5 research outputs found

    Graphical Composition of Grid Services

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    Grid services and web services have similarities but also significant differences. Although conceived for web services, it is seen how BPEL (Business Process Execution Logic) can be used to orchestrate a collection of grid services. It is explained how CRESS (Chisel Representation Employing Systematic Specification) has been extended to describe grid service composition. The CRESS descriptions are automatically converted into BPEL/WSDL code for practical realisation of the composed services. This achieves orchestration of grid services deployed using the widely used Globus Toolkit and ActiveBPEL interpreter. The same CRESS descriptions are automatically translated into LOTOS, allowing systematic checks for interoperability and logical errors prior to implementation

    Automated Analysis and Implementation of Composed Grid Services

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    Service composition allows web services to be combined into new ones. Web service composition is increasingly common in mission-critical applications. It has therefore become important to verify the correctness of web service composition using formal methods. The composition of grid services is a similar but new goal. We have previously developed an abstract graphical notation called CRESS for describing composite grid services. We have demonstrated that it is feasible to automatically generate service implementations as well as formal specifications from CRESS descriptions. The automated service implementations use orchestration code in BPEL, along with the service interfaces and data types in WSDL and XSD respectively for all services. CRESS-generated BPEL implementations currently do not useWSRF features such as implicit endpoint references for WS-Resources and interfacing to standard WSRF port types. CRESS-generated formal models use the standardised process algebra LOTOS. Service behaviour is modelled by processes, while service data types are modelled as abstract data types. Simulation and validation of the generated LOTOS specifications can be performed. In this paper, we illustrate how CRESS can be further extended to improve its generation of service compositions, specifically for WSRF services implemented using Globus Toolkit 4. We also show how to facilitate use of the generated LOTOS specifications with the CADP toolbox

    An Integrated Methodology for Creating Composed Web/Grid Services

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    This thesis presents an approach to design, specify, validate, verify, implement, and evaluate composed web/grid services. Web and grid services can be composed to create new services with complex behaviours. The BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) standard was created to enable the orchestration of web services, but there have also been investigation of its use for grid services. BPEL specifies the implementation of service composition but has no formal semantics; implementations are in practice checked by testing. Formal methods are used in general to define an abstract model of system behaviour that allows simulation and reasoning about properties. The approach can detect and reduce potentially costly errors at design time. CRESS (Communication Representation Employing Systematic Specification) is a domainindependent, graphical, abstract notation, and integrated toolset for developing composite web service. The original version of CRESS had automated support for formal specification in LOTOS (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification), executing formal validation with MUSTARD (Multiple-Use Scenario Testing and Refusal Description), and implementing in BPEL4WS as the early version of BPEL standard. This thesis work has extended CRESS and its integrated tools to design, specify, validate, verify, implement, and evaluate composed web/grid services. The work has extended the CRESS notation to support a wider range of service compositions, and has applied it to grid services as a new domain. The thesis presents two new tools, CLOVE (CRESS Language-Oriented Verification Environment) and MINT (MUSTARD Interpreter), to respectively support formal verification and implementation testing. New work has also extended CRESS to automate implementation of composed services using the more recent BPEL standard WS-BPEL 2.0

    Generic access to symbolic computing services

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    Symbolic computation is one of the computational domains that requires large computational resources. Computer Algebra Systems (CAS), the main tools used for symbolic computations, are mainly designed to be used as software tools installed on standalone machines that do not provide the required resources for solving large symbolic computation problems. In order to support symbolic computations an infrastructure built upon massively distributed computational environments must be developed. Building an infrastructure for symbolic computations requires a thorough analysis of the most important requirements raised by the symbolic computation world and must be built based on the most suitable architectural styles and technologies. The architecture that we propose is composed of several main components: the Computer Algebra System (CAS) Server that exposes the functionality implemented by one or more supporting CASs through generic interfaces of Grid Services; the Architecture for Grid Symbolic Services Orchestration (AGSSO) Server that allows seamless composition of CAS Server capabilities; and client side libraries to assist the users in describing workflows for symbolic computations directly within the CAS environment. We have also designed and developed a framework for automatic data management of mathematical content that relies on OpenMath encoding. To support the validation and fine tuning of the system we have developed a simulation platform that mimics the environment on which the architecture is deployed

    A System for Controlling, Monitoring and Programming the Home

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    As technology becomes ever more pervasive, the challenges of home automation are increasingly apparent. Seamless home control, home monitoring and home programming by the end user have yet to enter the mainstream. This could be attributed to the challenge of developing a fully autonomous and extensible home system that can support devices and technologies of differing protocols and functionalities. In order to offer programming facilities to the user, the underlying rule system must be fully independent, allowing support for current and future devices. Additional challenges arise from the need to detect and handle conflicts that may arise among user rules and yield undesirable results. Non-technical individuals typically struggle when faced with a programming task. It is therefore vital to encourage and ease the process of programming the home. This thesis presents Homer, a home system that has been developed to support three key features of a home system: control, monitoring and programming. Homer supports any third-party hardware or software service that can expose its functionality through Java and conform to the Homer interface. Stand-alone end user interfaces can be written by developers to offer any of Homer's functionality. Where policies (i.e. rules) for the home are concerned, Homer offers a fully independent policy system. The thesis presents a custom policy language, Homeric, that has been designed specifically for writing home rules. The Homer policy system detects overlaps and conflicts among rules using constraint satisfaction and the effect on environment variables. The thesis also introduces the notion of perspectives to ease user interactivity. These have been integrated into Homer to accommodate the range of ways in which a user may think about different aspects and features of their home. These perspectives include location, device type, time and people-oriented points of view. Design guidelines are also discussed to aid end user programming of the home. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates a system that supports control, monitoring and programming of the home. Developers can quickly and easily add functionality to the home through components. Conflicts can be detected amongst rules within the home. Finally, design guidelines and a prototype interface have been developed to allow both technically minded and non-technical people to program their home