15 research outputs found

    Charting a Path to Efficient Onboarding: The Role of Software Visualization

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    Background. Within the software industry, it is commonly estimated that software professionals invest a substantial portion of their work hours in the process of understanding existing systems. In this context, an ineffective technical onboarding process, which introduces newcomers to software under development, can result in a prolonged period for them to absorb the necessary knowledge required to become productive in their roles. Goal. The present study aims to explore the familiarity of managers, leaders, and developers with software visualization tools and how these tools are employed to facilitate the technical onboarding of new team members. Method. To address the research problem, we built upon the insights gained through the literature and embraced a sequential exploratory approach. This approach incorporated quantitative and qualitative analyses of data collected from practitioners using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Findings. Our findings demonstrate a gap between the concept of software visualization and the practical use of onboarding tools and techniques. Overall, practitioners do not systematically incorporate software visualization tools into their technical onboarding processes due to a lack of conceptual understanding and awareness of their potential benefits. Conclusion. The software industry could benefit from standardized and evolving onboarding models, improved by incorporating software visualization techniques and tools to support program comprehension of newcomers in the software projects

    Company soldiers and gone-natives: role conflict and career ambition among firm-employed open source developers

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    Software companies are increasingly shifting their role in open source software (OSS) projects from passive adopters to active contributors, and creators of OSS projects. Many firms now employ developers to work on OSS projects to influence their further development. These developers may gain considerable influence in OSS communities, though this typically takes a long time. Previous research found that those individual developers’ agendas are not always aligned to that of the firm. While so-called “company soldiers” strongly identify with their firm, other developers may have “gone native”: they identify more strongly with the OSS community rather than the firm. We study the effect of such an imbalance of identification on firm-community role conflict, which may lead to an intention to quit either the firm or the OSS community. We also consider the moderating effects of developers’ career ambitions on this relationship. Furthermore, we include the effects of developers’ desired career paths on their intentions to quit the firm and community. We test our model using a sample of 177 firm-employed OSS developers, and find that identification imbalance is associated with firm-community role conflict and that these conflicts drive both intentions to quit the firm and the community. Other findings include a significant negative moderating effect of developers’ firm career aspirations on the relation between role conflict and intentions to quit the firm. Several of our hypotheses were not supported, but we found “regions of significance,” which suggests several avenues for further research. We conclude with recommendations for managing firm-community relationships

    Internalização de novos membros em equipes de desenvolvimento de software: uma versão detalhada

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    Contexto: A internalização de novos membros em equipes de desenvolvimento de software ocasiona mudanças nas organizações e precisa ser estudada. Objetivo: Investigar os benefícios e limitações da internalização em equipes de desenvolvimento de software.  Método: Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo em uma startup onde a internalização foi observada recentemente. Os dados foram analisados utilizando técnicas de codificação qualitativa e os resultados foram verificados e validados com os participantes por meio da verificação de membros. Resultados: Percebeu-se que a internalização sofre forte influência da cultura da empresa estudada e do acolhimento e integração do time.  Conclusão: A internalização de novos membros gera uma maior sinergia, que ajuda fortemente no objetivo dos resultados organizacionais

    Diversity in Computer Science

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    This is an open access book that covers the complete set of experiences and results of the FemTech.dk research which we have had conducted between 2016-2021 – from initiate idea to societal communication. Diversity in Computer Science: Design Artefacts for Equity and Inclusion presents and documents the principles, results, and learnings behind the research initiative FemTech.dk, which was created in 2016 and continues today as an important part of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen’s strategic development for years to come. FemTech.dk was created in 2016 to engage with research within gender and diversity and to explore the role of gender equity as part of digital technology design and development. FemTech.dk considers how and why computer science as a field and profession in Denmark has such a distinct unbalanced gender representation in the 21st century. This book is also the story of how we (the authors) as computer science researchers embarked on a journey to engage with a new research field – equity and gender in computing – about which we had only sporadic knowledge when we began. We refer here to equity and gender in computing as a research field – but in reality, this research field is a multiplicity of entangled paths, concepts, and directions that forms important and critical insights about society, gender, politics, and infrastructures which are published in different venues and often have very different sets of criteria, values, and assumptions. Thus, part of our journey is also to learn and engage with all these different streams of research, concepts, and theoretical approaches and, through these engagements, to identify and develop our own theoretical platform, which has a foundation in our research backgrounds in Human–Computer Interaction broadly – and Interaction Design & Computer Supported Cooperative Work specifically

    Diversity in Computer Science

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    This is an open access book that covers the complete set of experiences and results of the FemTech.dk research which we have had conducted between 2016-2021 – from initiate idea to societal communication. Diversity in Computer Science: Design Artefacts for Equity and Inclusion presents and documents the principles, results, and learnings behind the research initiative FemTech.dk, which was created in 2016 and continues today as an important part of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen’s strategic development for years to come. FemTech.dk was created in 2016 to engage with research within gender and diversity and to explore the role of gender equity as part of digital technology design and development. FemTech.dk considers how and why computer science as a field and profession in Denmark has such a distinct unbalanced gender representation in the 21st century. This book is also the story of how we (the authors) as computer science researchers embarked on a journey to engage with a new research field – equity and gender in computing – about which we had only sporadic knowledge when we began. We refer here to equity and gender in computing as a research field – but in reality, this research field is a multiplicity of entangled paths, concepts, and directions that forms important and critical insights about society, gender, politics, and infrastructures which are published in different venues and often have very different sets of criteria, values, and assumptions. Thus, part of our journey is also to learn and engage with all these different streams of research, concepts, and theoretical approaches and, through these engagements, to identify and develop our own theoretical platform, which has a foundation in our research backgrounds in Human–Computer Interaction broadly – and Interaction Design & Computer Supported Cooperative Work specifically