28 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Review on Automated Fruit Disease Detection at Early Stage

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    Fruits are now cultivated in many different countries, which has increased global fruit output to 2,914.27 thousand tons. Numerous countries want to increase their fruit production in the next years, thus the number of countries producing fruits is expected to keep growing. But despite this, a variety of challenges and problems are still experienced while growing crops. These include problems with the fruit's general quality, the cost of manufacturing, the state of the seed, and the fruit's own illness. The main causes of fruit diseases' detrimental impacts are microbes and fungus. Early fruit disease detection is used to foresee fruit disease, which helps farmers save money by lowering the amount of capital they have to spend. To stop fruit illnesses in their early stages, it is crucial to figure out the best way to identify fruit infections. Many studies on a variety of fruits, including the papaya, apple, mango, olive, kiwifruit, orange, etc., have employed deep learning approaches. This study compares several ways for image capture, pre-processing, and segmentation as well as deep learning techniques. The study discovered that the best deep learning strategy for a particular collection of data may change depending on the system's computational power and the data being used. The results of this study show that a convolution neural network is more accurate and can predict a wide range of fruit diseases


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    Fruit yield estimation and forecasting are essential processes for data-based decision-making in agribusiness to optimise fruit-growing and marketing operations. The yield forecasting is based on the application of historical data, which was collected in the result of periodic yield estimation. Meanwhile, the object detection methods and regression models are applied to calculate yield per tree. The application of powerful neural network architectures for rapid prototyping is a common approach of modern artificial intelligence engineering. Meanwhile, the most popular object detection solution is YOLO architecture. Our project team collected the dataset of fruiting pear tree photographs (Pear640) and trained YOLOv5m with [email protected] 95% and [email protected]:0.95 56%. The obtained results were compared with other YOLOv5-7.0 and YOLOv7 models and similar studies

    Detection of Grape Clusters in Images using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Convolutional Neural Networks and Deep Learning have revolutionized every field since their inception. Agriculture has also been reaping the fruits of developments in mentioned fields. Technology is being revolutionized to increase yield, save water wastage, take care of diseased weeds, and also increase the profit of farmers. Grapes are among the highest profit-yielding and important fruit related to the juice industry. Pakistan being an agricultural country, can widely benefit by cultivating and improving grapes per hectare yield. The biggest challenge in harvesting grapes to date is to detect their cluster successfully; many approaches tend to answer this problem by harvest and sort technique where the foreign objects are separated later from grapes after harvesting them using an automatic harvester. Currently available systems are trained on data that is from developed or grape-producing countries, thus showing data biases when used at any new location thus it gives rise to a need of creating a dataset from scratch to verify the results of research. Grape is available in different sizes, colors, seed sizes, and shapes which makes its detection, through simple Computer vision, even more challenging. This research addresses this issue by bringing the solution to this problem by using CNN and Neural Networks using the newly created dataset from local farms as the other research and the methods used don’t address issues faced locally by the farmers. YOLO has been selected to be trained on the locally collected dataset of grapes

    Usando a rede neural Faster-RCNN para identificar frutos verdes em pomares de laranja.

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    Resumo - O Brasil é um país altamente dependente de sua agropecuária para a geração de Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). Entre os produtos de sua agricultura se destaca o de cultivo da laranja e seus derivados, responsável por uma grande taxa de geração de renda e empregos no País, principalmente no triângulo mineiro e São Paulo. Este trabalho descreve o processamento de imagens digitais de frutos em árvores por meio de técnicas de visão computacional e aprendizado de máquina. Essa técnica tem potencial para, no futuro, auxiliar no processo de estimativa de produção, utilizado por produtores na formulação de estratégias e planejamento de vendas.Evento online. CIIC 2020. No 20605

    An Image Segmentation Technique with Statistical Strategies for Pesticide Efficacy Assessment

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    Image analysis is a useful technique to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for weed control. In this study, we address two practical challenges in the image analysis. First, it is challenging to accurately quantify the efficacy of a treatment when an entire experimental unit is not affected by the treatment. Second, RGB codes, which can be used to identify weed growth in the image analysis, may not be stable due to various surrounding factors, human errors, and unknown reasons. To address the former challenge, the technique of image segmentation is considered. To address the latter challenge, the proportion of weed area is adjusted under a beta regression model. The beta regression is a useful statistical method when the outcome variable (proportion) ranges between zero and one. In this study, we attempt to accurately evaluate the efficacy of a 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP). The image segmentation was applied to separate two zones, where the HP was directly applied (gray zone) and its surroundings (nongray zone). The weed growth was monitored for five days after the treatment, and the beta regression was implemented to compare the weed growth between the gray zone and the control group and between the nongray zone and the control group. The estimated treatment effect was substantially different after the implementation of image segmentation and the adjustment of green area

    Computer Vision and Machine Learning Based Grape Fruit Cluster Detection and Yield Estimation Robot

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    Estimation and detection of fruits plays a crucial role in harvesting. Traditionally, fruit growers rely on manual methods but nowadays they are facing problems of rapidly increasing labor costs and labour shortage. Earlier various techniques were developed using hyper spectral cameras, 3D images, clour based segmentation where it was difficult to find and distinguish grape bunches. In this research computer vision based novel approach is implemented using Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) and Random Forest machine learning algorithm for counting, detecting and segmentation of blue grape bunches. Here, fruit object segmentation is based on a binary threshold and Otsu method. For training and testing, classification based on pixel intensities were taken by a single image related to grape and non-grape fruit. The validation of developed technique represented by random forest algorithm achieved a good result with an accuracy score of 97.5% and F1-Score of 90.7% as compared to Support Vector Machine (SVM). The presented research pipeline for grape fruit bunch detection with noise removal, training, segmentation and classification techniques exhibit improved accuracy

    Analysis of the scientifc knowledge structure on automation in the wine industry: a bibliometric and systematic review

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the knowledge structure of the academic literature indexed in the Core Collection of the Web of Science on automation in the wine industry, from the frst registered article in 1996 to 2022, in order to identify the latest trends in the study of this subject. A bibliometric and systematic analysis of the literature was carried out. First, for the quantitative analysis of the scientifc production, the bibliometric study was conducted, using the WoS database for data collection and the VosViewer and Bibliometrix applications to create the network maps. Second, once the literature had been examined quantitatively, content analysis was undertaken using the PRISMA methodology. The results show, among other aspects, the uneven distribution of the examined scientifc production from 1996 to 2022, that computer vision, data aggregation, life cycle assessment, precision viticulture, extreme learning machine and collaborative platforms are the major current keywords and the predominance of Spain and Italy in terms of scientifc production in the feld. There are various justifcations which support the originality of this study. First, it contributes to the nderstanding of academic literature and the identifcation of the most recent trends in the study of automation in the wine industry. Second, to the best of our knowledge, no prior bibliometric studies have considered this topic. Third, this research evaluates the literature from the frst record to the year 2022, thereby providing a comprehensive analysis of the scientifc production.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature