7 research outputs found

    A Robust Distributed Model Predictive Control Framework for Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems with Input Constraints and Varying Delays

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    This paper studies the consensus problem of general linear discrete-time multi-agent systems (MAS) with input constraints and bounded time-varying communication delays. We propose a robust distributed model predictive control (DMPC) consensus protocol that integrates the offline consensus design with online DMPC optimization to exploit their respective advantages. More precisely, each agent is equipped with an offline consensus protocol, which is a priori designed, depending on its immediate neighbors' estimated states. Further, the estimation errors propagated over time due to inexact neighboring information are proved bounded under mild technical assumptions, based on which a robust DMPC strategy is deliberately designed to achieve robust consensus while satisfying input constraints. Moreover, it is shown that, with the suitably designed cost function and constraints, the feasibility of the associated optimization problem can be recursively ensured. We further provide the consensus convergence result of the constrained MAS in the presence of bounded varying delays. Finally, two numerical examples are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed distributed consensus algorithm

    Novel Stability Conditions for Nonlinear Monotone Systems and Consensus in Multi-Agent Networks

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    We introduce a novel definition of monotonicity, termed “type-K” in honor of Kamke, and study nonlinear type-K monotone dynamical systems possessing the plus-subhomogeneity property, which we call “K-subtopical” systems after Gunawardena and Keane. We show that type-K monotonicity, which is weaker than strong monotonicity, is also equivalent to monotonicity for smooth systems evolving in continuous-time, but not in discrete-time. K-subtopical systems are proved to converge toward equilibrium points, if any exists, generalizing the result of Angeli and Sontag about convergence of topical systems' trajectories toward the unique equilibrium point when strong monotonicity is considered. The theory provides an new methodology to study the consensus problem in nonlinear multi-agent systems (MASs). Necessary and sufficient conditions on the local interaction rule of the agents ensuring the K-subtopicality of MASs are provided, and consensus is proven to be achieved asymptotically by the agents under given connectivity assumptions on directed graphs. Examples in continuous-time and discrete-time corroborate the relevance of our results in different applications

    Optimal control approaches for consensus and path planning in multi-agent systems

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    Optimal control is one of the most powerful, important and advantageous topics in control engineering. The two challenges in every optimal control problem are defining the proper cost function and obtaining the best method to minimize it. In this study, innovative optimal control approaches are developed to solve the two problems of consensus and path planning in multi-agent systems (MASs). The consensus problem for general Linear-Time Invariant systems is solved by implementing an inverse optimal control approach which enables us to start by deriving a control law based on the stability and optimality condition and then according to the derived control define the cost function. We will see that this method in which the cost function is not specified a priori as the conventional optimal control design has the benefit that the resulting control law is guaranteed to be both stabilizing and optimal. Three new theorems in related linear algebra are developed to enable us to use the algorithm for all the general LTI systems. The designed optimal control is distributed and only needs local neighbor-to-neighbor information based on the communication topology to make the agents achieve consensus and track a desired trajectory. Path planning problem is solved for a group are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that are assigned to track the fronts of a fires in a process of wildfire management. We use Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) in order to minimize the cost function that is defined according to the tracking error. Here the challenge is designing the algorithm such that (1) the UAVs are able to make decisions autonomously on which fire front to track and (2) they are able to track the fire fronts which evolve over time in random directions. We will see that by defining proper models, the designed algorithms provides real-time calculation of control variables which enables the UAVs to track the fronts and find their way autonomously. Furthermore, by implementing Nominal Belief-state Optimization (NBO) method, the dynamic constraints of the UAVs is considered and challenges such as collision avoidance is addressed completely in the context of POMDP