200 research outputs found

    GC : a graph caching system for subgraph / supergraph queries

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    We demonstrate a graph caching system GC for expediting subgraph/supergraph queries, which are computationally expensive due to the entailed NP-Complete subgraph isomorphism problem. Unlike existing caching systems for fast data access where each cache hit saves one disk I/O, GC reduces the computational costs due to subgraph isomorphism testing. Moreover, GC harnesses both subgraph and supergraph cache hits, extending the traditional exact-match-only hit, thus resulting in significant speedups. Furthermore, GC features dashboards for both skilled developers and general end-users; the former could investigate and experiment with alternative components/mechanisms while the latter could look into the principle of GC through a number of demonstration scenarios

    SECF: Improving SPARQL Querying Performance with Proactive Fetching and Caching

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    Querying on SPARQL endpoints may be unsatisfactory due to high latency of connections to the endpoints. Caching is an important way to accelerate the query response speed. In this paper, we propose SPARQL Endpoint Caching Framework (SECF), a client-side caching framework for this purpose. In particular, we prefetch and cache the results of similar queries to recently cached query aiming to improve the overall querying performance. The similarity between queries are calculated via an improved Graph Edit Distance (GED) function. We also adapt a smoothing method to implement the cache replacement. The empirical evaluations on real world queries show that our approach has great potential to enhance the cache hit rate and accelerate the querying speed on SPARQL endpoints

    GraphCache: A Caching System for Graph Queries

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    Graph query processing is essential for graph analytics, but can be very time-consuming as it entails the NP-Complete problem of subgraph isomorphism. Traditionally, caching plays a key role in expediting query processing. We thus put forth GraphCache (GC), the first full-edged caching system for general subgraph/supergraph queries. We contribute the overall system architecture and implementation of GC. We study a number of novel graph cache replacement policies and show that different policies win over different graph datasets and/or queries; we therefore contribute a novel hybrid graph replacement policy that is always the best or near-best performer. Moreover, we discover the related problem of cache pollution and propose a novel cache admission control mechanism to avoid cache pollution. Furthermore, we show that GC can be used as a front end, complementing any graph query processing method as a pluggable component. Currently, GC comes bundled with 3 top-performing filter-then-verify (FTV) subgraph query methods and 3 well-established direct subgraph-isomorphism (SI) algorithms - representing different categories of graph query processing research. Finally, we contribute a comprehensive performance evaluation of GC. We employ more than 6 million queries, generated using different workload generators, and executed against both real-world and synthetic graph datasets of different characteristics, quantifying the benefits and overheads, emphasizing the non-trivial lessons learned

    A Learning Based Framework for Improving Querying on Web Interfaces of Curated Knowledge Bases

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    Knowledge Bases (KBs) are widely used as one of the fundamental components in Semantic Web applications as they provide facts and relationships that can be automatically understood by machines. Curated knowledge bases usually use Resource Description Framework (RDF) as the data representation model. To query the RDF-presented knowledge in curated KBs, Web interfaces are built via SPARQL Endpoints. Currently, querying SPARQL Endpoints has problems like network instability and latency, which affect the query efficiency. To address these issues, we propose a client-side caching framework, SPARQL Endpoint Caching Framework (SECF), aiming at accelerating the overall querying speed over SPARQL Endpoints. SECF identifies the potential issued queries by leveraging the querying patterns learned from clients’ historical queries and prefecthes/caches these queries. In particular, we develop a distance function based on graph edit distance to measure the similarity of SPARQL queries. We propose a feature modelling method to transform SPARQL queries to vector representation that are fed into machine-learning algorithms. A time-aware smoothing-based method, Modified Simple Exponential Smoothing (MSES), is developed for cache replacement. Extensive experiments performed on real-world queries showcase the effectiveness of our approach, which outperforms the state-of-the-art work in terms of the overall querying speed

    Partout: A Distributed Engine for Efficient RDF Processing

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    The increasing interest in Semantic Web technologies has led not only to a rapid growth of semantic data on the Web but also to an increasing number of backend applications with already more than a trillion triples in some cases. Confronted with such huge amounts of data and the future growth, existing state-of-the-art systems for storing RDF and processing SPARQL queries are no longer sufficient. In this paper, we introduce Partout, a distributed engine for efficient RDF processing in a cluster of machines. We propose an effective approach for fragmenting RDF data sets based on a query log, allocating the fragments to nodes in a cluster, and finding the optimal configuration. Partout can efficiently handle updates and its query optimizer produces efficient query execution plans for ad-hoc SPARQL queries. Our experiments show the superiority of our approach to state-of-the-art approaches for partitioning and distributed SPARQL query processing

    Evaluation of Link Traversal Query Execution over Decentralized Environments with Structural Assumptions

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    To counter societal and economic problems caused by data silos on the Web, efforts such as Solid strive to reclaim private data by storing it in permissioned documents over a large number of personal vaults across the Web. Building applications on top of such a decentralized Knowledge Graph involves significant technical challenges: centralized aggregation prior to query processing is excluded for legal reasons, and current federated querying techniques cannot handle this large scale of distribution at the expected performance. We propose an extension to Link Traversal Query Processing (LTQP) that incorporates structural properties within decentralized environments to tackle their unprecedented scale. In this article, we analyze the structural properties of the Solid decentralization ecosystem that are relevant for query execution, and provide the SolidBench benchmark to simulate Solid environments representatively. We introduce novel LTQP algorithms leveraging these structural properties, and evaluate their effectiveness. Our experiments indicate that these new algorithms obtain accurate results in the order of seconds for non-complex queries, which existing algorithms cannot achieve. Furthermore, we discuss limitations with respect to more complex queries. This work reveals that a traversal-based querying method using structural assumptions can be effective for large-scale decentralization, but that advances are needed in the area of query planning for LTQP to handle more complex queries. These insights open the door to query-driven decentralized applications, in which declarative queries shield developers from the inherent complexity of a decentralized landscape.Comment: Not peer-reviewe
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