253,759 research outputs found

    Progressive governance and globalisation

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    Jean Pisani-Ferry discusses the development of globalisation during the last decade and the challenges ahead. The speed and magnitude of the transformation affecting the world economy are larger than initially envisaged, while domestic policy reforms and redistribution have often been insufficient to cope with this adjustment challenge. Against this background, the definition of a renewed agenda that builds on the success of the initial one should be a priority for progressive governments. This paper was presented at the Progressive Governance Summit 2008.

    A better Globalisation Fund

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    In their policy brief, visiting Bruegel Scholar Etienne Wasmer and Research Fellow Jakob von Weizsäcker argue for wage insurance and mobility allowances for trade-displaced workers as two simple active labour market schemes that can be addressed by the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund. They also argue for establishing sound precedents, strengthened eligibility rules and a scientific evaluation of the results of these schemes in order to decide if the programme should be continued beyond 2013.

    Globalisation, Policy Transfer, and Global Governance: an Assessment in Developing Countries

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    Dari perspektif ekonomi politik, globalisasi identik dengan liberalisasi, sedangkan dariperspektif kebijakan publik, globalisasi identik dengan policy transfer. Ekonomi politik menekankanbahwa globalisasi merupakan sistem yang menyediakan ruang bagi pembukaan interelasi daninteraksi ekonomi antar negara, baik dalam bentuk perdagangan bebas, mobilitas aktivitas produksi,dan pertukaran teknologi. Sementara itu, perspektif kebijakan publik mengartikankan globalisasisebagai ruang yang lebih luas untuk pertukaran pengetahuan yang berguna bagi pembangunan danpengembangan kebijakan dalam konteks yang disebut policy transfer. Meskipun kedua perspektifseolah-olah memberikan penekanan yang berbeda, pada dasarnya kedua penekanan itu sama-samamensyaratkan adanya entitas bernama global governance. Bahkan, terkadang entitas ini berperanmenentukan dalam keputusan di sebuah negara, mendorong perdebatan pro dan kontra.Pengalaman Indonesia di akhir 1990an, misalnya, menunjukkan kepada kita betapa lembaga globalgovernance berperan dominatif dalam reformasi ekonomi dan politik, memunculkan pertanyaantentang kedaulatan negara. Paper ini menganalisis keterkaitan globalisasi dan policy transfer sertamendiskusikan peran lembaga-lembaga global governance di dalamnya

    Globalisation Effect on Inflation in the Great Moderation Era: New Evidence from G10 Countries

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    The effect of globalisation on inflation is modeled and simulated for ten countries from G10 during the Great Moderation period. The results are supportive of the globalisation hypothesis. In particular, the results show that dynamic channels and magnitudes of globalisation to domestic inflation are highly heterogeneous from country to country, that increases in trade openness could be either inflationary or deflationary, while increased imports from low-cost emerging-market economies have been mostly deflationary, and that there has been almost no direct globalisation impact as far as inflation persistence is concerned while the impact on inflation variability can be positive as well as negative. Overall, globalisation is shown to have contributed positively to the aspect of low inflation rather than that of stable inflation during the Great Moderation era

    Researching globalisation

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    Professor Janet Dine (Director of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary, London) writes of the anger which led to her book on "Companies, International Trade and Human Rights" (Cambridge, University Press, 2005). Article published in Amicus Curiae - Journal of the Society for Advanced Legal Studies. The Journal is produced by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

    Everyday globalisation

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    Justice unbound? Globalisation, states and the transformation of the social bond

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    Conventional accounts of justice suppose the presence of a stable political society, stable identities, and a Westphalian cartography of clear lines of authority--usually a state--where justice can be realised. They also assume a stable social bond. But what if, in an age of globalisation, the territorial boundaries of politics unbundle and a stable social bond deteriorates? How then are we to think about justice? Can there be justice in a world where that bond is constantly being disrupted or transformed by globalisation? Thus the paper argues that we need to think about the relationship between globalisation, governance and justice. It does so in three stages: (i) It explains how, under conditions of globalisation, assumptions made about the social bond are changing. (ii) It demonsrates how strains on the social bond within states give rise to a search for newer forms of global political theory and organisation and the emergence of new global (non state) actors which contest with states over the policy agendas emanating from globalisation. (iii) Despite the new forms of activity identified at (ii) the paper concludes that the prospects for a satisfactory synthesis of a liberal economic theory of globalisation, a normative political theory of the global public domain and a new social bond are remote

    The discourse of globalisation and the logic of no alternative : rendering the contingent necessary in the political economy of New Labour

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    Although convincingly discredited academically, a crude 'business school' globalisation thesis of a single world market, with its attendant political 'logic of no alternative', continues to dominate the discourse of globalisation adopted by the British Labour Party. Here, we identify three separate, albeit reinforcing, articulations of the policy 'necessities' associated with global economic change. Labour's leaders are shown to have utilised a flexible synthesis of potentially contradictory ideas in constructing their chosen discourse of globalisation to guide the conduct of British economic policy following the Party's election victory in 1997. We conclude that Labour appealed to the image of globalisation as a non-negotiable external economic constraint in order to render contingent policy choices 'necessary' in the interests of electoral rejuvenation

    The EU and the governance of globalisation

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    Alan Ahearne, Jean Pisani-Ferry, André Sapir and Nicolas Véron contributed this paper to the project "Globalisation challenges for Europe and Finland" organised for the secretariat of the Economic Council of Finland. The project is part of Finland's EU Presidency programme and its objective is to add momentum to the discussion in the European Union on globalisation, Europe's competitiveness policy and the Lisbon Strategy.

    Constructing 'the anti-globalisation movement'

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    This article interrogates the claim that a transnational anti-globalisation social movement has emerged. I draw on constructivist social movement theory, globalisation studies, feminist praxis and activist websites to make two main arguments, mapping on to the two parts of the article. First, a movement has indeed emerged, albeit in a highly contested and complex form with activists, opponents and commentators constructing competing movement identities. This article is itself complicit in such a process – and seeks to further a particular construction of the movement as a site of radical-democratic politics. Second, the movement is not anti-globalisation in any straightforward sense. Focusing their opposition on globalised neoliberalism and corporate power, activists represent their movement either as anti-capitalist or as constructing alternative kinds of globalised relationships. Threading through both my arguments is a normative plea to confront the diverse relations of power involved in both globalisation and movement construction in order that globalised solidarities be truly democratic. This is to challenge hierarchical visions of how best to construct ‘the anti-globalisation movement’