80 research outputs found

    On Constructing Spanners from Random Gaussian Projections

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    Graph sketching is a powerful paradigm for analyzing graph structure via linear measurements introduced by Ahn, Guha, and McGregor (SODA\u2712) that has since found numerous applications in streaming, distributed computing, and massively parallel algorithms, among others. Graph sketching has proven to be quite successful for various problems such as connectivity, minimum spanning trees, edge or vertex connectivity, and cut or spectral sparsifiers. Yet, the problem of approximating shortest path metric of a graph, and specifically computing a spanner, is notably missing from the list of successes. This has turned the status of this fundamental problem into one of the most longstanding open questions in this area. We present a partial explanation of this lack of success by proving a strong lower bound for a large family of graph sketching algorithms that encompasses prior work on spanners and many (but importantly not also all) related cut-based problems mentioned above. Our lower bound matches the algorithmic bounds of the recent result of Filtser, Kapralov, and Nouri (SODA\u2721), up to lower order terms, for constructing spanners via the same graph sketching family. This establishes near-optimality of these bounds, at least restricted to this family of graph sketching techniques, and makes progress on a conjecture posed in this latter work

    The Sketching Complexity of Graph and Hypergraph Counting

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    Subgraph counting is a fundamental primitive in graph processing, with applications in social network analysis (e.g., estimating the clustering coefficient of a graph), database processing and other areas. The space complexity of subgraph counting has been studied extensively in the literature, but many natural settings are still not well understood. In this paper we revisit the subgraph (and hypergraph) counting problem in the sketching model, where the algorithm's state as it processes a stream of updates to the graph is a linear function of the stream. This model has recently received a lot of attention in the literature, and has become a standard model for solving dynamic graph streaming problems. In this paper we give a tight bound on the sketching complexity of counting the number of occurrences of a small subgraph HH in a bounded degree graph GG presented as a stream of edge updates. Specifically, we show that the space complexity of the problem is governed by the fractional vertex cover number of the graph HH. Our subgraph counting algorithm implements a natural vertex sampling approach, with sampling probabilities governed by the vertex cover of HH. Our main technical contribution lies in a new set of Fourier analytic tools that we develop to analyze multiplayer communication protocols in the simultaneous communication model, allowing us to prove a tight lower bound. We believe that our techniques are likely to find applications in other settings. Besides giving tight bounds for all graphs HH, both our algorithm and lower bounds extend to the hypergraph setting, albeit with some loss in space complexity

    Expander Decomposition in Dynamic Streams

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    In this paper we initiate the study of expander decompositions of a graph G = (V, E) in the streaming model of computation. The goal is to find a partitioning ? of vertices V such that the subgraphs of G induced by the clusters C ? ? are good expanders, while the number of intercluster edges is small. Expander decompositions are classically constructed by a recursively applying balanced sparse cuts to the input graph. In this paper we give the first implementation of such a recursive sparsest cut process using small space in the dynamic streaming model. Our main algorithmic tool is a new type of cut sparsifier that we refer to as a power cut sparsifier - it preserves cuts in any given vertex induced subgraph (or, any cluster in a fixed partition of V) to within a (?, ?)-multiplicative/additive error with high probability. The power cut sparsifier uses O?(n/??) space and edges, which we show is asymptotically tight up to polylogarithmic factors in n for constant ?

    Dynamic Graph Stream Algorithms in o(n)o(n) Space

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    In this paper we study graph problems in dynamic streaming model, where the input is defined by a sequence of edge insertions and deletions. As many natural problems require Ω(n)\Omega(n) space, where nn is the number of vertices, existing works mainly focused on designing O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space algorithms. Although sublinear in the number of edges for dense graphs, it could still be too large for many applications (e.g. nn is huge or the graph is sparse). In this work, we give single-pass algorithms beating this space barrier for two classes of problems. We present o(n)o(n) space algorithms for estimating the number of connected components with additive error εn\varepsilon n and (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximating the weight of minimum spanning tree, for any small constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. The latter improves previous O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space algorithm given by Ahn et al. (SODA 2012) for connected graphs with bounded edge weights. We initiate the study of approximate graph property testing in the dynamic streaming model, where we want to distinguish graphs satisfying the property from graphs that are ε\varepsilon-far from having the property. We consider the problem of testing kk-edge connectivity, kk-vertex connectivity, cycle-freeness and bipartiteness (of planar graphs), for which, we provide algorithms using roughly O~(n1ε)\tilde{O}(n^{1-\varepsilon}) space, which is o(n)o(n) for any constant ε\varepsilon. To complement our algorithms, we present Ω(n1O(ε))\Omega(n^{1-O(\varepsilon)}) space lower bounds for these problems, which show that such a dependence on ε\varepsilon is necessary.Comment: ICALP 201

    Expander Decomposition in Dynamic Streams

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    In this paper we initiate the study of expander decompositions of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) in the streaming model of computation. The goal is to find a partitioning C\mathcal{C} of vertices VV such that the subgraphs of GG induced by the clusters CCC \in \mathcal{C} are good expanders, while the number of intercluster edges is small. Expander decompositions are classically constructed by a recursively applying balanced sparse cuts to the input graph. In this paper we give the first implementation of such a recursive sparsest cut process using small space in the dynamic streaming model. Our main algorithmic tool is a new type of cut sparsifier that we refer to as a power cut sparsifier - it preserves cuts in any given vertex induced subgraph (or, any cluster in a fixed partition of VV) to within a (δ,ϵ)(\delta, \epsilon)-multiplicative/additive error with high probability. The power cut sparsifier uses O~(n/ϵδ)\tilde{O}(n/\epsilon\delta) space and edges, which we show is asymptotically tight up to polylogarithmic factors in nn for constant δ\delta.Comment: 31 pages, 0 figures, to appear in ITCS 202

    Maximum Matching in Turnstile Streams

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    We consider the unweighted bipartite maximum matching problem in the one-pass turnstile streaming model where the input stream consists of edge insertions and deletions. In the insertion-only model, a one-pass 22-approximation streaming algorithm can be easily obtained with space O(nlogn)O(n \log n), where nn denotes the number of vertices of the input graph. We show that no such result is possible if edge deletions are allowed, even if space O(n3/2δ)O(n^{3/2-\delta}) is granted, for every δ>0\delta > 0. Specifically, for every 0ϵ10 \le \epsilon \le 1, we show that in the one-pass turnstile streaming model, in order to compute a O(nϵ)O(n^{\epsilon})-approximation, space Ω(n3/24ϵ)\Omega(n^{3/2 - 4\epsilon}) is required for constant error randomized algorithms, and, up to logarithmic factors, space O(n22ϵ)O( n^{2-2\epsilon} ) is sufficient. Our lower bound result is proved in the simultaneous message model of communication and may be of independent interest