414 research outputs found

    Anti-periodic solution for fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with time-varying and distributed delays

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    In this paper, by using a continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory and a differential inequality, we establish some sufficient conditions ensuring the existence and global exponential stability of anti-periodic solutions for a class of fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with time-varying and distributed delays. In addition, we present an illustrative example to show the feasibility of obtained results

    pth moment exponential stability of stochastic fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discrete and distributed delays

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    In this paper, stochastic fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discrete and distributed delays are investigated. By using Lyapunov function and the Ito differential formula, some sufficient conditions for the pth moment exponential stability of such stochastic fuzzy Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discrete and distributed delays are established. An example is given to illustrate the feasibility of our main theoretical findings. Finally, the paper ends with a brief conclusion. Methodology and achieved results is to be presented

    On the validity of memristor modeling in the neural network literature

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    An analysis of the literature shows that there are two types of non-memristive models that have been widely used in the modeling of so-called "memristive" neural networks. Here, we demonstrate that such models have nothing in common with the concept of memristive elements: they describe either non-linear resistors or certain bi-state systems, which all are devices without memory. Therefore, the results presented in a significant number of publications are at least questionable, if not completely irrelevant to the actual field of memristive neural networks

    Existence and exponential stability of periodic solution for fuzzy BAM neural networks with periodic coefficient

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    A class of fuzzy bidirectional associated memory (BAM) networks with periodic coefficients is studied. Some sufficient conditions are established for the existence and global exponential stability of a periodic solution of such fuzzy BAM neural networks by using a continuation theorem based on the coincidence degree and the Lyapunov-function method. The sufficient conditions are easy to verify in pattern recognition and automatic control. Finally, an example is given to show the feasibility and efficiency of our results.Вивчено клас нечiтких нейронних мереж Коско з перiодичним коефiцiєнтом. За допомогою теореми про продовження, що базується на ступенi збiгу та методi функцiй Ляпунова, встановлено достатнi умови для iснування та глобальної експоненцiальної стiйкостi перiодичного розв’язку таких нечiтких нейронних мереж Коско. Цi достатнi умови легко перевiряються при розпiзнаваннi образiв та автоматичному керуваннi. Наведено приклад, що демонструє застосовнiсть та ефективнiсть отриманих результатiв

    New Stability Criterion for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Probabilistic Time-Varying Delays

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    A new global asymptotic stability criterion of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with probabilistic time-varying delays was derived, in which the diffusion item can play its role. Owing to deleting the boundedness conditions on amplification functions, the main result is a novelty to some extent. Besides, there is another novelty in methods, for Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is the positive definite form of p powers, which is different from those of existing literature. Moreover, a numerical example illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed methods

    Nonlinear analysis of dynamical complex networks

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    Copyright © 2013 Zidong Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Complex networks are composed of a large number of highly interconnected dynamical units and therefore exhibit very complicated dynamics. Examples of such complex networks include the Internet, that is, a network of routers or domains, the World Wide Web (WWW), that is, a network of websites, the brain, that is, a network of neurons, and an organization, that is, a network of people. Since the introduction of the small-world network principle, a great deal of research has been focused on the dependence of the asymptotic behavior of interconnected oscillatory agents on the structural properties of complex networks. It has been found out that the general structure of the interaction network may play a crucial role in the emergence of synchronization phenomena in various fields such as physics, technology, and the life sciences

    Recent Advances and Applications of Fractional-Order Neural Networks

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    This paper focuses on the growth, development, and future of various forms of fractional-order neural networks. Multiple advances in structure, learning algorithms, and methods have been critically investigated and summarized. This also includes the recent trends in the dynamics of various fractional-order neural networks. The multiple forms of fractional-order neural networks considered in this study are Hopfield, cellular, memristive, complex, and quaternion-valued based networks. Further, the application of fractional-order neural networks in various computational fields such as system identification, control, optimization, and stability have been critically analyzed and discussed