282 research outputs found

    The use of organic farming with the introduction of organic and humic fertilisers

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    The principles of organic farming are based on the use of agricultural practices that can increase the fertility of the land or keep it at an acceptable level without the introduction of significant amounts of fertilisers and other chemicals that stimulate soil productivity. Each fertiliser has a set of specific characteristics and forms of chemical reactions with the soil, which in turn determines the necessary measures to restore fertility. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the composition of fertilisers and their use in the last decade was based on the principles of environmental friendliness, which determine that fertilisers can be used only if the composition of the soil itself is correct. The authors show that the requirements for fertilisers are formulated in such a way that a little additional application of chemicals is required for the soil cover reclamation. The authors consider the use of organic and humic fertilisers. It is shown that the use of humic fertilisers can increase the production yield on the field and organic in the case of crop cultivation under controlled conditions. The practical application of the study will ensure the development of the organic farming system, which will not only provide a spatial and environmental protection but also ensure the socio-economic development of rural areas

    Potential Soil Remineralizers from Silicate Rock Powders (SRP) as Alternative Sources of Nutrients for Agricultural Production (Amazon Region)

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    The demand for mineral fertilizers has increased over the years. In the states of Amazonas and Roraima, acquiring conventional fertilizers used in agriculture is challenging due to the distance from large production centers. In these regions, alternative fertilizers are needed to maintain food security. However, research in agrominerals of silicate rock powders (SRP) is still incipient. The objective of this research was to characterize three important Units of Agrogeological Interest in the Manaus/Boa Vista axis in the Amazon region of Brazil: (i) EBAM Quarry: quartz monzonites from the Água Branca suite, partially potassified, (ii) Granada Mining Quarry: basalts from the Apoteri formation, and (iii) Samauma Quarry: riolites from the Iricoumé Group. Samplings were carried out followed by chemical analyses for determining macro and micronutrients, in addition to potentially toxic elements; petrographic analyses were performed for mineralogical characterization as well as granulometric analyses of the powders collected in the quarries. The results showed that the EBAM quarry rock powder meets the standards established by Brazilian legislation. It also has low levels of potentially toxic elements and only 15% quartz, indicating good safety in the use of this SRP, in addition to the large supply of the material already crushed, for which there is still no market. At the Granada Mineração quarry, SRP also has the necessary characteristics to classify as a soil remineralizer, including K2O content above 1%. At Pedreira Samauma, although SRP does not qualify as an agromineral, it has more than 5% K2O and 77% aphanitic matrix, which could result in a more accessible release of abundant K and Si to the soil–plant system. Using laser granulometry analysis, it was possible to make some considerations about the effects of the crushing process in such different lithotypes and, finally, to characterize and classify the prospects of greatest interest for “rochagem” in the Amazon

    Research of the Operator's Advisory System Based on Fuzzy Logic for Pelletizing Equipment

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    Fertilizer manufacturing in the chemical industry is closely related with agricultural production. More than a half of raw materials for food products are grown by fertilizing plants. The demand of fertilizers has been constantly increasing along the growth of human population. Fertilizer manufacturers face millions of losses each year due to poor quality products. One of the most common reasons is wrong decisions in control of manufacturing processes. Operator’s experience has the highest influence on this. The paper analyzes the pellet measurement data, collected at the fertilizer plant by using indirect measurements. The results of these measurements are used to construct the model of equipment status control, based on the fuzzy logic. The proposed solution allows to respond to changes in production parameters in a 7-10 times faster manner. On average, the manufacturer with the production volumes of up to 80 tonnes/hour, could have lost about 8400 tonnes/year of high-quality production. The publication seeks symmetry between human and system decision making

    Creation of a Nanomodified Backfill Based on the Waste from Enrichment of Water-Soluble Ores

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    The paper analyzes losses during the development of low-value water-soluble ore deposits. The importance of development systems with backfill is shown. The use of industrial wastes of water-soluble ores to replace specially produced inert components in the preparation of backfill seems to be a good way to utilize the

    Granulometry, chemistry and physical interactions of non-colloidal particulate matter transported by urban storm water

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    Urban rainfall-runoff is a major source of anthropogenic pollutions to the natural water bodies. Particulate matter generated from anthropogenic environments and activities is a constituent of environmental concern as well as a carrier substrate for reactive contaminants such as metals. Partitioning, transport and transformation of particulate-bound contaminants are determined by the granulometry, physical and geochemical properties of the particulate carriers. Previous research emphasized in the transport of colloidal and suspended particles in rainfall-runoff. The settleable and sediment material were ignored though they are a major granulometric fraction which may contain most of the sorbed or transported constituents such as metals, organics or inorganics. In this research the entire flow section of rainfall-runoff was captured. Particulate matters in the catchment were analyzed for solid fractions, metal partitioning and distribution, fractal nature, morphology, chemical composition, and settling characteristics. Unsteady hydrodynamic conditions and short residence time determine coagulation and flocculation is still a dynamic mechanism in urban rainfall-runoff. Natural coagulation and flocculation (C/F) as well as coagulants/flocculants assisted C/F was studied for particles in urban rainfall-runoff. A C/F model incorporating fractal geometry and sedimentation mechanism was applied to simulate the particle size distribution in a 2-m settling column test. The overarching objective is to facilitate decision-making with respect to urban runoff management, regulations, treatment and potential disposal of runoff sediment residuals

    Consequences of land use and climate change for landscape water budgets, soil degradation and rehabilitation in the forest steppe zone of Bashkortostan

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    Results of an international and interdisciplinary joint project (sponsored by the VOLKSWAGEN-Foundation) between German and Russian scientist

    17. Simpozij „Materijali i metalurgija“ – dopuna „Zbornik sažetaka”

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    In Metalurgija 63 (2024) 2,303-320 published „ Book of Abstracts “ (224). Deadline for received of Abstracts was November, 30,2023 y. Many authors have request new deadline by March, 25, 2024 y. Organizing committee have accept new deadline. Now it published supplements of 103 Abstracts.U Metalurgiji 63 (2024) 2,303-320 objavljen je Zbornik sažetaka (224). Rok za primitak sažetke je bio 30. studeni 2023. god. Mnogi autori zatražili novi rok do 25.03.2024. Organizacijski odbor Simpozija je prihvatio novi termin. Objavljuje se sada dodatnih još 160 sažetaka

    An evaluation of groundwater vulnerability assessment methods in a rapidly urbanizing city: evidence from Dakar, Senegal

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    In rapidly growing cities in the tropics, unregulated urban development presents a major risk to groundwater quality. Here, we assess the vulnerability of an unconfined aquifer of Quaternary sands in the Thiaroye area of Dakar (Senegal) to contamination using four GIS-based indices (DRASTIC, DRASTIC_N, SINTACS, SI). Our correlation of assessed vulnerability to observed impact is semi-quantitative, relating observed groundwater quality, based on nitrate concentrations and tryptophan-like fluorescence to vulnerability degrees (i.e. coincidence rates). We show that considerably more of the Thiaroye area has a “very high vulnerability” according to SI (36%) relative to DRASTIC (5%) and SINTACS (9%); “high vulnerability” is estimated using DRASTIC_N (100%), DRASTIC (66%) and SINTACS (69%). Single-parameter sensitivity tests show that groundwater depth, soil, topography, land use and redox parameters strongly influence assessments of groundwater vulnerability. Correlation with observed nitrate concentrations reveals aquifer vulnerability is better represented by SI (coincidence rates of 56%) relative to DRASTIC_N (43%), SINTACS (38%) and DRASTIC (34%). The underestimation of groundwater vulnerability in Dakar using DRASTIC, DRASTIC_N and SINTACS is attributed to their reliance on an assumed capacity of the unsaturated zone to attenuate surface or near-surface contaminant loading, which in the low-income (Thiaroye) area of Dakar is thin and affords limited protection. The inclusion of a land-use parameter in SI improves the characterization of groundwater vulnerability in this low-income, rapidly urbanizing area of Dakar