139,078 research outputs found

    Solution of the Least Squares Method problem of pairwise comparison matrices

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    The aim of the paper is to present a new global optimization method for determining all the optima of the Least Squares Method (LSM) problem of pairwise comparison matrices. Such matrices are used, e.g., in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Unlike some other distance minimizing methods, LSM is usually hard to solve because of the corresponding nonlinear and non-convex objective function. It is found that the optimization problem can be reduced to solve a system of polynomial equations. Homotopy method is applied which is an efficient technique for solving nonlinear systems. The paper ends by two numerical example having multiple global and local minima

    A Collection of Challenging Optimization Problems in Science, Engineering and Economics

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    Function optimization and finding simultaneous solutions of a system of nonlinear equations (SNE) are two closely related and important optimization problems. However, unlike in the case of function optimization in which one is required to find the global minimum and sometimes local minima, a database of challenging SNEs where one is required to find stationary points (extrama and saddle points) is not readily available. In this article, we initiate building such a database of important SNE (which also includes related function optimization problems), arising from Science, Engineering and Economics. After providing a short review of the most commonly used mathematical and computational approaches to find solutions of such systems, we provide a preliminary list of challenging problems by writing the Mathematical formulation down, briefly explaning the origin and importance of the problem and giving a short account on the currently known results, for each of the problems. We anticipate that this database will not only help benchmarking novel numerical methods for solving SNEs and function optimization problems but also will help advancing the corresponding research areas.Comment: Accepted as an invited contribution to the special session on Evolutionary Computation for Nonlinear Equation Systems at the 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (at Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, from 25th to 28th May, 2015.

    Numerical algebraic geometry approach to polynomial optimization, The

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Numerical algebraic geometry (NAG) consists of a collection of numerical algorithms, based on homotopy continuation, to approximate the solution sets of systems of polynomial equations arising from applications in science and engineering. This research focused on finding global solutions to constrained polynomial optimization problems of moderate size using NAG methods. The benefit of employing a NAG approach to nonlinear optimization problems is that every critical point of the objective function is obtained with probability-one. The NAG approach to global optimization aims to reduce computational complexity during path tracking by exploiting structure that arises from the corresponding polynomial systems. This thesis will consider applications to systems biology and life sciences where polynomials solve problems in model compatibility, model selection, and parameter estimation. Furthermore, these techniques produce mathematical models of large data sets on non-euclidean manifolds such as a disjoint union of Grassmannians. These methods will also play a role in analyzing the performance of existing local methods for solving polynomial optimization problems

    A Survey of Probability-One Homotopy Methods for Engineering Optimization

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    Probability-one homotopy methods are a class of algorithms for solving nonlinear systems of equations that are accurate, robust, and converge from an arbitrary starting point almost surely. These globally convergent homotopy techniques have been successfully applied to solve Brouwer fixed point problems, polynomial systems of equations, discretizations on nonlinear two-point boundary value problems based on shooting, finite differences, collocation, and finite elements, and Galerkin approximations to nonlinear partial differential equations. This paper surveys the basic theory of globally convergent probability-one homotopy algorithms relevant to optimization, describes some computer algorithms and mathematical software, and applies homotopy theory to unconstrained optimization, constrained optimization, and global optimization of polynomial programs. In addition, two realistic engineering applications (optimal design of composite laminated plates and fuel-optimal orbital satellite maneuvers) are presented

    Solving nonlinear problems by Ostrowski Chun type parametric families

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    In this paper, by using a generalization of Ostrowski' and Chun's methods two bi-parametric families of predictor-corrector iterative schemes, with order of convergence four for solving system of nonlinear equations, are presented. The predictor of the first family is Newton's method, and the predictor of the second one is Steffensen's scheme. One of them is extended to the multidimensional case. Some numerical tests are performed to compare proposed methods with existing ones and to confirm the theoretical results. We check the obtained results by solving the molecular interaction problem.This research was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia MTM2011-28636-C02-02 and FONDOCYT, Republica Dominicana.Cordero Barbero, A.; Maimo, J.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR.; Vassileva, M. (2015). Solving nonlinear problems by Ostrowski Chun type parametric families. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 53(1):430-449. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10910-014-0432-zS430449531M.S. Petkovic̀, B. Neta, L.D. Petkovic̀, J. Dz̆unic̀, Multipoint Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations (Academic, New York, 2013)M. Mahalakshmi, G. Hariharan, K. Kannan, The wavelet methods to linear and nonlinear reaction–diffusion model arising in mathematical chemistry. J. Math. Chem. 51(9), 2361–2385 (2013)P.G. Logrado, J.D.M. Vianna, Partitioning technique procedure revisited: Formalism and first application to atomic problems. J. Math. Chem. 22, 107–116 (1997)C.G. Jesudason, I. Numerical nonlinear analysis: differential methods and optimization applied to chemical reaction rate determination. J. Math. Chem. 49, 1384–1415 (2011)K. Maleknejad, M. Alizadeh, An efficient numerical scheme for solving hammerstein integral equation arisen in chemical phenomenon. Procedia Comput. Sci. 3, 361–364 (2011)R.C. Rach, J.S. Duan, A.M. Wazwaz, Solving coupled Lane–Emden boundary value problems in catalytic diffusion reactions by the Adomian decomposition method. J. Math. Chem. 52, 255–267 (2014)J.F. Steffensen, Remarks on iteration. Skand. Aktuar Tidskr. 16, 64–72 (1933)J.M. Ortega, W.C. Rheinboldt, Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables (Academic, New York, 1970)H.T. Kung, J.F. Traub, Optimal order of one-point and multipoint iteration. J. ACM 21, 643–651 (1974)J.R. Sharma, R.K. Guha, R. Sharma, An efficient fourth order weighted-Newton method for systems of nonlinear equations. Numer. Algorithms 62, 307–323 (2013)J.R. Sharma, H. Arora, On efficient weighted-Newton methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Appl. Math. Comput. 222, 497–506 (2013)M. Abad, A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, Fourth- and fifth-order methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations: an application to the Global positioning system. Abstr. Appl. Anal.(2013) Article ID:586708. doi: 10.1155/2013/586708F. Soleymani, T. Lotfi, P. Bakhtiari, A multi-step class of iterative methods for nonlinear systems. Optim. Lett. 8, 1001–1015 (2014)M.T. Darvishi, N. Darvishi, SOR-Steffensen-Newton method to solve systems of nonlinear equations. Appl. Math. 2(2), 21–27 (2012). doi: 10.5923/j.am.20120202.05F. Awawdeh, On new iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Numer. Algorithms 5(3), 395–409 (2010)D.K.R. Babajee, A. Cordero, F. Soleymani, J.R. Torregrosa, On a novel fourth-order algorithm for solving systems of nonlinear equations. J. Appl. Math. (2012) Article ID:165452. doi: 10.1155/2012/165452A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, M.P. Vassileva, Pseudocomposition: a technique to design predictor–corrector methods for systems of nonlinear equations. Appl. Math. Comput. 218(23), 1496–1504 (2012)A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, M.P. Vassileva, Increasing the order of convergence of iterative schemes for solving nonlinear systems. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 252, 86–94 (2013)A.M. Ostrowski, Solution of Equations and System of Equations (Academic, New York, 1966)C. Chun, Construction of Newton-like iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations. Numer. Math. 104, 297–315 (2006)R. King, A family of fourth order methods for nonlinear equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 10, 876–879 (1973)A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, Low-complexity root-finding iteration functions with no derivatives of any order of convergence. J. Comput. Appl. Math. (2014). doi: 10.1016/j.cam.2014.01.024A. Cordero, J.L. Hueso, E. Martínez, J.R. Torregrosa, A modified Newton Jarratts composition. Numer. Algorithms 55, 87–99 (2010)P. Jarratt, Some fourth order multipoint methods for solving equations. Math. Comput. 20, 434–437 (1966)A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, Variants of Newtons method using fifth-order quadrature formulas. Appl. Math. Comput. 190, 686–698 (2007)Z. Liu, Q. Zheng, P. Zhao, A variant of Steffensens method of fourth-order convergence and its applications. Appl. Math. Comput. 216, 1978–1983 (2010)A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, A class of Steffensen type methods with optimal order of convergence. Appl. Math. Comput. 217, 7653–7659 (2011)L.B. Rall, New York, Computational Solution of Nonlinear Operator Equations (Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company Inc, New York, 1969

    Полиминеральная тыловая зона околожильного метасоматического ореола в мезотермальном месторождении золота Зун-Холба (Восточный Саян)

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    Estimating the parameters of a dynamical system based on measurements is an important task in industrial and scientific practice. Since a model's quality is directly linked to its parameter values, obtaining globally rather than locally optimal values is especially important in this context. In practice, however, local methods, are used almost exclusively. This is mainly due to the high computational cost of global dynamic parameter estimation, which limits its application to relatively small problems comprising no more than a few equations and parameters. In addition, there is still a lack of software packages that allow global parameter estimation in dynamical systems without expert knowledge. Therefore, we propose an efficient computational method for obtaining globally optimal parameter estimates of dynamical systems using well-established, user-friendly software packages. The method is based on the so-called incremental identification procedure, in combination with deterministic global optimization tools for nonlinear programs