15 research outputs found

    Sustainability’s Coming Home: Preliminary Design Principles for the Sustainable Smart District

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    Consumer trends like local consumption, sharing of property, and environmental awareness change our habits and thereby our surroundings. These trends have their origin in our direct environment, in the districts of our city or community, where we live and socialize. Cities and districts are changing to “smart cities” and “smart districts” as a part of the ongoing digitalization. These changes offer the possibility to entrench the idea of sustainability and build a platform-based ecosystem for a sustainable smart district. This research aims to identify guidelines in form of preliminary design principles for sustainable smart districts. To achieve this, we conduct a structured literature review. On this basis, we derive and develop preliminary design principles with the help of semistructured interviews and a non-representative sample of the German population. The resulting nine preliminary design principles describe a first insight into the design of sustainable smart districts

    Governing a Digital Business Ecosystem: Lessons from ONE.MOTORING Portal

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    While the IT innovation topic has gathered significant research interests, the existing discourse on IT innovation is centered on internal organizational processes such as IT capability development and organizational learning rather than IT innovation networks as the primary means for achieving superior enterprise performance. This is an important topic because a networked perspective of IT-enabled innovation is a critical dimension for the dynamics of collaborative innovation in today’s networked economy. In particular, the development and implementation of a digital business ecosystem (DBE); a specific type of business ecosystem defined as an IT-enabled business network of entities with differing interests bound together in a collective whole, may hold the key to attaining superior enterprise performance in the context of organizations operating in complex business networks. Using a case study of ONE.MOTORING portal and adopting the theory of business ecosystems as an analytical lens, the objective of this study is to examine how are DBEs developed and governed? Our analysis identified three important lessons learnt that were instrumental in developing a DBE: institutionalizing ONE.MOTORING concept within business ecosystem; establishing connectivity and attaining network density and emphasizing value creation. We conclude with research and practice implications

    Sustainability's Coming Home : Preliminary Design Principles for the Sustainable Smart District

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    Consumer trends like local consumption, sharing of property, and environmental awareness change our habits and thereby our surroundings. These trends have their origin in our direct environment, in the districts of our city or community, where we live and socialize. Cities and districts are changing to “smart cities” and “smart districts” as a part of the ongoing digitalization. These changes offer the possibility to entrench the idea of sustainability and build a platform-based ecosystem for a sustainable smart district. This research aims to identify guidelines in form of preliminary design principles (PDPs) for sustainable smart districts. To achieve this, we conduct a structured literature review. On this basis, we derive and develop PDPs with the help of semi-structured interviews and a non-representative sample of the German population. The resulting nine PDPs describe a first insight into the design of sustainable smart districts

    Trends in digital entertainment: a multiple case study of video and digital comic service platforms

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    This research involved trends in video and digital comic service platforms. Four existing video and comic players were analysed by gathering information from publicly available sources. The aim was to create a picture of the existing market by looking at the differences and similarities among the existing players. The existing players were then compared with a new upcoming service platform, which combines both videos and digital comics. Information from this player was gathered by interviewing the company behind the service. A literature review of platforms, digital platforms and platform theories was completed, followed by a theoretical platform leading to the choice of framework for analysing the case companies. Data collection, methodology and limitations of the study are then presented. The empirical part of the study focuses on analysing the companies by using the chosen framework, leading to a picture of the current players, the upcoming player and the market situation. The results of the study showed that many of the theories of platforms and digital platforms in previous literature are valid for today’s video and digital comic service platforms. The study emphasized the network effects between user groups. Most of the existing players were not utilizing these network effects as effectively as they could, which created an opportunity for a new market entrant. This study is limited by the small sample size of analysed platforms. In addition, most of the data was gathered from publicly available sources, which makes the analysis less reliable. Video and digital comic service platform markets keep changing and improving at a fast pace. This means that data provided in this study might be outdated fairly quickly

    The digital platform: a research agenda

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    As digital platforms are transforming almost every industry today, they are slowly finding their way into the mainstream information systems (ISs) literature. Digital platforms are a challenging research object because of their distributed nature and intertwinement with institutions, markets and technologies. New research challenges arise as a result of the exponentially growing scale of platform innovation, the increasing complexity of platform architectures and the spread of digital platforms to many different industries. This paper develops a research agenda for digital platforms research in IS. We recommend researchers seek to (1) advance conceptual clarity by providing clear definitions that specify the unit of analysis, degree of digitality and the sociotechnical nature of digital platforms; (2) define the proper scoping of digital platform concepts by studying platforms on different architectural levels and in different industry settings; and (3) advance methodological rigour by employing embedded case studies, longitudinal studies, design research, data-driven modelling and visualisation techniques. Considering current developments in the business domain, we suggest six questions for further research: (1) Are platforms here to stay? (2) How should platforms be designed? (3) How do digital platforms transform industries? (4) How can data-driven approaches inform digital platforms research? (5) How should researchers develop theory for digital platforms? and (6) How do digital platforms affect everyday life


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    Digitalisation and increasing competitive pressure drive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to switch their focus towards the provision of digital services and open-up towards increased collaboration and customer integration. This shift implies a significant transformational change from product to product-service providers, where OEMs realign themselves within strategic, business and procedural dimensions. Thus, OEMs must manage digital transformation (DT) processes in order to stay competitive and remain adaptable to changing customer demands. However, OEMs aspiring to become participants or leaders in their domain, struggle to initiate activities as there is a lack of applicable instruments that can guide and support them during this process. Compared to the practical importance of DT, empirical studies are not comprehensive. This study proposes three artefacts, validated within case companies that intend to support automotive OEMs in digital service provisioning. Artefact one, a layered conceptual model for a digital automotive ecosystem, was developed by means of 26 expert interviews. It can serve as a useful instrument for decision makers to strategically plan and outline digital ecosystems. Artefact two is a conceptual reference framework for automotive service systems. The artefact was developed based on an extensive literature review, and the mapping of the business model canvas to the service system domain. The artefact intends to assist OEMs in the efficient conception of digital services under consideration of relevant stakeholders and the necessary infrastructures. Finally, artefact three proposes a methodology by which to transform software readiness assessment processes to fit into the agile software development approach with consideration of the existing operational infrastructure. Overall, the findings contribute to the empirical body of knowledge about the digital transformation of manufacturing industries. The results suggest value creation for digital automotive services occurs in networks among interdependent stakeholders in which customers play an integral role during the services’ life-cycle. The findings further indicate the artefacts as being useful instruments, however, success is dependent on the integration and collaboration of all contributing departments.:Table of Contents Bibliographic Description II Acknowledgment III Table of Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VII List of Abbreviations VIII 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1 1.2 Objective and Research Questions 6 1.3 Research Methodology 7 1.4 Contributions 10 1.5 Outline 12 2 Background 13 2.1 From Interdependent Value Creation to Digital Ecosystems 13 2.1.1 Digitalisation Drives Collaboration 13 2.1.2 Pursuing an Ecosystem Strategy 13 2.1.3 Research Gaps and Strategy Formulation Obstacles 20 2.2 From Products to Product-Service Solutions 22 2.2.1 Digital Service Fulfilment Requires Co-Creational Networks 22 2.2.2 Enhancing Business Models with Digital Services 28 2.2.3 Research Gaps and Service Conception Obstacles 30 2.3 From Linear Development to Continuous Innovation 32 2.3.1 Digital Innovation Demands Digital Transformation 32 2.3.2 Assessing Digital Products 36 2.3.3 Research Gaps and Implementation Obstacles 38 3 Artefact 1: Digital Automotive Ecosystems 41 3.1 Meta Data 41 3.2 Summary 42 3.3 Designing a Layered Conceptual Model of a Digital Ecosystem 45 4 Artefact 2: Conceptual Reference Framework 79 4.1 Meta Data 79 4.2 Summary 80 4.3 On the Move Towards Customer-Centric Automotive Business Models 83 5 Artefact 3: Agile Software Readiness Assessment Procedures 121 5.1 Meta Data 121 5.2 Meta Data 122 5.3 Summary 123 5.4 Adding Agility to Software Readiness Assessment Procedures 126 5.5 Continuous Software Readiness Assessments for Agile Development 147 6 Conclusion and Future Work 158 6.1 Contributions 158 6.1.1 Strategic Dimension: Artefact 1 158 6.1.2 Business Dimension: Artefact 2 159 6.1.3 Process Dimension: Artefact 3 161 6.1.4 Synthesis of Contributions 163 6.2 Implications 167 6.2.1 Scientific Implications 167 6.2.2 Managerial Implications 168 6.2.3 Intelligent Parking Service Example (ParkSpotHelp) 171 6.3 Concluding Remarks 174 6.3.1 Threats to Validity 174 6.3.2 Outlook and Future Research Recommendations 174 Appendix VII Bibliography XX Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang XXXVII Selbständigkeitserklärung XXXVII

    The Affordances of the Digital Medium : Users’ perceptions of digitalization

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    The aim of this administrative research is to identify the opportunities and obstacles associated with the exploitation of digitalization and digital services. The objective of the study is viewed from a user perspective, undertaken using a co-creation approach. The research material was collected in group discussions between participants in rural areas in Finland, as well as from the organizational environment of Finnish health care. Affordance theory, together with the concepts of the digital medium, and the co-creation of digitalization provide a theoretical framework for the research. The affordance approach provides a perspective to interpret the relationship between the user and the environment, where the aspects of the digital medium and the forming of the collective perception are also considered. By the theoretical framework, this doctoral dissertation responds to the following research question: what is the meaning of affordance theory for the utilization of the digital medium? The results of my study reflect citizens' views on digitalization and e-services. The participants’ attitude towards digitalization is described from the perspective of users, the environment, and digital applications. The model of participatory-deliberative design presented in the study enabled the multidimensional views of the topic. In conclusion, the perspective derived from affordance theory helps us to understand the factors that enable or prevent the utilization of the digital medium. However, the description also opens the cognitive process to the observer itself and to the development community. The increased self-awareness about one’s insights enables the user to be more flexible in controlling how to utilize the opportunities in the environment. Overall, increased awareness of the potential of the environment offers an opportunity to understand the views of others on the subject under consideration and to explain the underlying perception. The additional aspects of design and co-creation of the digital affordances support the successful discovery and implementation of the possibilities. The contribution of this research becomes apparent in unexpected events, as the increased digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates. The results also contribute to much more common surroundings and situations, as in the case of digitalization of welfare services.Tämän hallintotieteellisen tutkimuksen tavoitteena on digitalisaation ja digitaalisten palvelujen hyödyntämiseen liittyvien mahdollisuuksien ja estävien tekijöiden tunnistaminen. Käsiteltävän aiheen tarkastelu noudattaa käyttäjälähtöistä lähestymistapaa, joka toteutettiin yhteiskehittämisen menetelmää hyödyntämällä. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin Suomen maaseutupaikkakunnilta sekä terveydenhuollon organisaatioympäristöstä osallistujien välisistä ryhmäkeskusteluista. Affordanssiteoria yhdessä digitalisaatiotematiikan sekä yhteiskehittämisen lähestymistavan kanssa muodostavat tutkimuksen teoreettisen viitekehyksen, joka tarjoaa tarkastelunäkökulman käyttäjän ja ympäristön välisen vuorovaikutussuhteen tulkitsemiseksi. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen viitekehyksen kautta väitöskirja vastaa tutkimuskysymykseen, mikä merkitys affordanssiteorialla on digitalisaation hyödyntämiselle. Tutkimuksen tulokset ilmentävät kansalaisten näkemyksiä digitalisaatiosta ja sähköisistä palveluista. Osallistujien suhtautuminen digitalisaatiota kohtaan kuvataan käyttäjien, ympäristön ja digitaalisten sovellusten näkökulmista. Tutkimuksessa esiteltävä osallistavan deliberatiivisen suunnittelun (participatory-deliberative design) malli mahdollistaa aiheeseen sisältyvien moniulotteisten näkemysten esiin nostamisen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että affordanssiteorian näkökulma auttaa ymmärtämään niitä tekijöitä, jotka mahdollistavat tai estävät digitalisaatioon liittyvät oivallukset. Affordanssien, eli ns. tarjoumien muodostumista kuvaava kognitiivinen prosessi tarjoaa lisääntyneen oivaltamisen mahdollisuuden sekä havainnoijalle itselleen, mutta myös kehittämisyhteisön hyödynnettäväksi. Kaiken kaikkiaan lisääntynyt tietoisuus ympäristön mahdollisuuksista tarjoaa mahdollisuuden ymmärtää muiden näkökulmia tarkasteltavaan aiheeseen ja selittää ajattelun taustalla vaikuttavia syitä. Tutkimuksen vaikutukset ovat hyödynnettävissä niin odottamattomissa tapahtumissa, kuten COVID-19 pandemian myötä tapahtunut ”digiloikka” osoittaa. Tutkimuksen näkökulma on myös sovellettavissa paljon yleisempiin tilanteisiin, kuten esimerkiksi hyvinvointipalvelujen digitalisoinnin tarkasteluun.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Green Buildings and Ambient Intelligence: case study for N.A.S.A. Sustainability Base and future Smart Infrastructures

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    Con la diffusione delle smart infrastructures, espressione con cui ci si riferisce collettivamente ai concetti di smart cities e smart grid, i sistemi di building automation vedono il proprio ruolo espandersi oltre i tradizionali limiti degli ambienti isolati che sono progettati per gestire, supervisionare ed ottimizzare. Da sistemi isolati all’interno di edifici residenziali o commerciali, stanno iniziando ad ottenere un ruolo importante su scala più ampia nell’ambito di scenari più complessi a livello urbano o a livello di infrastruttura. Esempi di questa tendenza possono essere le attuali sperimentazioni in varie città del mondo per automatizzare l’illuminazione pubblica, complessi residenziali diffusi (spesso denominati smart connected comunities) e microgrid locali generate dalla federazione di varie unità residenziali a formare cosidette virtual power plants. A causa di questo processo, ci sono aspettative crescenti circa il potenziale delle reti di automazione di introdurre funzionalità sofisticate da un parte ed efficienza energetica dall’altra, ed entrambi gli aspetti su vasta scala. Sfortunatamente questi due obiettivi sono per diversi motivi in conflitto ed è dunque inevitabile individuare un ragionevole compromesso di progettazione. Questa ricerca realizza una caratterizzazione delle attuali tecnologie di automazione per identificare i termini di tale compromesso, con un’attenzione maggiormente polarizzata sugli aspetti di efficienza energetica, analizzata seguendo un approccio olistico, affrontando diversi aspetti del problema. Indubbiamente, data la complessità del vasto scenario tecnologico delle future smart infrastructures, non c’è una finalità sistematica nel lavoro. Piuttosto si intende fornire un contributo alla conoscenza, dando priorità ad alcune sfide di ricerca che sono altresì spesso sottovalutate. Il Green networking, ovvero l’efficienza energetica nel funzionamento di rete, è una di tali sfide. L’attuale infrastruttura IT globale è costruita su attrezzature che collettivamente consumano 21.4 TWh/anno (Global e-Sustainability Initiative, 2010). Questo è dovuto alla scarsa consapevolezza del fatto che le specifiche dei protocolli di comunicazione hanno varie implicazioni sull’efficienza energetica e alla generale tendenza ad una progettazione ridondante e sovra-dimensionata per il caso peggiore. Questo problema potrebbe essere riscontrato anche nelle reti di automazione, specialmente data la tendenza di cui si discuteva sopra, e in tal caso, queste potrebbero introdurre un ulteriore carbon footprint, in aggiunta a quello della rete internet. In questa ricerca si intende dimensionare tale problema e proporre approcci alternativi agli attuali modelli di hardware e protocollo tipici delle tecnologie di automazione in commercio. Spostandosi dalla rete di controllo all’ambiente fisico, altro obiettivo di questo lavoro è la caratterizzazione di sistemi di gestione automatica dei plug loads, carichi elettrici altrimenti non gestiti da alcun impianto di building automation. Per tali sistemi verranno mostrati i limiti e le potenzialità, identificando potenziali problematiche di design e proponendo un approccio integrato di tali sistemi all’interno di sistemi più ampi di gestione dell’energia. Infine, il meccanismo introdotto nella parte di green networking è potenzialmente in grado di fornire informazioni in tempo reale circa il contesto controllato. Si tratta di un potenziale sfruttabile per sviluppare soluzioni di Demand Side Management, allo scopo di effettuare previsioni di picco e di carico. Questa analisi è attualmente in corso, attraverso una partnership con Enel Distribuzione. With the advent of smart infrastructures, collective expression used here to refer to novel concepts such as smart cities and smart grid, building automation and control networks are having their role expanded beyond the traditional boundaries of the isolated environments they are designed to manage, supervise and optimize. From being confined within residential or commercial buildings as islanded, self-contained systems, they are starting to gain an important role on a wider scale for more complex scenarios at urban or infrastructure level. Example of this ongoing process are current experimental setups in cities worldwide to automate urban street lighting, diffused residential facilities (also often addressed to as smart connected communities) and local micro-grids generated by the federation of several residential units into so-called virtual power plants. Given this underlying process, expectations are dramatically increasing about the potential of control networks to introduce sophisticated features on one side and energy efficiency on the other, and both on a wide scale. Unfortunately, these two objectives are, in several ways, conflicting, and impose to settle for reasonable trade-offs. This research work performs an assessment of current control and automation technologies to identify the terms of this trade-off with a stronger focus on energy efficiency which is analyzed following a holistic approach covering several aspects of the problem. Nevertheless, given the complexity of the wide technology scenario of future smart infrastructure, there isn’t a systematic intention in the work. Rather, this research will aim at providing valuable contribution to the knowledge in the field, prioritizing challenges within the whole picture that are often neglected. Green networking, that is energy efficiency of the very network operation, is one of these challenges. The current worldwide IT infrastructure is built upon networking equipment that collectively consume 21.4 TWh/year (Global e-Sustainability Initiative, 2010). This is the result of an overall unawareness of energy efficiency implications of communication protocols specifications and a tendency toward over-provisioning and redundancy in architecture design. As automation and control networks become global, they may be subject to the same issue and introduce an additional carbon footprint along with that of the internet. This research work performs an assessment of the dimension of this problem and proposes an alternative approach to current hardware and protocol design found in commercial building automation technologies. Shifting from the control network to the physical environment, another objective of this work is related to plug load management systems, which will be characterized as to their performance and limitations, highlighting potential design pitfalls and proposing an approach toward integrating these systems into more general energy management systems. Finally, the mechanism introduced above to increase networking energy efficiency also demonstrated a potential to provide real-time awareness about the context being managed. This potential is currently under investigation for its implications in performing basic load/peak forecasting to support demand side management architectures for the smart grid, through a partnership with the Italian electric utility

    The Impact of Digital Platforms and Networks on Companies and Markets: Empirical Analysis of the Financial Services Sector

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    The dissertation is structured as follows. The first paper, a single author paper, examines the impact of platform size on payment platform value using a qualitative research method. The second paper, co-authored by Dr. Dr. Stefanie Steinhauser, uses a quantitative research method to analyze the influence of platforms on coopetition in financial markets as well as on the factors that influence network development in financial markets. The third paper, co-authored by Dr. Dr. Stefanie Steinhauser, Erich Renz, and Alexander Zanon, uses a quantitative research approach to examine the individual factors of business models in terms of their influence on the success of digital platforms. Financial markets serve as the empirical setting of my dissertation. I chose the financial sector for my research as it is a highly regulated market and thus insights can be gained on the impact of digital platforms on regulated markets. In addition, financial markets worldwide are currently affected by the transformation through digital platforms, which provides an ideal environment to investigate what impact digital platforms have on market and competition structures

    Decentralizzazione e tecnologia blockchain: una prospettiva ecosistemica

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    Il concetto di ecosistema ha ricevuto una crescente attenzione tra studiosi, professionisti ed esponenti politici (Colombo et al. 2019). Considerato come un nuovo modo di rappresentare l'ambiente competitivo (Beliaeva et al. 2019), un ecosistema si riferisce a un gruppo di aziende interagenti che dipendono dalle reciproche attività (Jacobides et al. 2018). Gli ecosistemi stimolano il coordinamento tra organizzazioni interconnesse ma significativamente autonome (Jacobides et al. 2018). Gli ecosistemi sono spesso considerati una parte cruciale dell'economia e una metafora per sostituire il tradizionale termine "mercati" (Audretsch et al. 2019). L'ecosistema, a differenza dell'impresa classica, si basa sulla modularità piuttosto che sulla gestione gerarchica, e vi è la necessità di coordinamento e condivisione di risorse e competenze complementari. l'ecosistema può essere definito come un insieme di organizzazioni autonome che producono componenti complementari di valore che formano una certa struttura di relazioni e sono coordinate senza la necessità di integrazione verticale (Jaco- bides, Cennamo, Gawer, 2018; Kleiner, 2018). L'avvento della quarta rivoluzione industriale (Industria 4.0) ha portato alla necessità di analizzare un'enorme quantità di dati e le esigenze del mercato sono disponibili in tempo reale per le aziende (Ardito et al., 2019; Atzori et al., 2010; Islam et al. , 2020; Shashi et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2018). Per questo motivo, le operazioni aziendali si stanno spostando verso una maggiore affidabilità, decentralizzazione, automazione e coordinamento favorendo l'integrazione di processi digitali incentrati sulla domanda e sull'offerta (Castagna et al., 2020; Goertzel et al., 2017; Ranganathan et al., 2011 ). Per quanto riguarda il modo in cui i dati e le informazioni vengono creati, raccolti, archiviati e resi disponibili su una piattaforma, anche decentralizzata, un argomento cruciale per accademici e professionisti riguarda la necessità di sistemi distribuiti per garantire trasparenza e sicurezza alle transazioni commerciali e flussi di informazioni senza la necessità di un terzo di fiducia (Goertzel et al., 2017; Marsal-Llacuna, 2018; Pereira et al., 2019). Inoltre, questi sforzi dovrebbero essere coordinati all'interno di un meccanismo trasparente e affidabile, portando quindi a processi decentralizzati, complessità gestionali e organizzative (Chen et al., 2012; Islam et al., 2020; Schoenherr e Speier-Pero, 2015; Vigna e Casey , 2016; Wang et al., 2016; White et al., 2020). In questo contesto, l'implementazione dell'architettura blockchain consente alle aziende di affrontare una crescente trasparenza, disintermediazione dei processi aziendali, efficienza e problemi di qualità dei dati, a causa del volume, della varietà e della velocità senza precedenti dei dati che possono essere acquisiti e del trasferimento di proprietà che possono essere elaborati (Cecere, 2017; Hazen et al., 2014; Mancilla e Sepúlveda, 2017; Raguseo e Vitari, 2018). Tuttavia, sebbene vi sia una vasta letteratura che evidenzia che la blockchain sta diventando un fattore strategico chiave nel nuovo ambiente industriale (Martinez-Vazquez, & Timofeev, 2010; Dafflon, 2015; Tumasjan, & Beutel, 2019; Chen, et. al., 2020), nel campo della gestione della tecnologia il futuro dei registri distribuiti e delle tecnologie decentralizzate sembra ancora essere trascurato. Le implicazioni della governance decentralizzata sono molteplici, prima di tutto, l'applicazione di questo modello sfida in varia misura i tradizionali meccanismi centralizzati di autorità statale, cittadinanza e democrazia (Atzori, 2015). Le nuove tecnologie, come la blockchain, consentono la possibilità di creare piattaforme decentralizzate, in grado di gestire interazioni su larga scala e destituire le autorità centrali tradizionali (Chen, & Bellavitis, 2020). Lo scopo di questa tesi è esplorare come una tecnologia emergente possa fungere da piattaforma decentralizzata per abilitare un nuovo concetto di ecosistema. Partendo da questa ricerca combinando la metodologia Grounded Theory con la metodologia dei casi studio multipli si cerca di comprendere l'impatto della prossima generazione di tecnologie rivoluzionarie, blockchain, sull'ecosistema. Lo studio rivela varie percezioni del cluster di utenti intervistati su ciò che potrebbe cambiare nei mercati e nell'ecosistema nel prossimo futuro, dopo l'introduzione della tecnologia blockchain. Di conseguenza, siamo in grado di mostrare l'utilità del modello in un contesto empirico, presentare una critica che aiuta a sviluppare ulteriormente il quadro e contribuire con teorie che riguardano l'approccio ecosistemico. Per esplorare come la piattaforma decentralizzata e la tecnologia blockchain consentono il cambiamento dell'ecosistema e rispondono alle richieste di ricerca in questo settore, l'elaborato di tesi è organizzato come segue. Il primo capitolo mostra la revisione sistematica della letteratura per delineare le lacune teoriche e l'obiettivo della ricerca; quindi, descrive il processo di ricerca attraverso il quale la ricerca li ha affrontati, costituito dalla posizione paradigmatica della ricerca, dalla scelta dell'approccio di ricerca e dal processo di raccolta e analisi dei dati. Viene quindi presentato il contesto della ricerca. Il secondo capitolo propone una revisione della letteratura sui diversi approcci al concetto di ecosistema e in particolare sulla formazione e l'innovazione dell'ecosistema e i cambiamenti al suo interno. Il terzo capitolo presenta presentano una metodologia di ricerca. Innanzitutto, per fornire una panoramica strutturata e completa della letteratura sul decentramento, la blockchain e il cambiamento nell'ecosistema, conduco una revisione strutturata della letteratura (SLR) che può essere vista come un mezzo con cui qualsiasi letteratura centrale potrebbe essere presa in considerazione durante l'analisi di uno studio. In secondo luogo, per l'analisi empirica conduco una metodologia di studio combinando la Grounded Theory e la metodologia dei casi studio. L'ultimo capitolo della tesi illustra i risultati di questa ricerca e la loro discussione. Lo studio discute infine i principali contributi teorici e le implicazioni gestionali; vengono quindi delineati limiti e suggerimenti per ulteriori ricerche