78,807 research outputs found

    Precise service level agreements

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    SLAng is an XML language for defining service level agreements, the part of a contract between the client and provider of an Internet service that describes the quality attributes that the service is required to possess. We define the semantics of SLAng precisely by modelling the syntax of the language in UML, then embedding the language model in an environmental model that describes the structure and behaviour of services. The presence of SLAng elements imposes behavioural constraints on service elements, and the precise definition of these constraints using OCL constitutes the semantic description of the language. We use the semantics to define a notion of SLA compatibility, and an extension to UML that enables the modelling of service situations as a precursor to analysis, implementation and provisioning activities

    Towards goal-based autonomic networking

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    The ability to quickly deploy and efficiently manage services is critical to the telecommunications industry. Currently, services are designed and managed by different teams with expertise over a wide range of concerns, from high-level business to low level network aspects. Not only is this approach expensive in terms of time and resources, but it also has problems to scale up to new outsourcing and/or multi-vendor models, where subsystems and teams belong to different organizations. We endorse the idea, upheld among others in the autonomic computing community, that the network and system components involved in the provision of a service must be crafted to facilitate their management. Furthermore, they should help bridge the gap between network and business concerns. In this paper, we sketch an approach based on early work on the hierarchical organization of autonomic entities that possibly belong to different organizations. An autonomic entity governs over other autonomic entities by defining their goals. Thus, it is up to each autonomic entity to decide its line of actions in order to fulfill its goals, and the governing entity needs not know about the internals of its subordinates. We illustrate the approach with a simple but still rich example of a telecom service

    Twelve Theses on Reactive Rules for the Web

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    Reactivity, the ability to detect and react to events, is an essential functionality in many information systems. In particular, Web systems such as online marketplaces, adaptive (e.g., recommender) systems, and Web services, react to events such as Web page updates or data posted to a server. This article investigates issues of relevance in designing high-level programming languages dedicated to reactivity on the Web. It presents twelve theses on features desirable for a language of reactive rules tuned to programming Web and Semantic Web applications

    PICES Press, Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter 2013

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    ā€¢2012 PICES Science: A Note from the Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-6) ā—¾2012 PICES Awards (pp. 7-9) ā—¾GLOBEC/PICES/ICES ECOFOR Workshop (pp. 10-15) ā—¾ICES/PICES Symposium on ā€œForage Fish Interactionsā€ (pp. 16-18) ā—¾The Yeosu Declaration, the Yeosu Declaration Forum and the Yeosu Project (pp. 19-23) ā—¾2013 PICES Calendar (p. 23) ā—¾Why Do We Need Human Dimensions for the FUTURE Program? (pp. 24-25) ā—¾New PICES MAFF-Sponsored Project on ā€œMarine Ecosystem Health and Human Well-Beingā€ (pp. 26-28) ā—¾The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Trends (pp. 29-31) ā—¾Continuing Cool in the Northeast Pacific Ocean (pp. 32, 35) ā—¾The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2012 (pp. 33-35) ā—¾New Leadership in PICES (pp. 36-39

    Prescriptions for Excellence in Health Care Summer 2009 Download Full PDF Issue 5

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