enough time. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the superiority of both our greedy heuristic and enhanced dfs solutions. Finally, this dissertation discusses some future research directions such as in-network traffic routing and scheduling issues


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    In most metropolitan areas, an emergency evacuation may demand a potentially large number of evacuees to use transit systems or to walk over some distance to access their passenger cars. In the process of approaching designated pick-up points for evacuation, the massive number of pedestrians often incurs tremendous burden to vehicles in the roadway network. Hence, one critical issue in a multi-modal evacuation planning is the effective coordination of the vehicle and pedestrian flows by considering their complex interactions. The purpose of this research is to develop an integrated system that is capable of generating the optimal evacuation plan and reflecting the real-world network traffic conditions caused by the conflicts of these two types of flows. The first part of this research is an integer programming model designed to optimize the control plans for massive mixed pedestrian-vehicle flows within the evacuation zone. The proposed model, integrating the pedestrian and vehicle networks, can effectively account for their potential conflicts during the evacuation. The model can generate the optimal routing strategies to guide evacuees moving toward either their pick-up locations or parking areas and can also produce a responsive plan to accommodate the massive pedestrian movements. The second part of this research is a mixed-flow simulation tool that can capture the conflicts between pedestrians, between vehicles, and between pedestrians and vehicles in an evacuation network. The core logic of this simulation model is the Mixed-Cellular Automata (MCA) concept, which, with some embedded components, offers a realistic mechanism to reflect the competing and conflicting interactions between vehicle and pedestrian flows. This study is expected to yield the following contributions * Design of an effective framework for planning a multi-modal evacuation within metropolitan areas; * Development of an integrated mixed-flow optimization model that can overcome various modeling and computing difficulties in capturing the mixed-flow dynamics in urban network evacuation; * Construction and calibration of a new mixed-flow simulation model, based on the Cellular Automaton concept, to reflect various conflicting patterns between vehicle and pedestrian flows in an evacuation network

    Quality of service in optical burst switching networks

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    Tese dout., Engenharia Electrónica e Computação, Universidade do Algarve, 2009Fundação para e Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Prediction-enhanced Routing in Disruption-tolerant Satellite Networks

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    This thesis introduces a framework for enhancing DTN (Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networking) routing in dynamic LEO satellite constellations based on the prediction of contacts. The solution is developed with a clear focus on the requirements imposed by the 'Ring Road' use case, mandating a concept for dynamic contact prediction and its integration into a state-of-the-art routing approach. The resulting system does not restrict possible applications to the 'Ring Road,' but allows for flexible adaptation to further use cases. A thorough evaluation shows that employing proactive routing in concert with a prediction mechanism offers significantly improved performance when compared to alternative opportunistic routing techniques

    Developing Emergency Preparedness Plans For Orlando International Airport (MCO) Using Microscopic Simulator WATSim

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    Emergency preparedness typically involves the preparation of detailed plans that can be implemented in response to a variety of possible emergencies or disruptions to the transportation system. One shortcoming of past response plans was that they were based on only rudimentary traffic analysis or in many cases none at all. With the advances in traffic simulation during the last decade, it is now possible to model many traffic problems, such as emergency management, signal control and testing of Intelligent Transportation System technologies. These problems are difficult to solve using the traditional tools, which are based on analytical methods. Therefore, emergency preparedness planning can greatly benefit from the use of micro-simulation models to evaluate the impacts of natural and man-made incidents and assess the effectiveness of various responses. This simulation based study assessed hypothetical emergency preparedness plans and what geometric and/or operational improvements need to be done in response to emergency incidents. A detailed framework outlining the model building, calibration and validation of the model using microscopic traffic simulation model WATSim (academic version) is provided. The Roadway network data consists of geometric layout of the network, number of lanes, intersection description which include the turning bays, signal timings, phasing sequence, turning movement information etc. The network in and around the OIA region is coded into WATSim with 3 main signalized intersections, 180 nodes and 235 links. The travel demand data includes the vehicle counts in each link of the network and was modeled as percentage turning count movements. After the OIA network was coded into WATSim, the road network was calibrated and validated for the peak hour mostly obtained from ADT with 8% K factor by comparing the simulated and actual link counts at 15 different key locations in the network and visual verification done. Ranges of scenarios were tested that includes security checkpoint, route diversion incase of incident in or near the airport and increasing demand on the network. Travel time, maximum queue length and delay were used as measures of effectiveness and the results tabulated. This research demonstrates the potential benefits of using microscopic simulation models when developing emergency preparedness strategies. In all 4 main Events were modeled and analyzed. In Event 1, occurrence of 15 minutes traffic incident on a section of South Access road was simulated and its impact on the network operations was studied. The averaged travel time under the incident duration to Side A was more than doubled (29 minutes, more than a 100% increase) compared to the base case and similarly that of Side B two and a half times more (23 minutes, also more than a 100% increase). The overall network performance in terms of delay was found to be 231.09 sec/veh. and baseline 198.9 sec/veh. In Event 2, two cases with and without traffic diversions were assumed and evaluated under 15 minutes traffic incident modeled at the same link and spot as in Event 1. It was assumed that information about the traffic incident was disseminated upstream of the incident 2 minutes after the incident had occurred. This scenario study demonstrated that on the average, 17% (4 minutes) to 41% (12 minutes) per vehicle of travel time savings are achieved when real-time traffic information was provided to 26% percent of the drivers diverted. The overall network performance in delay for this event was also found to improve significantly (166.92 sec/veh). These findings led to the conclusion that investment in ITS technologies that support dissemination of traffic information (such as Changeable Message Signs, Highway Advisory Radio, etc) would provide a great advantage in traffic management under emergency situations and road diversion strategies. Event 3 simulated a Security Check point. It was observed that on the average, travel times to Sides A and B was 3 and 5 minutes more respectively compared to its baseline. Averaged queue length of 650 feet and 890 feet worst case was observed. Event 4 determined when and where the network breaks down when loaded. Among 10 sets of demand created, the network appeared to be breaking down at 30% increase based on the network-wide delay and at 15% based on Level of Service (LOS). The 90% increase appeared to have the most effect on the network with a total network-wide delay close to 620 seconds per vehicle which is 3 and a half times compared to the baseline. Conclusions and future scope were provided to ensure continued safe and efficient traffic operations inside and outside the Orlando International Airport region and to support efficient and informed decision making in the face of emergency situations