7 research outputs found

    Kurasi Digital Untuk Pengarsipan Digital

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    AbstrakKurasi digital adalah istilah yang sangat baru dan terkait dengan perkembangan preservasi digital dan pengarsipan digital. Ini adalah istilah yang relatif baru yang menggabungkan dua aspek konsep yang ada yaitu, "data kurasi" dan "pelestarian digital" terutama dipergunakan oleh bidang Perpustakaan dan Arsip. Penggunaannya dimaksudkan untuk membangun jembatan di antara keduanya yang mencerminkan pendekatan baru. Digital Curation Center (DCC) memberikan istilah kurasi digital dalam kaitan menjaga dan memberikan nilai tambah dalam informasi digital untuk digunakan saat ini dan masa depan.  Sedangkan Kurasi secara umum dipahami sebagai proses manajemen aktif dan penilaian data selama siklus hidup ilmiahnya. Meskipun tidak semua informasi digital dihasilkan akan memiliki nilai jangka panjang dan menjadi komponen yang penting. Nilai jangka panjang dan volume informasi akan bervariasi antara disiplin ilmu dan berbagai kategori bahan, konsekuensinya, diperlukan seleksi, kurasi dan pelestarian jangka panjang, sehingga dapat digunakan di masa depan.                                                AbstractDigital curation is very new term and associated with development of digital preservation and digital archiving. This is a relatively new term that combines two aspects of existing concepts "data curation" and "digital preservation", used primarily by Library and Archives. Its use is intended to build bridges between those that reflect a new approach. Digital Curation Center (DCC) gives the term digital curation to maintaining and provide added value in digital information for today and future use. Meanwhile, the general term of Curation is conceived as active management process and assessment activity of data during its scientific lifecycle. While not all digital information generated will have long-term value, and important components. Long-term value and information volume will vary between disciplines and various categories of materials, consequently, it is required selection, curation and long-term preservation, so it can be used in the future

    Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography 2010

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    This selective bibliography includes over 500 articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding digital curation and preservation. The Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography includes published articles, books, and technical reports. All included works are in English. The bibliography does not cover conference papers, digital media works (such as MP3 files), editorials, e-mail messages, letters to the editor, presentation slides or transcripts, unpublished e-prints, or weblog postings. Most sources have been published between 2000 and the present; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 2000 are also included

    "Where the Rubber Meets the Road": Self-Audit in University Digital Repositories

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    This study examines the use of trusted digital repository tools and standards for self-audit in digital repositories. While there has been increasing attention given to external audit and certification of trusted digital repositories, there has not yet been a cross-institutional study of repository self-audits. Describing a series of semi-structured interviews with six information professionals employed at six university digital repositories, this study examines these repositories’ experiences with self-audit. The study explores the tools that are being used for self-audit, how self-audits are conducted, and the value of self-audit to repositories and their stakeholders. Findings from this study provide some insight into the current state of self-audit in digital repositories, and the paper also suggests areas for improvement and future research in this field.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Education alignment

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    This essay reviews recent developments in embedding data management and curation skills into information technology, library and information science, and research-based postgraduate courses in various national contexts. The essay also investigates means of joining up formal education with professional development training opportunities more coherently. The potential for using professional internships as a means of improving communication and understanding between disciplines is also explored. A key aim of this essay is to identify what level of complementarity is needed across various disciplines to most effectively and efficiently support the entire data curation lifecycle

    Government Archives and the Digital Repository Audit Checklist

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    This article examines the RLG/NARA draft Audit Checklist for the Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories from the perspective of publicly funded repositories, especially government archives. It reviews the historical origins of the checklist, the comments received from government archives on the metrics in the draft document and the task force’s adjudication of those comments. Finally it addresses some unresolved issues

    Government Archives and the Digital Repository Audit Checklist

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    This article examines the RLG/NARA draft Audit Checklist for the Certification of Trusted Digital Repositories from the perspective of publicly funded repositories, especially government archives. It reviews the historical origins of the checklist, the comments received from government archives on the metrics in the draft document and the task force¿s adjudication of those comments. Finally it addresses some unresolved issues