8 research outputs found

    Consistent Estimation of Functions of Data Missing Non-Monotonically and Not at Random

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    Abstract Missing records are a perennial problem in analysis of complex data of all types, when the target of inference is some function of the full data law. In simple cases, where data is missing at random or completely at rando

    Semi-parametric Estimation in the Block Parallel Missing Data Graphical Model

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    This paper developed and implemented estimating equation based estimation methods for a Missing Not At Random (MNAR) model, in particular estimator based on Influence Functions (IFs) in the Block Parallel Missing Data graphical model. Experiments show that estimators based on Influence Function (IF) make a significant improvement over more common Inverse-Probability Weighted (IPW) estimators, especially in models contain more than two variables. Though performance of Efficient Influence Function(EIF) estimator is not so good and due to the complexity it is currently limited to model with only two variables, we believe a generalized version for models with more variables will still be valuable

    Missing data: a unified taxonomy guided by conditional independence

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    Recent work (Seaman et al., 2013; Mealli & Rubin, 2015) attempts to clarify the not always well-understood difference between realised and everywhere definitions of missing at random (MAR) and missing completely at random. Another branch of the literature (Mohan et al., 2013; Pearl & Mohan, 2013) exploits always-observed covariates to give variable-based definitions of MAR and missing completely at random. In this paper, we develop a unified taxonomy encompassing all approaches. In this taxonomy, the new concept of ‘complementary MAR’ is introduced, and its relationship with the concept of data observed at random is discussed. All relationships among these definitions are analysed and represented graphically. Conditional independence, both at the random variable and at the event level, is the formal language we adopt to connect all these definitions. Our paper covers both the univariate and the multivariate case, where attention is paid to monotone missingness and to the concept of sequential MAR. Specifically, for monotone missingness, we propose a sequential MAR definition that might be more appropriate than both everywhere and variable-based MAR to model dropout in certain contexts

    Causal algebras on chain event graphs with informed missingness for system failure

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    Graph-based causal inference has recently been successfully applied to explore system reliability and to predict failures in order to improve systems. One popular causal analysis following Pearl and Spirtes et al. to study causal relationships embedded in a system is to use a Bayesian network (BN). However, certain causal constructions that are particularly pertinent to the study of reliability are difficult to express fully through a BN. Our recent work demonstrated the flexibility of using a Chain Event Graph (CEG) instead to capture causal reasoning embedded within engineers’ reports. We demonstrated that an event tree rather than a BN could provide an alternative framework that could capture most of the causal concepts needed within this domain. In particular, a causal calculus for a specific type of intervention, called a remedial intervention, was devised on this tree-like graph. In this paper, we extend the use of this framework to show that not only remedial maintenance interventions but also interventions associated with routine maintenance can be well-defined using this alternative class of graphical model. We also show that the complexity in making inference about the potential relationships between causes and failures in a missing data situation in the domain of system reliability can be elegantly addressed using this new methodology. Causal modelling using a CEG is illustrated through examples drawn from the study of reliability of an energy distribution network

    Causal Inference Methods For Bias Correction In Data Analyses

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    Many problems in the empirical sciences and rational decision making require causal, rather than associative, reasoning. The field of causal inference is concerned with establishing and quantifying cause-effect relationships to inform interventions, even in the absence of direct experimentation or randomization. With the proliferation of massive datasets, it is crucial that we develop principled approaches to drawing actionable conclusions from imperfect information. Inferring valid causal conclusions is impeded by the fact that data are unstructured and filled with different sources of bias. The types of bias that we consider in this thesis include: confounding bias induced by common causes of observed exposures and outcomes, bias in estimation induced by high dimensional data and curse of dimensionality, discriminatory bias encoded in data that reflect historical patterns of discrimination and inequality, and missing data bias where instantiations of variables are systematically missing. The focus of this thesis is on the development of novel causal and statistical methodologies to better understand and resolve these pressing challenges. We draw on methodological insights from both machine learning/artificial intelligence and statistical theory. Specifically, we use ideas from graphical modeling to encode our assumptions about the underlying data generating mechanisms in a clear and succinct manner. Further, we use ideas from nonparametric and semiparametric theories to enable the use of flexible machine learning modes in the estimation of causal effects that are identified as functions of observed data. There are four main contributions to this thesis. First, we bridge the gap between identification and semiparametric estimation of causal effects that are identified in causal graphical models with unmeasured confounders. Second, we use semiparametric inference theory for marginal structural models to give the first general approach to causal sufficient dimension reduction of a high dimensional treatment. Third, we address conceptual, methodological, and practical gaps in assessing and overcoming disparities in automated decision making using causal inference and constrained optimization. Fourth, we use graphical representations of missing data mechanisms and provide a complete characterization of identification of the underlying joint distribution where some variables are systematically missing and others are unmeasured