12 research outputs found

    Good coupling between LDPC-Staircase and Reed-Solomon for the design of GLDPC codes for the Erasure Channel

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    International audienceIn this paper we analyze the design of Generalized LDPC-staircase (GLDPC-staircase) codes, where the base code is an LDPC-Staircase code and component codes are Reed-Solomon codes. More precisely we compare two schemes: scheme A has the property that on each check node of the base code the repair symbol generated by the LDPC code is also a Reed- Solomon repair symbol. On the opposite, with scheme B for each check node the repair symbols generated by the LDPC code are Reed-Solomon source symbols. In this work we perform a behavioral analysis of the two schemes in order to determine the best one for ITerative + Reed Solomon (IT+RS) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding. To that purpose we use an asymptotic analysis using Density evolution (DE) and EXtrinsic Information Transfer techniques, as well as a finite length analysis. We show that scheme A is globally the best solution since it significantly performs better than scheme B with an (IT+RS) decoding and yields similar performance with ML decoding

    GLDPC-Staircase AL-FEC codes: A Fundamental study and New results

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    International audienceThis paper provides fundamentals in the design and analysis of Generalized Low Density Parity Check (GLDPC)-Staircase codes over the erasure channel. These codes are constructed by extending an LDPC-Staircase code (base code) using Reed Solomon (RS) codes (outer codes) in order to benefit from more powerful decoders. The GLDPC-Staircase coding scheme adds, in addition to the LDPC-Staircase repair symbols, extra-repair symbols that can be produced on demand and in large quantities, which provides small rate capabilities. Therefore, these codes are extremely flexible as they can be tuned to behave either like predefined rate LDPC-Staircase codes at one extreme, or like a single RS code at another extreme, or like small rate codes. Concerning the code design, we show that RS codes with " quasi " Hankel matrix-based construction fulfill the desired structure properties, and that a hybrid (IT/RS/ML) decoding is feasible that achieves Maximum Likelihood (ML) correction capabilities at a lower complexity. Concerning performance analysis, we detail an asymptotic analysis method based on Density evolution (DE), EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) and the area theorem. Based on several asymptotic and finite length results, after selecting the optimal internal parameters, we demonstrate that GLDPC-Staircase codes feature excellent erasure recovery capabilities, close to that of ideal codes, both with large and very small objects. From this point of view they outperform LDPC-Staircase and Raptor codes, and achieve correction capabilities close to those of RaptorQ codes. Therefore all these results make GLDPC-Staircase codes a universal Application-Layer FEC (AL-FEC) solution for many situations that require erasure protection such as media streaming or file multicast transmission

    Analysis and Design of Spatially-Coupled Codes with Application to Fiber-Optical Communications

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    The theme of this thesis is the analysis and design of error-correcting codes that are suitable for high-speed fiber-optical communication systems. In particular, we consider two code classes. The codes in the first class are protograph-based low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes which are decoded using iterative soft-decision decoding. The codes in the second class are generalized LDPC codes with degree-2 variable nodes—henceforth referred to as generalized product codes (GPCs)—which are decoded using iterative bounded-distance decoding (BDD). Within each class, our focus is primarily on spatially-coupled codes. Spatially-coupled codes possess a convolutional structure and are characterized by a wave-like decoding behavior caused by a termination boundary effect. The contributions of this thesis can then be categorized into two topics, as outlined below.First, we consider the design of systems operating at high spectral efficiency. In particular, we study the optimization of the mapping of the coded bits to the modulation bits for a polarization-multiplexed system that is based on the bit-interleaved coded modulation paradigm. As an example, for the (protograph-based) AR4JA code family, the transmission reach can be extended by roughly up to 8% by using an optimized bit mapper, without significantly increasing the system complexity. For terminated spatially-coupled codes with long spatial length, the bit mapper optimization only results in marginal performance improvements, suggesting that a sequential allocation is close to optimal. On the other hand, an optimized allocation can significantly improve the performance of tail-biting spatially-coupled codes which do not possess an inherent termination boundary. In this case, the unequal error protection offered by the modulation bits of a nonbinary signal constellation can be exploited to create an artificial termination boundary that induces a wave-like decoding for tail-biting spatially-coupled codes.As a second topic, we study deterministically constructed GPCs. GPCs are particularly suited for high-speed applications such as optical communications due to the significantly reduced decoding complexity of iterative BDD compared to iterative soft-decision decoding of LDPC codes. We propose a code construction for GPCs which is sufficiently general to recover several well-known classes of GPCs as special cases, e.g., irregular product codes (PCs), block-wise braided codes, and staircase codes. Assuming transmission over the binary erasure channel, it is shown that the asymptotic performance of the resulting codes can be analyzed by means of a recursive density evolution (DE) equation. The DE analysis is then applied to study three different classes of GPCs: spatially-coupled PCs, symmetric GPCs, and GPCs based on component code mixtures

    Analysis and Design of Spatially-Coupled Codes with Application to Fiber-Optical Communications

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    The theme of this thesis is the analysis and design of error-correcting codes that are suitable for high-speed fiber-optical communication systems. In particular, we consider two code classes. The codes in the first class are protograph-based low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes which are decoded using iterative soft-decision decoding. The codes in the second class are generalized LDPC codes with degree-2 variable nodes—henceforth referred to as generalized product codes (GPCs)—which are decoded using iterative bounded-distance decoding (BDD). Within each class, our focus is primarily on spatially-coupled codes. Spatially-coupled codes possess a convolutional structure and are characterized by a wave-like decoding behavior caused by a termination boundary effect. The contributions of this thesis can then be categorized into two topics, as outlined below.First, we consider the design of systems operating at high spectral efficiency. In particular, we study the optimization of the mapping of the coded bits to the modulation bits for a polarization-multiplexed system that is based on the bit-interleaved coded modulation paradigm. As an example, for the (protograph-based) AR4JA code family, the transmission reach can be extended by roughly up to 8% by using an optimized bit mapper, without significantly increasing the system complexity. For terminated spatially-coupled codes with long spatial length, the bit mapper optimization only results in marginal performance improvements, suggesting that a sequential allocation is close to optimal. On the other hand, an optimized allocation can significantly improve the performance of tail-biting spatially-coupled codes which do not possess an inherent termination boundary. In this case, the unequal error protection offered by the modulation bits of a nonbinary signal constellation can be exploited to create an artificial termination boundary that induces a wave-like decoding for tail-biting spatially-coupled codes.As a second topic, we study deterministically constructed GPCs. GPCs are particularly suited for high-speed applications such as optical communications due to the significantly reduced decoding complexity of iterative BDD compared to iterative soft-decision decoding of LDPC codes. We propose a code construction for GPCs which is sufficiently general to recover several well-known classes of GPCs as special cases, e.g., irregular product codes (PCs), block-wise braided codes, and staircase codes. Assuming transmission over the binary erasure channel, it is shown that the asymptotic performance of the resulting codes can be analyzed by means of a recursive density evolution (DE) equation. The DE analysis is then applied to study three different classes of GPCs: spatially-coupled PCs, symmetric GPCs, and GPCs based on component code mixtures

    On hard-decision forward error correction with application to high-throughput fiber-optic communications

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    The advent of the Internet not only changed the communication methods significantly, but also the life-style of the human beings. The number of Internet users has grown exponentially in the last decade, and the number of users exceeded 3.4 billion in 2016. Fiber links serve as the Internet backbone, hence, the fast grow of the Internet network and the sheer of new applications is highly driven by advances in optical communications. The emergence of coherent optical systems has led to a more efficient use of the available spectrum compared to traditional on-off keying transmission, and has made it possible to increase the supported data rates. To achieve high spectral efficiencies and improve the transmission reach, coding in combination with a higher order modulation, a scheme known as coded modulation (CM), has become indispensable in fiber-optic communications. In the recent years, graph-based codes such as low-density parity-check codes and soft decision decoding (SDD) have been adopted for long-haul coherent optical systems. SDD yields very high net coding gains but at the expense of a relatively high decoding complexity, which brings implementation challenges at very high data rates. Hard decision decoding (HDD) is an appealing alternative that reduces the decoding complexity. This motivates the focus of this thesis on forward error correction (FEC) with HDD for high-throughput, low power fiber-optic communications.In this thesis, we start by studying the performance bounds of HDD. In particular, we derive achievable information rates (AIRs) for CM with HDD for both bit-wise and symbol-wise decoding, and show that bit-wise HDD yields significantly higher AIRs. We also design nonbinary staircase codes using density evolution. Finite length simulation results of binary and nonbinary staircase codes corroborate the conclusions arising from the AIR analysis, i.e., for HDD binary codes are preferable. Then, we consider probabilistic shaping. In particular, we extend the probabilistic amplitude shaping (PAS) scheme recently introduced by B\uf6cherer et al. to HDD based on staircase codes. Finally, we focus on new decoding algorithms for product-like codes to close the gap between HDD and SDD, while keeping the decoding complexity low. In particular, we propose three novel decoding algorithms for product-like codes based on assisting the HDD with some level of soft information. The proposed algorithms provide a clear performance-complexity tradeoff. In particular, we show that up to roughly half of the gap between SDD and HDD can be closed with limited complexity increase with respect to HDD

    Approaching Capacity at High-Rates with Iterative Hard-Decision Decoding

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    A variety of low-density parity-check (LDPC) ensembles have now been observed to approach capacity with message-passing decoding. However, all of them use soft (i.e., non-binary) messages and a posteriori probability (APP) decoding of their component codes. In this paper, we show that one can approach capacity at high rates using iterative hard-decision decoding (HDD) of generalized product codes. Specifically, a class of spatially-coupled GLDPC codes with BCH component codes is considered, and it is observed that, in the high-rate regime, they can approach capacity under the proposed iterative HDD. These codes can be seen as generalized product codes and are closely related to braided block codes. An iterative HDD algorithm is proposed that enables one to analyze the performance of these codes via density evolution (DE).Comment: 22 pages, this version accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Spatially Coupled Turbo-Like Codes

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    The focus of this thesis is on proposing and analyzing a powerful class of codes on graphs---with trellis constraints---that can simultaneously approach capacity and achieve very low error floor. In particular, we propose the concept of spatial coupling for turbo-like code (SC-TC) ensembles and investigate the impact of coupling on the performance of these codes. The main elements of this study can be summarized by the following four major topics. First, we considered the spatial coupling of parallel concatenated codes (PCCs), serially concatenated codes (SCCs), and hybrid concatenated codes (HCCs).We also proposed two extensions of braided convolutional codes (BCCs) to higher coupling memories. Second, we investigated the impact of coupling on the asymptotic behavior of the proposed ensembles in term of the decoding thresholds. For that, we derived the exact density evolution (DE) equations of the proposed SC-TC ensembles over the binary erasure channel. Using the DE equations, we found the thresholds of the coupled and uncoupled ensembles under belief propagation (BP) decoding for a wide range of rates. We also computed the maximum a-posteriori (MAP) thresholds of the underlying uncoupled ensembles. Our numerical results confirm that TCs have excellent MAP thresholds, and for a large enough coupling memory, the BP threshold of an SC-TC ensemble improves to the MAP threshold of the underlying TC ensemble. This phenomenon is called threshold saturation and we proved its occurrence for SC-TCs by use of a proof technique based on the potential function of the ensembles.Third, we investigated and discussed the performance of SC-TCs in the finite length regime. We proved that under certain conditions the minimum distance of an SC-TCs is either larger or equal to that of its underlying uncoupled ensemble. Based on this fact, we performed a weight enumerator (WE) analysis for the underlying uncoupled ensembles to investigate the error floor performance of the SC-TC ensembles. We computed bounds on the error rate performance and minimum distance of the TC ensembles. These bounds indicate very low error floor for SCC, HCC, and BCC ensembles, and show that for HCC, and BCC ensembles, the minimum distance grows linearly with the input block length.The results from the DE and WE analysis demonstrate that the performance of TCs benefits from spatial coupling in both waterfall and error floor regions. While uncoupled TC ensembles with close-to-capacity performance exhibit a high error floor, our results show that SC-TCs can simultaneously approach capacity and achieve very low error floor.Fourth, we proposed a unified ensemble of TCs that includes all the considered TC classes. We showed that for each of the original classes of TCs, it is possible to find an equivalent ensemble by proper selection of the design parameters in the unified ensemble. This unified ensemble not only helps us to understand the connections and trade-offs between the TC ensembles but also can be considered as a bridge between TCs and generalized low-density parity check codes

    On The Analysis of Spatially-Coupled GLDPC Codes and The Weighted Min-Sum Algorithm

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    This dissertation studies methods to achieve reliable communication over unreliable channels. Iterative decoding algorithms for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and generalized LDPC (GLDPC) codes are analyzed. A new class of error-correcting codes to enhance the reliability of the communication for high-speed systems, such as optical communication systems, is proposed. The class of spatially-coupled GLDPC codes is studied, and a new iterative hard- decision decoding (HDD) algorithm for GLDPC codes is introduced. The main result is that the minimal redundancy allowed by Shannon’s Channel Coding Theorem can be achieved by using the new iterative HDD algorithm with spatially-coupled GLDPC codes. A variety of low-density parity-check (LDPC) ensembles have now been observed to approach capacity with iterative decoding. However, all of them use soft (i.e., non-binary) messages and a posteriori probability (APP) decoding of their component codes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first system that can approach the channel capacity using iterative HDD. The optimality of a codeword returned by the weighted min-sum (WMS) algorithm, an iterative decoding algorithm which is widely used in practice, is studied as well. The attenuated max-product (AttMP) decoding and weighted min-sum (WMS) decoding for LDPC codes are analyzed. Applying the max-product (and belief- propagation) algorithms to loopy graphs are now quite popular for best assignment problems. This is largely due to their low computational complexity and impressive performance in practice. Still, there is no general understanding of the conditions required for convergence and/or the optimality of converged solutions. This work presents an analysis of both AttMP decoding and WMS decoding for LDPC codes which guarantees convergence to a fixed point when a weight factor, β, is sufficiently small. It also shows that, if the fixed point satisfies some consistency conditions, then it must be both a linear-programming (LP) and maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding solution