20 research outputs found

    Graph Treewidth and Geometric Thickness Parameters

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    Consider a drawing of a graph GG in the plane such that crossing edges are coloured differently. The minimum number of colours, taken over all drawings of GG, is the classical graph parameter "thickness". By restricting the edges to be straight, we obtain the "geometric thickness". By further restricting the vertices to be in convex position, we obtain the "book thickness". This paper studies the relationship between these parameters and treewidth. Our first main result states that for graphs of treewidth kk, the maximum thickness and the maximum geometric thickness both equal ⌈k/2⌉\lceil{k/2}\rceil. This says that the lower bound for thickness can be matched by an upper bound, even in the more restrictive geometric setting. Our second main result states that for graphs of treewidth kk, the maximum book thickness equals kk if k≤2k \leq 2 and equals k+1k+1 if k≥3k \geq 3. This refutes a conjecture of Ganley and Heath [Discrete Appl. Math. 109(3):215-221, 2001]. Analogous results are proved for outerthickness, arboricity, and star-arboricity.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the "Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Graph Drawing" (GD '05), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3843:129-140, Springer, 2006. The full version was published in Discrete & Computational Geometry 37(4):641-670, 2007. That version contained a false conjecture, which is corrected on page 26 of this versio

    Decomposition of Geometric Graphs into Star Forests

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    We solve a problem of Dujmovi\'c and Wood (2007) by showing that a complete convex geometric graph on nn vertices cannot be decomposed into fewer than n−1n-1 star-forests, each consisting of noncrossing edges. This bound is clearly tight. We also discuss similar questions for abstract graphs

    Proximity Drawings of High-Degree Trees

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    A drawing of a given (abstract) tree that is a minimum spanning tree of the vertex set is considered aesthetically pleasing. However, such a drawing can only exist if the tree has maximum degree at most 6. What can be said for trees of higher degree? We approach this question by supposing that a partition or covering of the tree by subtrees of bounded degree is given. Then we show that if the partition or covering satisfies some natural properties, then there is a drawing of the entire tree such that each of the given subtrees is drawn as a minimum spanning tree of its vertex set

    Crossing Minimization for 1-page and 2-page Drawings of Graphs with Bounded Treewidth

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    We investigate crossing minimization for 1-page and 2-page book drawings. We show that computing the 1-page crossing number is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the number of crossings, that testing 2-page planarity is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to treewidth, and that computing the 2-page crossing number is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the sum of the number of crossings and the treewidth of the input graph. We prove these results via Courcelle's theorem on the fixed-parameter tractability of properties expressible in monadic second order logic for graphs of bounded treewidth.Comment: Graph Drawing 201

    Relating Graph Thickness to Planar Layers and Bend Complexity

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    The thickness of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with nn vertices is the minimum number of planar subgraphs of GG whose union is GG. A polyline drawing of GG in R2\mathbb{R}^2 is a drawing Γ\Gamma of GG, where each vertex is mapped to a point and each edge is mapped to a polygonal chain. Bend and layer complexities are two important aesthetics of such a drawing. The bend complexity of Γ\Gamma is the maximum number of bends per edge in Γ\Gamma, and the layer complexity of Γ\Gamma is the minimum integer rr such that the set of polygonal chains in Γ\Gamma can be partitioned into rr disjoint sets, where each set corresponds to a planar polyline drawing. Let GG be a graph of thickness tt. By F\'{a}ry's theorem, if t=1t=1, then GG can be drawn on a single layer with bend complexity 00. A few extensions to higher thickness are known, e.g., if t=2t=2 (resp., t>2t>2), then GG can be drawn on tt layers with bend complexity 2 (resp., 3n+O(1)3n+O(1)). However, allowing a higher number of layers may reduce the bend complexity, e.g., complete graphs require Θ(n)\Theta(n) layers to be drawn using 0 bends per edge. In this paper we present an elegant extension of F\'{a}ry's theorem to draw graphs of thickness t>2t>2. We first prove that thickness-tt graphs can be drawn on tt layers with 2.25n+O(1)2.25n+O(1) bends per edge. We then develop another technique to draw thickness-tt graphs on tt layers with bend complexity, i.e., O(2t⋅n1−(1/β))O(\sqrt{2}^{t} \cdot n^{1-(1/\beta)}), where β=2⌈(t−2)/2⌉\beta = 2^{\lceil (t-2)/2 \rceil }. Previously, the bend complexity was not known to be sublinear for t>2t>2. Finally, we show that graphs with linear arboricity kk can be drawn on kk layers with bend complexity 3(k−1)n(4k−2)\frac{3(k-1)n}{(4k-2)}.Comment: A preliminary version appeared at the 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2016

    Stack-number is not bounded by queue-number

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    We describe a family of graphs with queue-number at most 4 but unbounded stack-number. This resolves open problems of Heath, Leighton and Rosenberg (1992) and Blankenship and Oporowski (1999)

    Drawings of Planar Graphs with Few Slopes and Segments

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    We study straight-line drawings of planar graphs with few segments and few slopes. Optimal results are obtained for all trees. Tight bounds are obtained for outerplanar graphs, 2-trees, and planar 3-trees. We prove that every 3-connected plane graph on nn vertices has a plane drawing with at most 5/2n{5/2}n segments and at most 2n2n slopes. We prove that every cubic 3-connected plane graph has a plane drawing with three slopes (and three bends on the outerface). In a companion paper, drawings of non-planar graphs with few slopes are also considered.Comment: This paper is submitted to a journal. A preliminary version appeared as "Really Straight Graph Drawings" in the Graph Drawing 2004 conference. See http://arxiv.org/math/0606446 for a companion pape