14 research outputs found

    An Efficient Framework for Order Optimization

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    Since the introduction of cost-based query optimization, the performance-critical role of interesting orders has been recognized. Some algebraic operators change interesting orders (e.g. sort and select), while others exploit interesting orders (e.g. merge join). The two operations performed by any query optimizer during plan generation are 1) computing the resulting order given an input order and an algebraic operator and 2) determining the compatibility between a given input order and the required order a given algebraic operator can beneficially exploit. Since these two operations are called millions of times during plan generation, they are highly performance-critical. The third crucial parameter is the space requirement for annotating every plan node with its output order. Lately, a powerful framework for reasoning about orders has been developed, which is based on functional dependencies. Within this framework, the current state-of-the-art algorithms for implementing the above operations both have a lower bound time requirement of Omega(n), where n is the number of functional dependencies involved. Further, the lower bound for the space requirement for every plan node is Omega(n). We improve these bounds by new algorithms with upper time bounds O(1). That is, our algorithms for both operations work in constant time during plan generation, after a one-time preparation step. Further, the upper bound for the space requirement for plan nodes is O(1) for our approach. Besides, our algorithm reduces the search space by detecting and ignoring irrelevant orderings. Experimental results with a full fledged query optimizer show that our approach significantly reduces the total time needed for plan generation. As a corollary of our experiments, it follows that the time spent for order processing is a non-neglectable part of plan generation

    Book reports

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    Composite-object views in relational DBMS: an implementation perspective

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    We present a novel approach for supporting Composite Objects (CO) as an abstraction over the relational data. This approach brings the advanced CO model to existing relational databases and applications, without requiring an expensive migration to other DBMSs which support CO. The concept of views in relational DBMSs (RDBMS) gives the basis for providing the CO abstraction. This model is strictly an extension to the relational model, and it is fully upward compatible with it. We present an overview of the data model. We put emphasis in this paper on showing how we have made the extensions to the architecture and implementation of an RDBMS (Starburst) to support this model. We show that such a major extension to the data model is in fact quite attractive both in terms of implementation cost and query performance. We introduce a CO cache for navigation through components of a CO. With this technique, the performance of navigation through COs, which has been of a concern in RDBMSs in the past, is in fact quite satisfactory. We present our practical experience in using this facility. We show that our work on CO enables existing RDBMSs to incorporate efficient CO facilities at a low cost and at a high degree of application reusability and database sharability

    Charting the design space of query execution using VOILA

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    Database architecture, while having been studied for four decades now, has delivered only a few designs with well-understood properties. These few are followed by most actual systems. Acquiring more knowledge about the design space is a very time-consuming processes that requires manually crafting prototypes with a low chance of generating material insight.We propose a framework that aims to accelerat

    Laws for rewriting queries containing division operators

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    Relational division, also known as small divide, is a derived operator of the relational algebra that realizes a many-to-one set containment test, where a set is represented as a group of tuples: Small divide discovers which sets in a dividend relation contain all elements of the set stored in a divisor relation. The great divide operator extends small divide by realizing many-to-many set containment tests. It is also similar to the set containment join operator for schemas that are not in first normal form. Neither small nor great divide has been implemented in commercial relational database systems although the operators solve important problems and many efficient algorithms for them exist. We present algebraic laws that allow rewriting expressions containing small or great divide, illustrate their importance for query optimization, and discuss the use of great divide for frequent itemset discovery, an important data mining primitive. A recent theoretic result shows that small divide must be implemented by special purpose algorithms and not be simulated by pure relational algebra expressions to achieve efficiency. Consequently, an efficient implementation requires that the optimizer treats small divide as a first-class operator and possesses powerful algebraic laws for query rewriting

    Abstract Grammar-like Functional Rules for Representing Query Optimization Alternatives

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    Extensible query optmuxahon reqmres that the “repertoue ” of alternatIv

    Quality of Service and Optimization in Data Integration Systems

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    This work presents techniques for the construction of a global data integrations system. Similar to distributed databases this system allows declarative queries in order to express user-specific information needs. Scalability towards global data integration systems and openness were major design goals for the architecture and techniques developed in this work. It is shown how service composition, extensibility and quality of service can be supported in an open system of providers for data, functionality for query processing operations, and computing power.Diese Arbeit präsentiert Techniken für den Aufbau eines globalen Datenintegrationssystems. Analog zu verteilten Datenbanken unterstützt dieses System deklarative Anfragen, mit denen Benutzer die gesuchte Information beschreiben können. Die Skalierbarkeit in einem globalen Kontext und die Offenheit waren hauptsächliche Entwicklungsziele der Architektur und der Techniken, die in dieser Arbeit entstanden sind. Es wird gezeigt wie Dienstekomposition, Erweiterbarkeit und Dienstgüte in einem offenen System von Anbietern für Daten, Anfrageverarbeitungsfunktionalität und Rechenleistung unterstützt werden können

    The Completeness Problem of Ordered Relational Databases

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    Support of order in query processing is a crucial component in relational database systems, not only because the output of a query is often required to be sorted in a specific order, but also because employing order properties can significantly reduce the query execution cost. Therefore, finding an effective approach to answer queries over ordered data is important to the efficiency of query processing in relational databases. In this dissertation, an ordered relational database model is proposed, which captures both data tuples of relations and tuple ordering in relations. Based on this conceptual model, ordered relational queries are formally defined in a two-sorted first-order calculus, which serves as a yardstick to evaluate expressive power of other ordered query representations. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the expressive power of different ordered query representations. Particularly, the completeness problem of ordered relational algebras is studied with respect to the first-order calculus: does there exist an ordered algebra such that any first-order expressible ordered relational query can be expressed by a finite sequence of ordered operations? The significance of studying the completeness problem of ordered relational algebras is in that the completeness of ordered relational algebras leads to the possibility of implementing a finite set of ordered operators to express all first-order expressible ordered queries in relational databases. The dissertation then focuses on the completeness problem of ordered conjunctive queries. This investigation is performed in an incremental manner: first, the ordered conjunctive queries with data-decided order is considered; then, the ordered conjunctive queries with t-decided order is studied; finally, the completeness problem for the general ordered conjunctive queries is explored. The completeness theorem of ordered algebras is proven for all three classes of ordered conjunctive queries. Although this ordered relational database model is only conceptual, and ordered operators are not implemented in this dissertation, we do prove that a complete set of ordered operators exists to retrieve all first order expressible ordered queries in the three classes of ordered conjunctive queries. This research sheds light on the possibility of implementing a complete set of ordered operators in relational databases to solve the performance problem of order-relevant queries

    Efficient Generation and Execution of DAG-Structured Query Graphs

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    Traditional database management systems use tree-structured query evaluation plans. While easy to implement, a tree-structured query evaluation plan is not expressive enough for some optimizations like factoring common algebraic subexpressions or magic sets. These require directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), i.e. shared subplans. This work covers the different aspects of DAG-structured query graphs. First, it introduces a novel framework to reason about sharing of subplans and thus DAG-structured query evaluation plans. Second, it describes the first plan generator capable of generating optimal DAG-structured query evaluation plans. Third, an efficient framework for reasoning about orderings and groupings used by the plan generator is presented. And fourth, a runtime system capable of executing DAG-structured query evaluation plans with minimal overhead is discussed. The experimental results show that with no or only a modest increase of plan generation time, a major reduction of query execution time can be achieved for common queries. This shows that DAG-structured query evaluation plans are serviceable and should be preferred over tree-structured query plans