10 research outputs found

    High performance computing for global optimization problems

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    In the present work, the multiextremal optimization problems and a high-performance parallel algorithm for solving these ones are considered. The investigation of the algorithm scalability has been carried out on the problem class, in which the computation costs of the functions depended on the iteration point. The algorithm proposed in the present work can utilize the CPUs (for solving more complex subproblems) as well as the GPUs (for solving the simple subproblems). The results of numerical experiments demonstrating the speedup when solving a series of multiextremal constrained problems are presented.This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No 16-11-10150

    Time-triggered Runtime Verification of Real-time Embedded Systems

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    In safety-critical real-time embedded systems, correctness is of primary concern, as even small transient errors may lead to catastrophic consequences. Due to the limitations of well-established methods such as verification and testing, recently runtime verification has emerged as a complementary approach, where a monitor inspects the system to evaluate the specifications at run time. The goal of runtime verification is to monitor the behavior of a system to check its conformance to a set of desirable logical properties. The literature of runtime verification mostly focuses on event-triggered solutions, where a monitor is invoked when a significant event occurs (e.g., change in the value of some variable used by the properties). At invocation, the monitor evaluates the set of properties of the system that are affected by the occurrence of the event. This type of monitor invocation has two main runtime characteristics: (1) jittery runtime overhead, and (2) unpredictable monitor invocations. These characteristics result in transient overload situations and over-provisioning of resources in real-time embedded systems and hence, may result in catastrophic outcomes in safety-critical systems. To circumvent the aforementioned defects in runtime verification, this dissertation introduces a novel time-triggered monitoring approach, where the monitor takes samples from the system with a constant frequency, in order to analyze the system's health. We describe the formal semantics of time-triggered monitoring and discuss how to optimize the sampling period using minimum auxiliary memory and path prediction techniques. Experiments on real-time embedded systems show that our approach introduces bounded overhead, predictable monitoring, less over-provisioning, and effectively reduces the involvement of the monitor at run time by using negligible auxiliary memory. We further advance our time-triggered monitor to component-based multi-core embedded systems by establishing an optimization technique that provides the invocation frequency of the monitors and the mapping of components to cores to minimize monitoring overhead. Lastly, we present RiTHM, a fully automated and open source tool which provides time-triggered runtime verification specifically for real-time embedded systems developed in C

    Parallel Run-Time Verification

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    Run-time verification is a technique to reason about a program correctness. Given a set of desirable properties and a program trace from the inspected program as an input, the monitor module verifies that properties hold on this trace. As this process is taking place at a run time, one of the major drawbacks of run-time verification is the execution overhead caused by a monitoring activity. In this thesis, we intend to minimize this overhead by presenting a collection of parallel verification algorithms. The algorithms verify properties correctness in a parallel fashion, decreasing the verification time by dispersion of computationally intensive calculations over multiple cores (first level of parallelism). We designed the algorithms with the intention to exploit a data-level parallelism, thus specifically suitable to run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), although can be utilized on multi-core platforms as well. Running the inspected program and the monitor module on separate platforms (second level of parallelism) results in several advantages: minimization of interference between the monitor and the program, faster processing for non-trivial computations, and even significant reduction in power consumption (when the monitor is running on GPU). This work also aims to provide a solution to automated run-time verification of C programs by implementing the aforementioned set of algorithms in the monitoring tool called GPU-based online and offline Monitoring Framework (GooMF). The ultimate goal of GooMF is to supply developers with an easy-to-use and flexible verification API that requires minimal knowledge of formal languages and techniques

    \u27Pyrates\u27 of the Lyceum: Big Pharma, Patents, and Academic Freedom in Neoliberal Times

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    Academic freedom and freedom of expression are threatened by the corporatised university. As neoliberal policies embed themselves in all aspects of public (if not private) life, freedom of expression and academic freedom are being degraded and denigrated in the university, in the popular press, in the law, and in public life. The influence of intellectual property rights and proprietary claims surrounding patents are muzzling freedom of thought by corporate interests. Universities and the freedom of academic researchers to explore their fields have become casualties on this neoliberal battlefield. This political economy seeks to expose the free market contagion involved with patents, intellectual property, and the university in our postmodern neoliberal era. This is an era that proclaims itself as a new normal: this argument aspires to advance a patently problematic discourse to counter this brave new world and the intellectual pyscho-pharmacology and ideology of neoliberalism

    JFPC 2019 - Actes des 15es Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes

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    National audienceLes JFPC (Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes) sont le principal congrès de la communauté francophone travaillant sur les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes (CSP), le problème de la satisfiabilité d'une formule logique propositionnelle (SAT) et/ou la programmation logique avec contraintes (CLP). La communauté de programmation par contraintes entretient également des liens avec la recherche opérationnelle (RO), l'analyse par intervalles et différents domaines de l'intelligence artificielle.L'efficacité des méthodes de résolution et l'extension des modèles permettent à la programmation par contraintes de s'attaquer à des applications nombreuses et variées comme la logistique, l'ordonnancement de tâches, la conception d'emplois du temps, la conception en robotique, l'étude du génôme en bio-informatique, l'optimisation de pratiques agricoles, etc.Les JFPC se veulent un lieu convivial de rencontres, de discussions et d'échanges pour la communauté francophone, en particulier entre doctorants, chercheurs confirmés et industriels. L'importance des JFPC est reflétée par la part considérable (environ un tiers) de la communauté francophone dans la recherche mondiale dans ce domaine.Patronnées par l'AFPC (Association Française pour la Programmation par Contraintes), les JFPC 2019 ont lieu du 12 au 14 Juin 2019 à l'IMT Mines Albi et sont organisées par Xavier Lorca (président du comité scientifique) et par Élise Vareilles (présidente du comité d'organisation)

    SMEs' Management in the 21st Century

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    'Pyrates' of the Lyceum: Big Pharma, Patents, and Academic Freedom in Neoliberal Times

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    Academic freedom and freedom of expression are threatened by the corporatised university. As neoliberal policies embed themselves in all aspects of public (if not private) life, freedom of expression and academic freedom are being degraded and denigrated in the university, in the popular press, in the law, and in public life. The influence of intellectual property rights and proprietary claims surrounding patents are muzzling freedom of thought by corporate interests. Universities and the freedom of academic researchers to explore their fields have become casualties on this neoliberal battlefield. This political economy seeks to expose the free market contagion involved with patents, intellectual property, and the university in our postmodern neoliberal era. This is an era that proclaims itself as a new normal: this argument aspires to advance a patently problematic discourse to counter this brave new world and the intellectual pyscho-pharmacology and ideology of neoliberalism

    Narrative and Finance: Cultural Logic of Financialisation and Financial Crisis – Focusing on the Korean Financial Crisis

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    This thesis suggests a cultural logic of financialisation in terms of (re)presentation of information and (re)configuration of temporality, both of which are critically undertaken and regulated by financial narrative. This narrative functions, following Bourdieu, as “the sign of wealth” in our times. It is time for cultural theorists and activists to approach finance as a set of epistemic cultural processes beyond the economic, which modulates epistemological and ontological contexts, affecting actors’ cognition and behavior in value production and realisation. Financialisation is supported and maintained by narrative intervention in valorising the onto-phenomenological level of the economic. From this perspective, financialisation is suggested as a disinformation campaign, through which the cognitive dissonance of the financial mechanism is effectively contained, concealing its damaging effects and thus valorising the financial mechanism. It implements an intensification of the transactional orientation as the legitimate mode of value production and circulation. Sustaining and amplifying the transactional orientation of investment banking among the actors in the financial markets, the financial system conceals cognitive dissonance through its operativity of information. It works towards the construction of a new financial reality, stimulating belief and guiding action⎯without which financial integrity, credit relations, and transactional orientation could not be sustained. Observing the contemporary culture-finance relationship from the perspective of value politics under financial capitalism, this thesis analyses specific aspects of homology between culture and finance from the perspective of the cultural logic of financial narrative. This is seen as a frame of value transference and a device of activation as well as of domination. Exploring the possibilities of a cultural theory of value, this project, first of all, focuses upon the question of value and the actual process of value formation associated with operativity and performativity of narrative. Narrative is analysed as the cognitive operation constitutive of financial narrative politics for value transference in the discourse of financial crisis, which has been, as this thesis upholds and examines, systematically operated throughout the Korean financial crisis. It mainly revisits the value theories and narrative analyses of Simmel, Marx, Ricoeur, Jameson, and Genette to articulate an economic theory of value in the cultural politics of narrative. Following Ricoeur, it sees this as a mechanism of value transference, and it is here correlated with the financial doctrine of entanglement and contagion. Through a narrative, wherein utterances and statements around a primal event, or crisis, perform as the collective operativity of information, a value is constructed and transferred to inform and motivate actors. Narrative structure, from which the nexuses of intentionalities of the financial system are formulated and transmitted, is proposed as a meta-frame of cultural valorisation. It valorises economic value for the (re)production of dominant financial value, without which any unprecedented application of ‘methodology,’ such as a ‘shock doctrine,’ of economic prescription cannot be legitimised and extrapolated. This project begins with the argument in Chapter 2 that narrative exploits uncertainty as a resource for performativity, and thus necessitates a new standard, thereby regulating and activating heterogeneous actors in the markets. A financial crisis is the crucial point of narrativity in the constitution of a legitimate guiding structure, exploiting uncertainty in order to manage risk⎯ thus producing a narrative as a frame of self-reference. The narrative identifies the new main value by effectively performing the uncertainty of a financial crisis. In this regard, the chapter proposes that the necessity of negating (or guaranteeing) the fundamental contradiction, or “the self-abolishing contradiction,” bolstered by the sheer size of the entanglement and contagion in finance capitalism, is authenticated and initiated by a preliminary cultural operation of a discursive approach to the crisis. The discourse is not a randomly disseminated rhetoric, but is presented as a narrative in which temporal reconfiguration and sequences of action are carefully guided to represent the main event as a source of cognition and action for contextual control; a certain sequence of events is thereby thematised and anticipated through the interpretation of the event in question, with clear intentions by the main financial narrator. Narrative opens a performative field of objectification in which the power relationship between the main narrator and the object, the narratee, is established and coordinated. The narrative emphasis in a collapse, for instance, one that is yet to come, grounds the operativity and performativity through which actors are informed and motivated, while implementing and legitimising the necessary official description. Articulating the intentions of the system, and its employment of capitalistically reconfigured temporality, as well as its representation of information into narrative, Chapter 3 suggests that narrative is the objectifying field of value and value-transference, in which the textuality of everyday narrative is produced to direct actors as the ushering force of the main value. Proposing value as a guiding force of cognition and action, the chapter closely inquires into the value-forming process, arguing that narrative process is an inevitabl