9 research outputs found

    Risk Mitigation Techniques in Agile Development Processes

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    The main purpose of agile development methods is to reduce risks leading to a more successful and effective information system. In fact, analysing priorities, finding and identifying risks are important activities in all development approaches, including Agile development. However, some studies seek to assess risk management based on agile global software development (GSD) and provide mitigation measures to address specific risks. The risk mitigation technique for good development for sustainable development is expected to be designed to achieve time efficiency improvements to obtain greater resources at lower cost and thereby gain and maintain a competitive advantage

    Risk Mitigation Techniques in Agile Development Processes

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    The main purpose of agile development methods is to reduce risks leading to a more successful and effective information system. In fact, analysing priorities, finding and identifying risks are important activities in all development approaches, including Agile development. However, some studies seek to assess risk management based on agile global software development (GSD) and provide mitigation measures to address specific risks. The risk mitigation technique for good development for sustainable development is expected to be designed to achieve time efficiency improvements to obtain greater resources at lower cost and thereby gain and maintain a competitive advantage

    GDD desde dentro: mitos e realidades

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    While GDD (Global Development and Delivery) is becoming a way of life, this thesis represents a wide range of conclusions. However, GDD is technologically and organizationally complex and presents a variety of challenges to be managed by the software development team. In particular, temporal, geographical and socio-cultural distances impose problems not experienced in traditional systems development. In this paper, I present findings from an intership on GlobalSoftware company as a QA and two month lately as a PM in which I explore the particular challenges associated with managing GDD. This Master thesis is exploring a lot of aspects of the global development and delivery regarding the software development. It is the coordination of development activities in places to produce software applications and management through distributed repositories of the assets that contribute to these applications (Lanubile 2009). The purpose of this report is to go through the GDD, to understand the methodology, the research techniques used and the impact that this has within the organization in which I applied for. All the observations come from the experiences of working in a real background.This guides the development and delivery of software and also serves to study the patterns of myths and their interpretation in a GDD environment. It has been revealed that the geographically distributed enterprise is not easy to be managed and needs more resources allocated. The purpose is the same, what changes is the way how we reach those goals. To understand the "intense" why, a physical presence was needed to observe the organization's characteristics and analyze the scenario of globalization. This thesis is a step to a better, more productive and with a higher quality GDD. It helps companies to take into account and address potential challenges at the beginning by the overall structure. The presented work also helps companies to find the solutions validated to meet the challenges in their practice. At the same time, I have accumulated a considerable knowledge and experience, which is beginning to have a say in the future.Enquanto GDD (Global Development and Delivery) torna-se um modo de vida, esse trabalho apresenta uma ampla gama de conclusões. No entanto, o GDD é tecnológicamente e organizacionalmente complexo e apresenta uma variedade de desafios a serem geridos pela equipa de desenvolvimento de software. Em particular, as distâncias temporais, geográficas e socioculturais impõem problemas não experimentados no desenvolvimento de sistemas tradicionais. Neste relatório, apresento as conclusões deduzidas durante o estágio na empresa GlobalSoftware, onde comecei por assumir funções de QA mas passado 2 meses comecei a exercer a função de PM explorando os desafios particulares associados á gestão de GDD. Esta tese explora vários aspetos do desenvolvimento global e entrega no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de software. É a coordenação de atividades de desenvolvimento em locais para produzir aplicativos de software, bem como a gestão através de repositórios distribuídos dos ativos que contribuem para essas aplicações (Lanubile 2009). O objetivo deste relatório de estágio passa por refletir sobre o processo global e de perceber através da metodologia e técnicas de investigação utilizadas, o impacto que este meio representa dentro da organização em que me inseri. As observações são provenientes da experiência de trabalhar num espaço real. Este trabalho direciona o desenvolvimento e entrega de software e também serve para estudar os padrões dos mitos e a interpretação dos mesmos num ambiente GDD. Tem-se revelado que a empresa geograficamente distribuída não é fácil de ser gerida e necessita de mais recursos atribuídos. Ou seja, a finalidade é a mesma, o que muda é a forma como se atingem esses objetivos. Para compreender o porquê “intenso”, foi necessária uma presença física para perceber as características da organização e analisar o cenário de globalização. Esta tese é um passo para uma GDD melhor, mais produtivo e com mais qualidade uma vez que ajuda as empresas a ter em conta e abordar desafios potenciais no início por meio da estrutura global. O trabalho apresentado também ajuda as empresas a encontrar soluções validadas para enfrentar os desafios em sua prática. Ao mesmo tempo, tenho acumulado um conhecimento considerável e uma experiência que está começando de uma forma abrangente

    Distributed agile patterns : an approach to facilitate agile adoption in offshore software development

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    Over a decade, companies have been using agile methods for the development of software. However with the increasing trends of offshore software development, companies are becoming more interested in using agile methods for such projects. While offshore development has several dynamic benefits such as cost reduction, flexibility, proximity to market, concentration on core processes and easy access to talent, they have introduced new challenges, such as trust, socio-cultural, communication and coordination, and knowledge transfer issues. These challenges not only affect the development process but also affect the applicability of agile practices in offshore development. As a consequence, companies have been modifying and adapting agile practices to overcome these challenges. However there has been little effort put to collect and document the common practices that have been used repeatedly to solve recurring problems in offshore development. Using the systematic literature review approach and applying customised search criteria based on the research questions, we identified and reviewed over 200 cases from literature. As part of this research we also conducted semi-structured interviews, in which we involved practicing professionals who were working with distributed teams. As a result, we identified and documented a number of solutions to address the common agile issues in software development, which we classified as distributed agile patterns. This research presents the challenges caused by offshore development, how they affect the applicability of agile practices in offshoring. We have then developed a catalogue containing the identified fifteen distributed agile patterns and have classified them into four categories. We have used a case study to explain how these patterns can be applied in offshore software development. To verify and validate our catalogue, we conducted a reflection workshop, in which we invited professionals to review and comment on the patterns. The participants engaged in reviewing the patterns and gave constructive feedback, which helped in improving the catalogue. Based on their feedback, the distributed agile patterns catalogue was finalised. The catalogue can help practitioners make a more informed decision while choosing agile for their offshore projects

    Global Software Development Patterns for Project Management

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