161 research outputs found

    Graph Isomorphism and the Lasserre Hierarchy

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    In this paper we show lower bounds for a certain large class of algorithms solving the Graph Isomorphism problem, even on expander graph instances. Spielman [25] shows an algorithm for isomorphism of strongly regular expander graphs that runs in time exp(O(n^(1/3)) (this bound was recently improved to expf O(n^(1/5) [5]). It has since been an open question to remove the requirement that the graph be strongly regular. Recent algorithmic results show that for many problems the Lasserre hierarchy works surprisingly well when the underlying graph has expansion properties. Moreover, recent work of Atserias and Maneva [3] shows that k rounds of the Lasserre hierarchy is a generalization of the k-dimensional Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm for Graph Isomorphism. These two facts combined make the Lasserre hierarchy a good candidate for solving graph isomorphism on expander graphs. Our main result rules out this promising direction by showing that even Omega(n) rounds of the Lasserre semidefinite program hierarchy fail to solve the Graph Isomorphism problem even on expander graphs.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, submitted to CC

    Lasserre Hierarchy for Graph Isomorphism and Homomorphism Indistinguishability

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    We show that feasibility of the t^th level of the Lasserre semidefinite programming hierarchy for graph isomorphism can be expressed as a homomorphism indistinguishability relation. In other words, we define a class ?_t of graphs such that graphs G and H are not distinguished by the t^th level of the Lasserre hierarchy if and only if they admit the same number of homomorphisms from any graph in ?_t. By analysing the treewidth of graphs in ?_t we prove that the 3t^th level of Sherali-Adams linear programming hierarchy is as strong as the t^th level of Lasserre. Moreover, we show that this is best possible in the sense that 3t cannot be lowered to 3t-1 for any t. The same result holds for the Lasserre hierarchy with non-negativity constraints, which we similarly characterise in terms of homomorphism indistinguishability over a family ?_t^+ of graphs. Additionally, we give characterisations of level-t Lasserre with non-negativity constraints in terms of logical equivalence and via a graph colouring algorithm akin to the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm. This provides a polynomial time algorithm for determining if two given graphs are distinguished by the t^th level of the Lasserre hierarchy with non-negativity constraints

    Definable ellipsoid method, sums-of-squares proofs, and the isomorphism problem

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    The ellipsoid method is an algorithm that solves the (weak) feasibility and linear optimization problems for convex sets by making oracle calls to their (weak) separation problem. We observe that the previously known method for showing that this reduction can be done in fixed-point logic with counting (FPC) for linear and semidefinite programs applies to any family of explicitly bounded convex sets. We use this observation to show that the exact feasibility problem for semidefinite programs is expressible in the infinitary version of FPC. As a corollary we get that, for the graph isomorphism problem, the Lasserre/Sums-of-Squares semidefinite programming hierarchy of relaxations collapses to the Sherali-Adams linear programming hierarchy, up to a small loss in the degree. © 2018 ACM.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hardness of robust graph isomorphism, Lasserre gaps, and asymmetry of random graphs

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    Building on work of Cai, F\"urer, and Immerman \cite{CFI92}, we show two hardness results for the Graph Isomorphism problem. First, we show that there are pairs of nonisomorphic nn-vertex graphs GG and HH such that any sum-of-squares (SOS) proof of nonisomorphism requires degree Ω(n)\Omega(n). In other words, we show an Ω(n)\Omega(n)-round integrality gap for the Lasserre SDP relaxation. In fact, we show this for pairs GG and HH which are not even (1−10−14)(1-10^{-14})-isomorphic. (Here we say that two nn-vertex, mm-edge graphs GG and HH are α\alpha-isomorphic if there is a bijection between their vertices which preserves at least αm\alpha m edges.) Our second result is that under the {\sc R3XOR} Hypothesis \cite{Fei02} (and also any of a class of hypotheses which generalize the {\sc R3XOR} Hypothesis), the \emph{robust} Graph Isomorphism problem is hard. I.e.\ for every ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, there is no efficient algorithm which can distinguish graph pairs which are (1−ϵ)(1-\epsilon)-isomorphic from pairs which are not even (1−ϵ0)(1-\epsilon_0)-isomorphic for some universal constant ϵ0\epsilon_0. Along the way we prove a robust asymmetry result for random graphs and hypergraphs which may be of independent interest

    Limitations of Algebraic Approaches to Graph Isomorphism Testing

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    We investigate the power of graph isomorphism algorithms based on algebraic reasoning techniques like Gr\"obner basis computation. The idea of these algorithms is to encode two graphs into a system of equations that are satisfiable if and only if if the graphs are isomorphic, and then to (try to) decide satisfiability of the system using, for example, the Gr\"obner basis algorithm. In some cases this can be done in polynomial time, in particular, if the equations admit a bounded degree refutation in an algebraic proof systems such as Nullstellensatz or polynomial calculus. We prove linear lower bounds on the polynomial calculus degree over all fields of characteristic different from 2 and also linear lower bounds for the degree of Positivstellensatz calculus derivations. We compare this approach to recently studied linear and semidefinite programming approaches to isomorphism testing, which are known to be related to the combinatorial Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm. We exactly characterise the power of the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm in terms of an algebraic proof system that lies between degree-k Nullstellensatz and degree-k polynomial calculus

    Definable Ellipsoid Method, Sums-of-Squares Proofs, and the Isomorphism Problem

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    The ellipsoid method is an algorithm that solves the (weak) feasibility and linear optimization problems for convex sets by making oracle calls to their (weak) separation problem. We observe that the previously known method for showing that this reduction can be done in fixed-point logic with counting (FPC) for linear and semidefinite programs applies to any family of explicitly bounded convex sets. We use this observation to show that the exact feasibility problem for semidefinite programs is expressible in the infinitary version of FPC. As a corollary we get that, for the isomorphism problem, the Lasserre/Sums-of-Squares semidefinite programming hierarchy of relaxations collapses to the Sherali-Adams linear programming hierarchy, up to a small loss in the degree

    Convex Hulls of Algebraic Sets

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    This article describes a method to compute successive convex approximations of the convex hull of a set of points in R^n that are the solutions to a system of polynomial equations over the reals. The method relies on sums of squares of polynomials and the dual theory of moment matrices. The main feature of the technique is that all computations are done modulo the ideal generated by the polynomials defining the set to the convexified. This work was motivated by questions raised by Lov\'asz concerning extensions of the theta body of a graph to arbitrary real algebraic varieties, and hence the relaxations described here are called theta bodies. The convexification process can be seen as an incarnation of Lasserre's hierarchy of convex relaxations of a semialgebraic set in R^n. When the defining ideal is real radical the results become especially nice. We provide several examples of the method and discuss convergence issues. Finite convergence, especially after the first step of the method, can be described explicitly for finite point sets.Comment: This article was written for the "Handbook of Semidefinite, Cone and Polynomial Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, Software and Applications

    On the equivalence between graph isomorphism testing and function approximation with GNNs

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved lots of success on graph-structured data. In the light of this, there has been increasing interest in studying their representation power. One line of work focuses on the universal approximation of permutation-invariant functions by certain classes of GNNs, and another demonstrates the limitation of GNNs via graph isomorphism tests. Our work connects these two perspectives and proves their equivalence. We further develop a framework of the representation power of GNNs with the language of sigma-algebra, which incorporates both viewpoints. Using this framework, we compare the expressive power of different classes of GNNs as well as other methods on graphs. In particular, we prove that order-2 Graph G-invariant networks fail to distinguish non-isomorphic regular graphs with the same degree. We then extend them to a new architecture, Ring-GNNs, which succeeds on distinguishing these graphs and provides improvements on real-world social network datasets

    Symmetry reduction in convex optimization with applications in combinatorics

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    This dissertation explores different approaches to and applications of symmetry reduction in convex optimization. Using tools from semidefinite programming, representation theory and algebraic combinatorics, hard combinatorial problems are solved or bounded. The first chapters consider the Jordan reduction method, extend the method to optimization over the doubly nonnegative cone, and apply it to quadratic assignment problems and energy minimization on a discrete torus. The following chapter uses symmetry reduction as a proving tool, to approach a problem from queuing theory with redundancy scheduling. The final chapters propose generalizations and reductions of flag algebras, a powerful tool for problems coming from extremal combinatorics
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