5,841 research outputs found

    Weak convergence of marked point processes generated by crossings of multivariate jump processes. Applications to neural network modeling

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    We consider the multivariate point process determined by the crossing times of the components of a multivariate jump process through a multivariate boundary, assuming to reset each component to an initial value after its boundary crossing. We prove that this point process converges weakly to the point process determined by the crossing times of the limit process. This holds for both diffusion and deterministic limit processes. The almost sure convergence of the first passage times under the almost sure convergence of the processes is also proved. The particular case of a multivariate Stein process converging to a multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is discussed as a guideline for applying diffusion limits for jump processes. We apply our theoretical findings to neural network modeling. The proposed model gives a mathematical foundation to the generalization of the class of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire models for single neural dynamics to the case of a firing network of neurons. This will help future study of dependent spike trains.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Derivation of mean-field equations for stochastic particle systems

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    We study stochastic particle systems on a complete graph and derive effective mean-field rate equations in the limit of diverging system size, which are also known from cluster aggregation models. We establish the propagation of chaos under generic growth conditions on particle jump rates, and the limit provides a master equation for the single site dynamics of the particle system, which is a non-linear birth death chain. Conservation of mass in the particle system leads to conservation of the first moment for the limit dynamics, and to non-uniqueness of stationary distributions. Our findings are consistent with recent results on exchange driven growth, and provide a connection between the well studied phenomena of gelation and condensation.Comment: 26 page

    Some simple but challenging Markov processes

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    In this note, we present few examples of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes and their long time behavior. They share two important features: they are related to concrete models (in biology, networks, chemistry,. . .) and they are mathematically rich. Their math-ematical study relies on coupling method, spectral decomposition, PDE technics, functional inequalities. We also relate these simple examples to recent and open problems

    Quantitative ergodicity for some switched dynamical systems

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    We provide quantitative bounds for the long time behavior of a class of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes with state space Rd \times E where E is a finite set. The continuous component evolves according to a smooth vector field that switches at the jump times of the discrete coordinate. The jump rates may depend on the whole position of the process. Under regularity assumptions on the jump rates and stability conditions for the vector fields we provide explicit exponential upper bounds for the convergence to equilibrium in terms of Wasserstein distances. As an example, we obtain convergence results for a stochastic version of the Morris-Lecar model of neurobiology

    A deep learning integrated Lee-Carter model

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    In the field of mortality, the Lee–Carter based approach can be considered the milestone to forecast mortality rates among stochastic models. We could define a “Lee–Carter model family” that embraces all developments of this model, including its first formulation (1992) that remains the benchmark for comparing the performance of future models. In the Lee–Carter model, the kt parameter, describing the mortality trend over time, plays an important role about the future mortality behavior. The traditional ARIMA process usually used to model kt shows evident limitations to describe the future mortality shape. Concerning forecasting phase, academics should approach a more plausible way in order to think a nonlinear shape of the projected mortality rates. Therefore, we propose an alternative approach the ARIMA processes based on a deep learning technique. More precisely, in order to catch the pattern of kt series over time more accurately, we apply a Recurrent Neural Network with a Long Short-Term Memory architecture and integrate the Lee–Carter model to improve its predictive capacity. The proposed approach provides significant performance in terms of predictive accuracy and also allow for avoiding the time-chunks’ a priori selection. Indeed, it is a common practice among academics to delete the time in which the noise is overflowing or the data quality is insufficient. The strength of the Long Short-Term Memory network lies in its ability to treat this noise and adequately reproduce it into the forecasted trend, due to its own architecture enabling to take into account significant long-term patterns

    A new stochastic STDP Rule in a neural Network Model

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    Thought to be responsible for memory, synaptic plasticity has been widely studied in the past few decades. One example of plasticity models is the popular Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). The huge litterature of STDP models are mainly based deterministic rules whereas the biological mechanisms involved are mainly stochastic ones. Moreover, there exist only few mathematical studies on plasticity taking into account the precise spikes timings. In this article, we aim at proposing a new stochastic STDP rule with discrete synaptic weights which allows a mathematical analysis of the full network dynamics under the hypothesis of separation of timescales. This model attempts to answer the need for understanding the interplay between the weights dynamics and the neurons ones
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