63 research outputs found

    Graph Searching Games and Width Measures for Directed Graphs

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    In cops and robber games a number of cops tries to capture a robber in a graph. A variant of these games on undirected graphs characterises tree width by the least number of cops needed to win. We consider cops and robber games on digraphs and width measures (such as DAG-width, directed tree width or D-width) corresponding to them. All of them generalise tree width and the game characterising it. For the DAG-width game we prove that the problem to decide the minimal number of cops required to capture the robber (which is the same as deciding DAG-width), is PSPACE-complete, in contrast to most other similar games. We also show that the cop-monotonicity cost for directed tree width games cannot be bounded by any function. As a consequence, D-width is not bounded in directed tree width, refuting a conjecture by Safari. A large number of directed width measures generalising tree width has been proposed in the literature. However, only very little was known about the relation between them, in particular about whether classes of digraphs of bounded width in one measure have bounded width in another. In this paper we establish an almost complete order among the most prominent width measures with respect to mutual boundedness

    Graph Searching, Parity Games and Imperfect Information

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    We investigate the interrelation between graph searching games and games with imperfect information. As key consequence we obtain that parity games with bounded imperfect information can be solved in PTIME on graphs of bounded DAG-width which generalizes several results for parity games on graphs of bounded complexity. We use a new concept of graph searching where several cops try to catch multiple robbers instead of just a single robber. The main technical result is that the number of cops needed to catch r robbers monotonously is at most r times the DAG-width of the graph. We also explore aspects of this new concept as a refinement of directed path-width which accentuates its connection to the concept of imperfect information

    Recontamination Helps a Lot to Hunt a Rabbit

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    The Hunters and Rabbit game is played on a graph G where the Hunter player shoots at k vertices in every round while the Rabbit player occupies an unknown vertex and, if it is not shot, must move to a neighbouring vertex after each round. The Rabbit player wins if it can ensure that its position is never shot. The Hunter player wins otherwise. The hunter number h(G) of a graph G is the minimum integer k such that the Hunter player has a winning strategy (i.e., allowing him to win whatever be the strategy of the Rabbit player). This game has been studied in several graph classes, in particular in bipartite graphs (grids, trees, hypercubes...), but the computational complexity of computing h(G) remains open in general graphs and even in more restricted graph classes such as trees. To progress further in this study, we propose a notion of monotonicity (a well-studied and useful property in classical pursuit-evasion games such as Graph Searching games) for the Hunters and Rabbit game imposing that, roughly, a vertex that has already been shot "must not host the rabbit anymore". This allows us to obtain new results in various graph classes. More precisely, let the monotone hunter number mh(G) of a graph G be the minimum integer k such that the Hunter player has a monotone winning strategy. We show that pw(G) ? mh(G) ? pw(G)+1 for any graph G with pathwidth pw(G), which implies that computing mh(G), or even approximating mh(G) up to an additive constant, is NP-hard. Then, we show that mh(G) can be computed in polynomial time in split graphs, interval graphs, cographs and trees. These results go through structural characterisations which allow us to relate the monotone hunter number with the pathwidth in some of these graph classes. In all cases, this allows us to specify the hunter number or to show that there may be an arbitrary gap between h and mh, i.e., that monotonicity does not help. In particular, we show that, for every k ? 3, there exists a tree T with h(T) = 2 and mh(T) = k. We conclude by proving that computing h (resp., mh) is FPT parameterised by the minimum size of a vertex cover

    Further results on the Hunters and Rabbit game through monotonicity

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    Hunters and Rabbit game is played on a graph GG where the Hunter player shoots at kk vertices in every round while the Rabbit player occupies an unknown vertex and, if not shot, must move to a neighbouring vertex after each round. The Rabbit player wins if it can ensure that its position is never shot. The Hunter player wins otherwise. The hunter number h(G)h(G) of a graph GG is the minimum integer kk such that the Hunter player has a winning strategy (i.e., allowing him to win whatever be the strategy of the Rabbit player). This game has been studied in several graph classes, in particular in bipartite graphs (grids, trees, hypercubes...), but the computational complexity of computing h(G)h(G) remains open in general graphs and even in trees. To progress further, we propose a notion of monotonicity for the Hunters and Rabbit game imposing that, roughly, a vertex that has already been shot ``must not host the rabbit anymore''. This allows us to obtain new results in various graph classes. Let the monotone hunter number be denoted by mh(G)mh(G). We show that pw(G)≤mh(G)≤pw(G)+1pw(G) \leq mh(G) \leq pw(G)+1 for any graph GG with pathwidth pw(G)pw(G), implying that computing mh(G)mh(G), or even approximating mh(G)mh(G) up to an additive constant, is NP-hard. Then, we show that mh(G)mh(G) can be computed in polynomial time in split graphs, interval graphs, cographs and trees. These results go through structural characterisations which allow us to relate the monotone hunter number with the pathwidth in some of these graph classes. In all cases, this allows us to specify the hunter number or to show that there may be an arbitrary gap between hh and mhmh, i.e., that monotonicity does not help. In particular, we show that, for every k≥3k\geq 3, there exists a tree TT with h(T)=2h(T)=2 and mh(T)=kmh(T)=k. We conclude by proving that computing hh (resp., mhmh) is FPT parameterised by the minimum size of a vertex cover.Comment: A preliminary version appeared in MFCS 2023. Abstract shortened due to Arxiv submission requirement

    Optimizing the trade-off between number of cops and capture time in Cops and Robbers

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    The cop throttling number thc(G)th_c(G) of a graph GG for the game of Cops and Robbers is the minimum of k+captk(G)k + capt_k(G), where kk is the number of cops and captk(G)capt_k(G) is the minimum number of rounds needed for kk cops to capture the robber on GG over all possible games in which both players play optimally. In this paper, we construct a family of graphs having thc(G)=Ω(n2/3)th_c(G)= \Omega(n^{2/3}), establish a sublinear upper bound on the cop throttling number, and show that the cop throttling number of chordal graphs is O(n)O(\sqrt{n}). We also introduce the product cop throttling number thc×(G)th_c^{\times}(G) as a parameter that minimizes the person-hours used by the cops. This parameter extends the notion of speed-up that has been studied in the context of parallel processing and network decontamination. We establish bounds on the product cop throttling number in terms of the cop throttling number, characterize graphs with low product cop throttling number, and show that for a chordal graph GG, thc×=1+rad(G)th_c^{\times}=1+rad(G).Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    A note on deterministic zombies

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    "Zombies and Survivor" is a variant of the well-studied game of "Cops and Robber" where the zombies (cops) can only move closer to the survivor (robber). We consider the deterministic version of the game where a zombie can choose their path if multiple options are available. The zombie number, like the cop number, of a graph is the minimum number of zombies, or cops, required to capture the survivor. In this short note, we solve a question by Fitzpatrick et al., proving that the zombie number of the Cartesian product of two graphs is at most the sum of their zombie numbers. We also give a simple graph family with cop number 22 and an arbitrarily large zombie number.Comment: 4 page
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