903 research outputs found

    A Survey on Ear Biometrics

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    Recognizing people by their ear has recently received significant attention in the literature. Several reasons account for this trend: first, ear recognition does not suffer from some problems associated with other non contact biometrics, such as face recognition; second, it is the most promising candidate for combination with the face in the context of multi-pose face recognition; and third, the ear can be used for human recognition in surveillance videos where the face may be occluded completely or in part. Further, the ear appears to degrade little with age. Even though, current ear detection and recognition systems have reached a certain level of maturity, their success is limited to controlled indoor conditions. In addition to variation in illumination, other open research problems include hair occlusion; earprint forensics; ear symmetry; ear classification; and ear individuality. This paper provides a detailed survey of research conducted in ear detection and recognition. It provides an up-to-date review of the existing literature revealing the current state-of-art for not only those who are working in this area but also for those who might exploit this new approach. Furthermore, it offers insights into some unsolved ear recognition problems as well as ear databases available for researchers

    Advanced Biometrics with Deep Learning

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    Biometrics, such as fingerprint, iris, face, hand print, hand vein, speech and gait recognition, etc., as a means of identity management have become commonplace nowadays for various applications. Biometric systems follow a typical pipeline, that is composed of separate preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. Deep learning as a data-driven representation learning approach has been shown to be a promising alternative to conventional data-agnostic and handcrafted pre-processing and feature extraction for biometric systems. Furthermore, deep learning offers an end-to-end learning paradigm to unify preprocessing, feature extraction, and recognition, based solely on biometric data. This Special Issue has collected 12 high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers that deal with challenging issues in advanced biometric systems based on deep learning. The 12 papers can be divided into 4 categories according to biometric modality; namely, face biometrics, medical electronic signals (EEG and ECG), voice print, and others

    Face recognition using statistical adapted local binary patterns.

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    Biometrics is the study of methods of recognizing humans based on their behavioral and physical characteristics or traits. Face recognition is one of the biometric modalities that received a great amount of attention from many researchers during the past few decades because of its potential applications in a variety of security domains. Face recognition however is not only concerned with recognizing human faces, but also with recognizing faces of non-biological entities or avatars. Fortunately, the need for secure and affordable virtual worlds is attracting the attention of many researchers who seek to find fast, automatic and reliable ways to identify virtual worlds’ avatars. In this work, I propose new techniques for recognizing avatar faces, which also can be applied to recognize human faces. Proposed methods are based mainly on a well-known and efficient local texture descriptor, Local Binary Pattern (LBP). I am applying different versions of LBP such as: Hierarchical Multi-scale Local Binary Patterns and Adaptive Local Binary Pattern with Directional Statistical Features in the wavelet space and discuss the effect of this application on the performance of each LBP version. In addition, I use a new version of LBP called Local Difference Pattern (LDP) with other well-known descriptors and classifiers to differentiate between human and avatar face images. The original LBP achieves high recognition rate if the tested images are pure but its performance gets worse if these images are corrupted by noise. To deal with this problem I propose a new definition to the original LBP in which the LBP descriptor will not threshold all the neighborhood pixel based on the central pixel value. A weight for each pixel in the neighborhood will be computed, a new value for each pixel will be calculated and then using simple statistical operations will be used to compute the new threshold, which will change automatically, based on the pixel’s values. This threshold can be applied with the original LBP or any other version of LBP and can be extended to work with Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) or any version of LTP to produce different versions of LTP for recognizing noisy avatar and human faces images

    Review of Person Re-identification Techniques

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    Person re-identification across different surveillance cameras with disjoint fields of view has become one of the most interesting and challenging subjects in the area of intelligent video surveillance. Although several methods have been developed and proposed, certain limitations and unresolved issues remain. In all of the existing re-identification approaches, feature vectors are extracted from segmented still images or video frames. Different similarity or dissimilarity measures have been applied to these vectors. Some methods have used simple constant metrics, whereas others have utilised models to obtain optimised metrics. Some have created models based on local colour or texture information, and others have built models based on the gait of people. In general, the main objective of all these approaches is to achieve a higher-accuracy rate and lowercomputational costs. This study summarises several developments in recent literature and discusses the various available methods used in person re-identification. Specifically, their advantages and disadvantages are mentioned and compared.Comment: Published 201

    Contributions on Automatic Recognition of Faces using Local Texture Features

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    Uno de los temas más destacados del área de visión artifical se deriva del análisis facial automático. En particular, la detección precisa de caras humanas y el análisis biométrico de las mismas son problemas que han generado especial interés debido a la gran cantidad de aplicaciones que actualmente hacen uso de estos mecnismos. En esta Tesis Doctoral se analizan por separado los problemas relacionados con detección precisa de caras basada en la localización de los ojos y el reconomcimiento facial a partir de la extracción de características locales de textura. Los algoritmos desarrollados abordan el problema de la extracción de la identidad a partir de una imagen de cara ( en vista frontal o semi-frontal), para escenarios parcialmente controlados. El objetivo es desarrollar algoritmos robustos y que puedan incorpararse fácilmente a aplicaciones reales, tales como seguridad avanzada en banca o la definición de estrategias comerciales aplicadas al sector de retail. Respecto a la extracción de texturas locales, se ha realizado un análisis exhaustivo de los descriptores más extendidos; se ha puesto especial énfasis en el estudio de los Histogramas de Grandientes Orientados (HOG features). En representaciones normalizadas de la cara, estos descriptores ofrecen información discriminativa de los elementos faciales (ojos, boca, etc.), siendo robustas a variaciones en la iluminación y pequeños desplazamientos. Se han elegido diferentes algoritmos de clasificación para realizar la detección y el reconocimiento de caras, todos basados en una estrategia de sistemas supervisados. En particular, para la localización de ojos se ha utilizado clasificadores boosting y Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial (SVM) sobre descriptores HOG. En el caso de reconocimiento de caras, se ha desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo, HOG-EBGM (HOG sobre Elastic Bunch Graph Matching). Dada la imagen de una cara, el esquema seguido por este algoritmo se puede resumir en pocos pasos: en una primera etapa se extMonzó Ferrer, D. (2012). Contributions on Automatic Recognition of Faces using Local Texture Features [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16698Palanci

    QUIS-CAMPI: Biometric Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios

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    The concerns about individuals security have justified the increasing number of surveillance cameras deployed both in private and public spaces. However, contrary to popular belief, these devices are in most cases used solely for recording, instead of feeding intelligent analysis processes capable of extracting information about the observed individuals. Thus, even though video surveillance has already proved to be essential for solving multiple crimes, obtaining relevant details about the subjects that took part in a crime depends on the manual inspection of recordings. As such, the current goal of the research community is the development of automated surveillance systems capable of monitoring and identifying subjects in surveillance scenarios. Accordingly, the main goal of this thesis is to improve the performance of biometric recognition algorithms in data acquired from surveillance scenarios. In particular, we aim at designing a visual surveillance system capable of acquiring biometric data at a distance (e.g., face, iris or gait) without requiring human intervention in the process, as well as devising biometric recognition methods robust to the degradation factors resulting from the unconstrained acquisition process. Regarding the first goal, the analysis of the data acquired by typical surveillance systems shows that large acquisition distances significantly decrease the resolution of biometric samples, and thus their discriminability is not sufficient for recognition purposes. In the literature, diverse works point out Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) cameras as the most practical way for acquiring high-resolution imagery at a distance, particularly when using a master-slave configuration. In the master-slave configuration, the video acquired by a typical surveillance camera is analyzed for obtaining regions of interest (e.g., car, person) and these regions are subsequently imaged at high-resolution by the PTZ camera. Several methods have already shown that this configuration can be used for acquiring biometric data at a distance. Nevertheless, these methods failed at providing effective solutions to the typical challenges of this strategy, restraining its use in surveillance scenarios. Accordingly, this thesis proposes two methods to support the development of a biometric data acquisition system based on the cooperation of a PTZ camera with a typical surveillance camera. The first proposal is a camera calibration method capable of accurately mapping the coordinates of the master camera to the pan/tilt angles of the PTZ camera. The second proposal is a camera scheduling method for determining - in real-time - the sequence of acquisitions that maximizes the number of different targets obtained, while minimizing the cumulative transition time. In order to achieve the first goal of this thesis, both methods were combined with state-of-the-art approaches of the human monitoring field to develop a fully automated surveillance capable of acquiring biometric data at a distance and without human cooperation, designated as QUIS-CAMPI system. The QUIS-CAMPI system is the basis for pursuing the second goal of this thesis. The analysis of the performance of the state-of-the-art biometric recognition approaches shows that these approaches attain almost ideal recognition rates in unconstrained data. However, this performance is incongruous with the recognition rates observed in surveillance scenarios. Taking into account the drawbacks of current biometric datasets, this thesis introduces a novel dataset comprising biometric samples (face images and gait videos) acquired by the QUIS-CAMPI system at a distance ranging from 5 to 40 meters and without human intervention in the acquisition process. This set allows to objectively assess the performance of state-of-the-art biometric recognition methods in data that truly encompass the covariates of surveillance scenarios. As such, this set was exploited for promoting the first international challenge on biometric recognition in the wild. This thesis describes the evaluation protocols adopted, along with the results obtained by the nine methods specially designed for this competition. In addition, the data acquired by the QUIS-CAMPI system were crucial for accomplishing the second goal of this thesis, i.e., the development of methods robust to the covariates of surveillance scenarios. The first proposal regards a method for detecting corrupted features in biometric signatures inferred by a redundancy analysis algorithm. The second proposal is a caricature-based face recognition approach capable of enhancing the recognition performance by automatically generating a caricature from a 2D photo. The experimental evaluation of these methods shows that both approaches contribute to improve the recognition performance in unconstrained data.A crescente preocupação com a segurança dos indivíduos tem justificado o crescimento do número de câmaras de vídeo-vigilância instaladas tanto em espaços privados como públicos. Contudo, ao contrário do que normalmente se pensa, estes dispositivos são, na maior parte dos casos, usados apenas para gravação, não estando ligados a nenhum tipo de software inteligente capaz de inferir em tempo real informações sobre os indivíduos observados. Assim, apesar de a vídeo-vigilância ter provado ser essencial na resolução de diversos crimes, o seu uso está ainda confinado à disponibilização de vídeos que têm que ser manualmente inspecionados para extrair informações relevantes dos sujeitos envolvidos no crime. Como tal, atualmente, o principal desafio da comunidade científica é o desenvolvimento de sistemas automatizados capazes de monitorizar e identificar indivíduos em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. Esta tese tem como principal objetivo estender a aplicabilidade dos sistemas de reconhecimento biométrico aos ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. De forma mais especifica, pretende-se 1) conceber um sistema de vídeo-vigilância que consiga adquirir dados biométricos a longas distâncias (e.g., imagens da cara, íris, ou vídeos do tipo de passo) sem requerer a cooperação dos indivíduos no processo; e 2) desenvolver métodos de reconhecimento biométrico robustos aos fatores de degradação inerentes aos dados adquiridos por este tipo de sistemas. No que diz respeito ao primeiro objetivo, a análise aos dados adquiridos pelos sistemas típicos de vídeo-vigilância mostra que, devido à distância de captura, os traços biométricos amostrados não são suficientemente discriminativos para garantir taxas de reconhecimento aceitáveis. Na literatura, vários trabalhos advogam o uso de câmaras Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) para adquirir imagens de alta resolução à distância, principalmente o uso destes dispositivos no modo masterslave. Na configuração master-slave um módulo de análise inteligente seleciona zonas de interesse (e.g. carros, pessoas) a partir do vídeo adquirido por uma câmara de vídeo-vigilância e a câmara PTZ é orientada para adquirir em alta resolução as regiões de interesse. Diversos métodos já mostraram que esta configuração pode ser usada para adquirir dados biométricos à distância, ainda assim estes não foram capazes de solucionar alguns problemas relacionados com esta estratégia, impedindo assim o seu uso em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. Deste modo, esta tese propõe dois métodos para permitir a aquisição de dados biométricos em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância usando uma câmara PTZ assistida por uma câmara típica de vídeo-vigilância. O primeiro é um método de calibração capaz de mapear de forma exata as coordenadas da câmara master para o ângulo da câmara PTZ (slave) sem o auxílio de outros dispositivos óticos. O segundo método determina a ordem pela qual um conjunto de sujeitos vai ser observado pela câmara PTZ. O método proposto consegue determinar em tempo-real a sequência de observações que maximiza o número de diferentes sujeitos observados e simultaneamente minimiza o tempo total de transição entre sujeitos. De modo a atingir o primeiro objetivo desta tese, os dois métodos propostos foram combinados com os avanços alcançados na área da monitorização de humanos para assim desenvolver o primeiro sistema de vídeo-vigilância completamente automatizado e capaz de adquirir dados biométricos a longas distâncias sem requerer a cooperação dos indivíduos no processo, designado por sistema QUIS-CAMPI. O sistema QUIS-CAMPI representa o ponto de partida para iniciar a investigação relacionada com o segundo objetivo desta tese. A análise do desempenho dos métodos de reconhecimento biométrico do estado-da-arte mostra que estes conseguem obter taxas de reconhecimento quase perfeitas em dados adquiridos sem restrições (e.g., taxas de reconhecimento maiores do que 99% no conjunto de dados LFW). Contudo, este desempenho não é corroborado pelos resultados observados em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância, o que sugere que os conjuntos de dados atuais não contêm verdadeiramente os fatores de degradação típicos dos ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. Tendo em conta as vulnerabilidades dos conjuntos de dados biométricos atuais, esta tese introduz um novo conjunto de dados biométricos (imagens da face e vídeos do tipo de passo) adquiridos pelo sistema QUIS-CAMPI a uma distância máxima de 40m e sem a cooperação dos sujeitos no processo de aquisição. Este conjunto permite avaliar de forma objetiva o desempenho dos métodos do estado-da-arte no reconhecimento de indivíduos em imagens/vídeos capturados num ambiente real de vídeo-vigilância. Como tal, este conjunto foi utilizado para promover a primeira competição de reconhecimento biométrico em ambientes não controlados. Esta tese descreve os protocolos de avaliação usados, assim como os resultados obtidos por 9 métodos especialmente desenhados para esta competição. Para além disso, os dados adquiridos pelo sistema QUIS-CAMPI foram essenciais para o desenvolvimento de dois métodos para aumentar a robustez aos fatores de degradação observados em ambientes de vídeo-vigilância. O primeiro é um método para detetar características corruptas em assinaturas biométricas através da análise da redundância entre subconjuntos de características. O segundo é um método de reconhecimento facial baseado em caricaturas automaticamente geradas a partir de uma única foto do sujeito. As experiências realizadas mostram que ambos os métodos conseguem reduzir as taxas de erro em dados adquiridos de forma não controlada