7,440 research outputs found

    Graph constrained label propagation on water supply networks

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    In many real-world applications we have at our disposal a limited number of inputs in a theoretical database with full information, and another part of experimental data with incomplete knowledge for some of their features. These are cases that can be addressed by a label propagation process. It is a widely studied approach that may acquire complexity if new constraints in the new unlabeled data that should be taken into account are found. This is the case of the membership to a group or community in graphs. The proposal is to add the Laplacian matrix as well as another different similarity measures (may be not found in the original database) in the label propagation. A kernel embedding process together with a simple label propagation algorithm will be the main tools to achieve this approach by the use of all types of available information. In order to test the functionality of this new proposal, this work introduces an experimental study of biofilm development in drinking water pipes. Then, a label propagation through pipes belonging to a complete water supply network is approached. These pipes have their own properties depending on their network location and environmental co-variables. As a result, the proposal is a suitable and efficient way to deal with practical data, based on previous theoretical studies by the constrained label propagation process introduced.Herrera Fernández, AM.; Ramos Martinez, E.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Pérez García, R. (2015). Graph constrained label propagation on water supply networks. AI Communications. 28(1):47-53. doi:10.3233/AIC-140618S475328

    Graph-based Semi-Supervised & Active Learning for Edge Flows

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    We present a graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) method for learning edge flows defined on a graph. Specifically, given flow measurements on a subset of edges, we want to predict the flows on the remaining edges. To this end, we develop a computational framework that imposes certain constraints on the overall flows, such as (approximate) flow conservation. These constraints render our approach different from classical graph-based SSL for vertex labels, which posits that tightly connected nodes share similar labels and leverages the graph structure accordingly to extrapolate from a few vertex labels to the unlabeled vertices. We derive bounds for our method's reconstruction error and demonstrate its strong performance on synthetic and real-world flow networks from transportation, physical infrastructure, and the Web. Furthermore, we provide two active learning algorithms for selecting informative edges on which to measure flow, which has applications for optimal sensor deployment. The first strategy selects edges to minimize the reconstruction error bound and works well on flows that are approximately divergence-free. The second approach clusters the graph and selects bottleneck edges that cross cluster-boundaries, which works well on flows with global trends

    Thermal Transients in District Heating Systems

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    Heat fluxes in a district heating pipeline systems need to be controlled on the scale from minutes to an hour to adjust to evolving demand. There are two principal ways to control the heat flux - keep temperature fixed but adjust velocity of the carrier (typically water) or keep the velocity flow steady but then adjust temperature at the heat producing source (heat plant). We study the latter scenario, commonly used for operations in Russia and Nordic countries, and analyze dynamics of the heat front as it propagates through the system. Steady velocity flows in the district heating pipelines are typically turbulent and incompressible. Changes in the heat, on either consumption or production sides, lead to slow transients which last from tens of minutes to hours. We classify relevant physical phenomena in a single pipe, e.g. turbulent spread of the turbulent front. We then explain how to describe dynamics of temperature and heat flux evolution over a network efficiently and illustrate the network solution on a simple example involving one producer and one consumer of heat connected by "hot" and "cold" pipes. We conclude the manuscript motivating future research directions.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figure

    A maximum entropy network reconstruction of macroeconomic models

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    In this article the problem of reconstructing the pattern of connection between agents from partial empirical data in a macro-economic model is addressed, given a set of behavioral equations. This systemic point of view puts the focus on distributional and network effects, rather than time-dependence. Using the theory of complex networks we compare several models to reconstruct both the topology and the flows of money of the different types of monetary transactions, while imposing a series of constraints related to national accounts, and to empirical network sparsity. Some properties of reconstructed networks are compared with their empirical counterpart

    Robot graphic simulation testbed

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    The objective of this research was twofold. First, the basic capabilities of ROBOSIM (graphical simulation system) were improved and extended by taking advantage of advanced graphic workstation technology and artificial intelligence programming techniques. Second, the scope of the graphic simulation testbed was extended to include general problems of Space Station automation. Hardware support for 3-D graphics and high processing performance make high resolution solid modeling, collision detection, and simulation of structural dynamics computationally feasible. The Space Station is a complex system with many interacting subsystems. Design and testing of automation concepts demand modeling of the affected processes, their interactions, and that of the proposed control systems. The automation testbed was designed to facilitate studies in Space Station automation concepts

    Characterising population variability in brain structure through models of whole-brain structural connectivity

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    Models of whole-brain connectivity are valuable for understanding neurological function. This thesis seeks to develop an optimal framework for extracting models of whole-brain connectivity from clinically acquired diffusion data. We propose new approaches for studying these models. The aim is to develop techniques which can take models of brain connectivity and use them to identify biomarkers or phenotypes of disease. The models of connectivity are extracted using a standard probabilistic tractography algorithm, modified to assess the structural integrity of tracts, through estimates of white matter anisotropy. Connections are traced between 77 regions of interest, automatically extracted by label propagation from multiple brain atlases followed by classifier fusion. The estimates of tissue integrity for each tract are input as indices in 77x77 ”connectivity” matrices, extracted for large populations of clinical data. These are compared in subsequent studies. To date, most whole-brain connectivity studies have characterised population differences using graph theory techniques. However these can be limited in their ability to pinpoint the locations of differences in the underlying neural anatomy. Therefore, this thesis proposes new techniques. These include a spectral clustering approach for comparing population differences in the clustering properties of weighted brain networks. In addition, machine learning approaches are suggested for the first time. These are particularly advantageous as they allow classification of subjects and extraction of features which best represent the differences between groups. One limitation of the proposed approach is that errors propagate from segmentation and registration steps prior to tractography. This can cumulate in the assignment of false positive connections, where the contribution of these factors may vary across populations, causing the appearance of population differences where there are none. The final contribution of this thesis is therefore to develop a common co-ordinate space approach. This combines probabilistic models of voxel-wise diffusion for each subject into a single probabilistic model of diffusion for the population. This allows tractography to be performed only once, ensuring that there is one model of connectivity. Cross-subject differences can then be identified by mapping individual subjects’ anisotropy data to this model. The approach is used to compare populations separated by age and gender
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