8 research outputs found

    Graph splicing systems

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    AbstractIn this paper, extended graph splicing systems are defined. It is shown that when strings are represented as linear graphs, any recursively enumerable set can be generated by an extended graph splicing system. It is also shown that the computational completeness of extended graph splicing systems can be proved under some constraints too

    Graph splicing rules with cycle graph and its complement on complete graphs

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    Graph splicing system is a notion originally used to illustrate the one-dimensional string of DNA splicing in the form of a graph. A graph splicing system is associated with a graph splicing scheme where graph splicing rules are defined. A graph splicing rule restricts the possible cuts to occur on the edges of the initial graph(s) in a graph splicing system. The subgraphs of the initial graph are used in the splicing rules to determine the edges that will be cut from the initial graph. The concept of graph splicing system can be applied on various types of graph, hence generates components of spliced graphs depending on the types of the graph splicing rules used. There is a graph splicing rule called as a cutting rule which can be applied on both linear graphs and circular graphs where the graphs are transformed into Pseudo-Linear Form. However, this cutting rule has limited various possible cuts that can occur on the complete graph. Therefore, in this research, the original concept of graph splicing system is applied on complete graphs as the initial graphs. Also, graph splicing rules involving subgraphs of the initial graphs which are also complete graphs, are considered and applied in the graph splicing system. Furthermore, the generated spliced graphs are obtained through the graph splicing system

    Splicing Systems from Past to Future: Old and New Challenges

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    A splicing system is a formal model of a recombinant behaviour of sets of double stranded DNA molecules when acted on by restriction enzymes and ligase. In this survey we will concentrate on a specific behaviour of a type of splicing systems, introduced by P\u{a}un and subsequently developed by many researchers in both linear and circular case of splicing definition. In particular, we will present recent results on this topic and how they stimulate new challenging investigations.Comment: Appeared in: Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science. Papers in Memoriam Alexandru Mateescu (1952-2005). The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2014. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1112.4897 by other author

    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) splicing system from graph theoretic perspective

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    In 1987, Head introduced the recombinant process of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) splicing system through a framework of Formal Language Theory. To express this phenomenon, a comprehensive writing system of the rule sets, proper terms and definitions pioneerly introduced by Head. The analysis on the recombinant behavior of double-stranded DNA molecules, characteristics and various type of splicing systems has sparks the researcher to explore more splicing mechanism extensively. The aim of this paper is to give an exhaustive review on the application of graph in DNA splicing system


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    PP: 1-15 (col.fig.: nil

    Graph splicing systems

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    Grafu salaiduma sistēmas ir perspektīva un salīdzinoši jauna sfēra, ko pētīt, kurā varētu iegūt inovatīvus rezultātus un zināšanas gan bio – datoru izveidei, gan gēnu mutēšanai, lai izveidotu jaunas zāles vai rezistentus genomus pret dažādām ģenētiskām slimībām. Šajā darbā ir definētas paplašinātas grafu salaiduma sistēmas. Tiek parādīts, ka tad, kad vārdi tiek attēloti kā ceļi, jebkuru rekursīvi sanumurējamu kopu var ģenerēt ar paplašinātu grafu salaiduma sistēmu. Vēl tiek parādīts, ka paplašināto grafu salaiduma sistēmu Tjūringa pilnību var pierādīt, ņemot vērā dažus ierobežojumus. Atslēgvārdi: orientēts grafs, grafu salaiduma sistēma, grafu valoda, aksiomu, likumu kopa.Graph splicing systems are fairly new and perspective field to conduct research in. Research of the action of graph splicing systems could lead to innovative results and knowledge in bio – computer construction, as well as gene mutation in order to find new drugs or resistant genomes against various genetic diseases. Extended graph splicing systems are defined in this thesis. It is shown that when strings are represented as paths any recursively enumerable set can be generated by an extended graph splicing system. Also it is shown that Turing completeness of graph splicing system can be proven taking in consideration some restrictions. Keywords: oriented graph, graph splicing system, graph language, set of axioms, set of rules